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This collection contains scanned brine analyses records collected with Kentucky oil and gas well drilling activity.
Continuous bedrock core from about 50 sites across CT. Stored in 1100 boxes. This collection has been rescued three times since its formation in the late 1980's. Formerly administrative responsibility was shared between the University of Connecticut Dept. of Geology and Geophysics (now disbanded) and the Dept. of Environmental Protection, Geological and Natural History Survey. The State Survey now houses the collection and is the sole administrator.
Map Package format. Structure point data set containing locations and structure type, with strike and dip (planar features) and trend and plunge (linear features). The symbology is derived from ESRI Representations associated with the SymbolFGDCLookup table in the geodatabase. Most trends and dips are based on field measurements using Brunton or similar compass. A sun compass was employed in areas of strong magnetic signature, such as iron-formation. Contains bedrock structural measurements acquired by the multiple field geologists over 40+ years. Collected from bedrock exposures and from data transcribed from published and unpublished analog (non-digital) maps. To access the full data set, download using the link...
This information contains a collection of Borehole Maps and Logs for the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike, Interstate 78, and Proposed Rt. 101 during the pre-construction engineering work.
Open File Report 2022-5, Precambrian Basement Map of Wyoming: Structural Configuration, is a statewide map contoured using a 1,000-foot interval. Compiled at the scale of 1:500,000, the map is available for print, can be downloaded as a digital database, or can be viewed through the agency’s Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming. A brief report accompanies the map and details the study’s methods and results. "Basement" refers to very old crystalline rocks that comprise the core of most mountain ranges and define the structure of the adjacent basins. In Wyoming, basement rocks are Precambrian-age (more than 541 million years old) igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basins, and above the Precambrian basement,...
This dataset is an inventory of orphaned mineral mine sites as well as closeout permitted mineral mine sites. Orphaned mineral mine sites are those that were never permitted in the state of Virginia. In 1978, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) required operatrors to obtain a permit to operate a mineral mine site in Virginia. Mineral mines are considered any mine that is non-coal. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), through its Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program, addresses the hazards and environmental degradation posed by these legacy coal mine sites.
The Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS) is the curator for the Norman F. Williams Well Sample Library and maintains well cuttings and core samples as a permanent record of rock strata that have been penetrated by wells drilled in Arkansas. Driller logs housed at the Survey contain the down hole information about the geology in the state. Each log gives the depth in feet along with the discription of material being drilled and the depth it accurs. The logs cover wells drilled in the early 1900’s to 1950’s and dispersed throughout the state giving statewide subsurface information.
This collection includes field notes, interpretive geologic field maps, field station location maps, and other project materials, many of which are unpublished and archived by the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. The collection may contain data and documents pertaining to all related fields of geology, including oil and gas, geologic engineering, minerals industry, scientific data, and agency archives.
Location data for exploratory, sciencific, or engineering borings conducted statwide since the early 1900s. Drill Core and/or other samples from a large number of these borings are stored in the DNR's Drill Core Library in Hibbing, Minnesota. For more information on the drill core library please vist the DNR's webpage:
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) completed an inventory of the holdings of the DNR Drill Core Library (DCL). The Drill Core Library facility contains geologic materials including drill core, rotasonic samples, cuttings, pulps and rejects, processed materials, peat, thin sections, thin section billets and hand samples. The inventory project also included identifying space and preservation issues, beginning the process of centralizing and standardizing the administrative databases for all holdings, and making more information within the DCL publicly available.
This collection currently contains approximately 24,000 oil- and gas- related surface samples, which is a subset of the 507,000 surface samples housed at the Alaska Geologic Materials Center. The Amoco Heritage Collection was donated by Amoco-BP in 2002 and contains samples from fieldwork conducted from 1960-1990 in high energy-resource-potential areas of Alaska.
Annual summaries of mineral extraction and exploration activities in Idaho and factors impacting these activities. Published and unpublished content. In 1975 Idaho Geological Survey, then named Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology, began compiling annual summaries for use by U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey annual reports after dissolution of the office of the Idaho State Inspector of Mines in 1974. These state data resources are generally more rich in content and context than federal summaries. As part of an ongoing project funded in part by U.S. Geological Survey and Idaho Department of Lands, data from these documents are being geo-related within the Idaho Geological Survey's Database of Mines and...
