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USGS Geochron is a database of geochronological and thermochronological dates and data. The USGS Geochron: Data Compilation Templates data release hosts Microsoft Excel-based data compilation templates for the USGS Geochron database. Geochronological and thermochronological methods currently archived in the USGS Geochron database include radiocarbon, cosmogenic (10Be, 26Al, 3He), fission track, (U-Th)/He, U-series, U-Th-Pb, 40Ar/39Ar, K-Ar, Lu-Hf, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Re-Os dating methods. For questions or to submit data please contact
Categories: Data;
Types: Tools;
Tags: (U-Th)/He,
10Be, 26Al,
Fission track,
This is the USGS California Water Science Center's Catalog and Repository space. This space primarily supports CAWSC science projects by providing a place to organize and publicly release data which cannot fit within the USGS's National Water Information System. The CAWSC mission is to collect, analyze and disseminate impartial hydrologic data and information needed to wisely manage water resources for the people of the United States and the State of California. CAWSC Web site:
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: California,
Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) represents a new generation of land cover mapping and change monitoring from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. LCMAP answers a need for higher quality results at greater frequency with additional land cover and change variables than previous efforts. By utilizing a suite of operational automated algorithms to identify different forms of change and to characterize the large variety of land cover types, uses, and conditions that exist across the United States and beyond, LCMAP products provide land change science information in understanding changes in the type, intensity, condition, location, and time of...