Filters: Tags: {"type":"Theme","scheme":""} (X) > Types: Map Service (X)
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This map set contains unpublished maps, cross- sections, and related information archived by the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut as part of the Survey Library Collection. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. For many geographic areas, more current information exists, either in published or unpublished form. For the most part, these materials were developed under research and mapping agreements between the State Geological Survey and individual scientists, academic institutions, or graduate students. Some of these materials have been received by the State Geological Survey as donations. The veracity of the information contained within these...
Geoscientific collections managed by Maine Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
Geoscientific collections managed by North Dakota Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
Continuous bedrock core from about 50 sites across CT. Stored in 1100 boxes. This collection has been rescued three times since its formation in the late 1980's. Formerly administrative responsibility was shared between the University of Connecticut Dept. of Geology and Geophysics (now disbanded) and the Dept. of Environmental Protection, Geological and Natural History Survey. The State Survey now houses the collection and is the sole administrator.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Physical Geoscience,
Professional Researchers,
Rock cores,
Geoscientific collections managed by Tennessee Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections. Please note that all of the downloadable files are in .csv format, and some use the pipe symbol (|) as the delimeter instead of a comma (,).
Geoscientific collections managed by Kentucky Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
Geoscientific collections managed by California Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
Open File Report 2022-5, Precambrian Basement Map of Wyoming: Structural Configuration, is a statewide map contoured using a 1,000-foot interval. Compiled at the scale of 1:500,000, the map is available for print, can be downloaded as a digital database, or can be viewed through the agency’s Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming. A brief report accompanies the map and details the study’s methods and results. "Basement" refers to very old crystalline rocks that comprise the core of most mountain ranges and define the structure of the adjacent basins. In Wyoming, basement rocks are Precambrian-age (more than 541 million years old) igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basins, and above the Precambrian basement,...
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
Geoscientific collections managed by Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
The Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS) is the curator for the Norman F. Williams Well Sample Library and maintains well cuttings and core samples as a permanent record of rock strata that have been penetrated by wells drilled in Arkansas. Driller logs housed at the Survey contain the down hole information about the geology in the state. Each log gives the depth in feet along with the discription of material being drilled and the depth it accurs. The logs cover wells drilled in the early 1900’s to 1950’s and dispersed throughout the state giving statewide subsurface information.
Categories: Collection,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Drill Log,
This collection includes field notes, interpretive geologic field maps, field station location maps, and other project materials, many of which are unpublished and archived by the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. The collection may contain data and documents pertaining to all related fields of geology, including oil and gas, geologic engineering, minerals industry, scientific data, and agency archives.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Geological Collection,
Location data for exploratory, sciencific, or engineering borings conducted statwide since the early 1900s. Drill Core and/or other samples from a large number of these borings are stored in the DNR's Drill Core Library in Hibbing, Minnesota. For more information on the drill core library please vist the DNR's webpage:
Categories: Collection;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Geospatial,
Web map application,
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) completed an inventory of the holdings of the DNR Drill Core Library (DCL). The Drill Core Library facility contains geologic materials including drill core, rotasonic samples, cuttings, pulps and rejects, processed materials, peat, thin sections, thin section billets and hand samples. The inventory project also included identifying space and preservation issues, beginning the process of centralizing and standardizing the administrative databases for all holdings, and making more information within the DCL publicly available.
Categories: Collection;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Drill hole data,
Mineral Exploration,
Mineral materials,
drill core data,
Most projects conducted by the MWRA have attached to them a geotechnical report and accompanying environmental information. There are also eighteen marine drilling reports on work in the Boston Harbor, as well as, two hardbound copies on the Geology of the Waschusett Reservoir Area. All reports are stored in the library at the main facility in Chelsea; however, not all project managers turn over reports to the librarian for storage. Most projects conducted by the MWRA, related to the construction of water and sewer lines, have attached with them, a geotechnical report and accompanying environmental information. Other paper reports include: eighteen marine drilling reports from work in Boston Harbor; as well as two...
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Derived and Indirect Geoscience Data,
Paper reports,
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
Geoscientific collections managed by Delaware Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
Geoscientific collections managed by Montana Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
Publications of the Vermont Geological Survey, Agency of Natural Resources include the following Series: Bulletins, Economic Geology, Environmnetal Geology, Open File Reports, Special Bulletins, Special Publications, State Parks, Technical Reports, and Miscellaneous Reports.
The New Jersey Zinc Company Historical Collection contains details of mining operations at the Austinville-Ivanhoe underground lead-zinc mines located in Wythe County in southwestern Virginia from 1902 to 1981. This site also operated under the name Bertha Mineral Company. The records pertain mainly to the historic Austinville-Ivanhoe underground lead-zinc mines located in Wythe County. The site produced zinc and lead from underground mines in the historic Austinville-Ivanhoe mineral district located in Wythe County. During this nearly 80-year span of continuous mine operations near Austinville, the company also conducted base metals exploration in other regions of Virginia, including the Timberville lead-zinc...
Categories: Data;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Austinville,
Austinville, Virginia,
Geological Collection,
aerial images,
Geoscientific collections managed by New Hampshire Geological Survey are aggregated in the National Digital Catalog to enhance discovery and use of valuable samples and data for further scientific research. Contact information and material access instructions are provided for the individual collections.
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