This collection contains micropaleontologic age determinations on rock cuttings from 285 wells throughout New Mexico. There are 855 pages of information. This material has been donated or obtained as a result of survey research projects. Most data are fusulinid determinations on rocks of Upper Paleozoic age but there are some palynologic age determinations of other stratl age ranges as well. Located in the Subsurface Library.
This collection is comprised of all field samples collected by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Non-fuel solid mineral branch and the former U.S. Bureau of Mines housed at the Alaska Geologic Materials Center in Anchorage, Alaska. This collection represents the entirety of the BLM Alaska rock collection, totaling 117476 samples consisting of many sample types from core, hand, pan concentrates, stream sediments, thin sections, pulp and other miscellaneous sample types
Publications of the Vermont Geological Survey, Agency of Natural Resources include the following Series: Bulletins, Economic Geology, Environmnetal Geology, Open File Reports, Special Bulletins, Special Publications, State Parks, Technical Reports, and Miscellaneous Reports.
The New Jersey Zinc Company Historical Collection contains details of mining operations at the Austinville-Ivanhoe underground lead-zinc mines located in Wythe County in southwestern Virginia from 1902 to 1981. This site also operated under the name Bertha Mineral Company. The records pertain mainly to the historic Austinville-Ivanhoe underground lead-zinc mines located in Wythe County. The site produced zinc and lead from underground mines in the historic Austinville-Ivanhoe mineral district located in Wythe County. During this nearly 80-year span of continuous mine operations near Austinville, the company also conducted base metals exploration in other regions of Virginia, including the Timberville lead-zinc...
Provide access to digital versions of historical mining and mineral exploration claims maps and documents.

map background search result map search result map Collection of Rock cores from Connecticut Micropaleontologic (Fusulind) Data from New Mexico drill holes Collection of samples from Alaska (BLM) Vermont Geological Survey Collection of Publications Collection of field notes, unpublished maps and other materials from Alaska Collection of Brine Analyses from Kentucky Oil and Gas Wells Idaho annual mining review data Borehole Maps and Logs Created During Interstate 80 Construction New Jersey Zinc Company Historical Collection (Virginia) Collection of hand samples from Alaska (Industry) Abandoned Mineral Mine Lands (Virginia) Maine Geological Survey Field Photos - Dr. Joseph T. Kelley Collection Collection of Borehole Maps and Logs for the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike, Interstate 78, and Proposed Rt. 101 Collection of Margaret Kaeding Field Maps Maine Geological Survey Mining Claims Maps and Documents Arkansas Geological Survey Driller Log Collection Precambrian Basement Map of Wyoming: Structural Configuration (2022) Collection of Structure Point Measurements in Minnesota, MGS Database, D-06 Minnesota Drill Core Library Inventory Collection of Exploration, Scientific, and Engineering Boring Hole Locations in Minnesota Minnesota Drill Core Library Inventory Collection of Rock cores from Connecticut Borehole Maps and Logs Created During Interstate 80 Construction Collection of Borehole Maps and Logs for the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike, Interstate 78, and Proposed Rt. 101 Collection of Margaret Kaeding Field Maps Vermont Geological Survey Collection of Publications Arkansas Geological Survey Driller Log Collection Maine Geological Survey Field Photos - Dr. Joseph T. Kelley Collection Maine Geological Survey Mining Claims Maps and Documents Collection of Brine Analyses from Kentucky Oil and Gas Wells New Jersey Zinc Company Historical Collection (Virginia) Abandoned Mineral Mine Lands (Virginia) Precambrian Basement Map of Wyoming: Structural Configuration (2022) Micropaleontologic (Fusulind) Data from New Mexico drill holes Idaho annual mining review data Collection of Structure Point Measurements in Minnesota, MGS Database, D-06 Collection of Exploration, Scientific, and Engineering Boring Hole Locations in Minnesota Collection of field notes, unpublished maps and other materials from Alaska Collection of hand samples from Alaska (Industry) Collection of samples from Alaska (BLM)