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Addressing ecological impacts with effective conservation actions requires information on the links between human pressures and localized responses. Understanding links is a priority for many conservation contexts, including the world's fresh waters, which face intensifying threats to disproportionately high species diversity, including more than half of the world's fish species. Literature synthesis can uncover links and highlight potential research gaps, yet can be very cumbersome and time consuming. Emerging tools like text mining can improve efficiency in extracting relevant information from vast scientific outputs. This study synthesizes evidence of direct anthropogenic threats to major inland fisheries and...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Abstract (from ScienceDirect): Climate change poses threats to forests, creating a need for adaptation to novel and changing conditions. This need has led to the creation of adaptation frameworks including the resistance, resilience, transition (RRT) framework, which proposes management strategies along a gradient of change and adaptation. Although management within this framework is grounded in theory and past management experience, little is known about how these approaches may influence regeneration, a critical phase in forest development. To address this gap, we examined five-year outcomes of treatments implemented using the RRT framework as part of the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change network in northern...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Piñon–juniper (PJ) woodlands are a dominant community type across the Intermountain West, comprising over a million acres and experiencing critical effects from increasing wildfire. Large PJ mortality and regeneration failure after catastrophic wildfire have elevated concerns about the long-term viability of PJ woodlands. Thinning is increasingly used to safeguard forests from fire and in an attempt to increase climate resilience. We have only a limited understanding of how fire and thinning will affect the structure and function of PJ ecosystems. Here, we examined vegetation structure, microclimate conditions, and PJ regeneration dynamics following ~20 years post-fire and thinning treatments. We found that burned...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Woody Plant Encroachment (WPE) is a key driver of grassland collapse in the Southern Great Plain (SGP), resulting in a series of adverse ecological and socioeconomic consequences. Climate change will interact with ongoing WPE as it will likely shift the potential ranges of WPE species. In this study, we employed an ensemble approach integrating results from multiple Species Distribution Models to project future distribution ranges of four major WPE species (Ashe juniper, honey mesquite, post oak, and eastern redcedar) in the SGP across the 21st century. The findings highlighted a noteworthy trend: under future climate conditions, the distribution ranges for these WPE species were projected to shift northward and...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency of extreme single-day fire spread events, with major ecological and social implications. In contrast with well-documented spatio-temporal patterns of wildfire ignitions and perimeters, daily progression remains poorly understood across continental spatial scales, particularly for extreme single-day events (“blow ups”). Here, we characterize daily wildfire spread across North America, including occurrence of extreme single-day events, duration and seasonality of fire and extremes, and ecoregional climatic niches of fire in terms of Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) and Climatic Water Deficit (CWD) annual climate normals.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. These datasets represent aquatic core areas and aquatic buffers, in combination with terrestrial cores and connectors they spatially represent the ecological network derived from the CTR LCD project. Lotic cores: This set of lotic (river and stream) core areas, in combination with the lotic cores...
Landforms along the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic coastlines for the conterminous United States are attributed with the relative vulnerability of horizontal erosion due to sea-level rise to characterize coastal zone stability. The position and extent of landforms are geospatially indexed as line-events where these coastal zone features are intersected by the linear-referenced 2013 - 2014 U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset Coastline, which corresponds to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2013 - 2014 mean high water level datum delineated in intertidal zones open to oceans, behind barrier coasts in bays, lagoons, and estuaries, and sometimes where tidal currents reach...
Preserving the abundance and stocking of oaks (Quercus spp.) has become increasingly challenging in temperate hardwood forests of the eastern US in recent decades due to a remarkable shift in dominance to mesophytic species (e.g., red maple Acer rubrum). Studies have shown that efforts to sustain oaks while restraining maples yield limited success. Given that a significant portion of forestlands in the eastern U.S. are privately owned, it is critical to assess whether current forest management on cross-ownership forests can achieve those objectives. However, such assessments are rare. In this study, we employed a landscape modeling approach to investigate the long-term outcomes (i.e., 150-year forest composition...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Ecological transformations are occurring as a result of climate change, challenging traditional approaches to land management decision-making. The resist–accept–direct (RAD) framework helps managers consider how to respond to this challenge. We examined how the feasibility of the choices to resist, accept, and direct shifts in complex and dynamic ways through time. We considered 4 distinct types of social feasibility: regulatory, financial, public, and organizational. Our commentary is grounded in literature review and the examples that exist but necessarily has speculative elements because empirical evidence on this newly emerging management strategy is scarce. We expect that resist strategies will become less...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Landforms along the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic coastlines for the conterminous United States are attributed with the relative vulnerability of horizontal erosion due to sea-level rise to characterize coastal zone stability. The position and extent of landforms are geospatially indexed as line-events where these coastal zone features are intersected by the linear-referenced 2013 - 2014 U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset Coastline, which corresponds to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2013 - 2014 mean high water level datum delineated in intertidal zones open to oceans, behind barrier coasts in bays, lagoons, and estuaries, and sometimes where tidal currents reach...
Abstract (from AMS): Harmful algae and cyanobacteria blooms are increasing in frequency and intensity in freshwater systems due to anthropogenic impacts such as nutrient loading in watersheds and engineered alterations of natural waterways. There are multiple physical factors that affect the conditions in a freshwater system that contribute to optimal habitats for harmful algae and toxin-producing cyanobacteria. A growing body of research shows that climate change stressors also are impacting water-body conditions that favor harmful algae and cyanobacteria species over other phytoplankton. The overgrowth of these organisms, or a “bloom,” increases the opportunity for exposure to toxins by humans, companion animals,...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Abstract (from ScienceDirect): Forest managers require climate adaptation strategies that are regionally relevant and translatable into planning processes. Adaptation frameworks, such as the resistance, resilience, transition framework, can guide the development of these strategies. However, there are limited examples of how these concepts can be operationalized with concomitant estimates of changes in forest structural complexity and diversity, which may support adaptive capacity. To address this knowledge gap, two operational-scale, replicated experiments were studied to understand how application of the resistance, resilience, transition framework influences stand structure in two contrasting northern forests:...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Critical minerals are non-fuel minerals essential to the economic or national security of the United States and which have a supply chain that is vulnerable to disruption. In close collaboration with the mining industry, state and federal governmental agencies are conducting research on critical mineral deposits to help improve the nation’s supply of domestically sourced critical minerals. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the United States was 100 percent import reliant on 12 of the 50 listed critical minerals, and greater than 50 percent import reliant for an additional 31 critical minerals in 2022. These critical minerals are used in the manufacturing of products that are essential to the defense, energy,...
Landforms along the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic coastlines for the conterminous United States are attributed with the relative vulnerability of horizontal erosion due to sea-level rise to characterize coastal zone stability. The position and extent of landforms are geospatially indexed as line-events where these coastal zone features are intersected by the linear-referenced 2013 - 2014 U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset Coastline, which corresponds to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2013 - 2014 mean high water level datum delineated in intertidal zones open to oceans, behind barrier coasts in bays, lagoons, and estuaries, and sometimes where tidal currents reach...
Wildfire activity throughout western North America is increasing which can have important consequences for species persistence. Native species have evolved disturbance-adapted traits that confer resilience to natural disturbance provided disturbances operate within their historical range of variability. This resilience can erode as disturbance regimes change and begin operating outside this range. We assessed wildfire impacts during 1987–2018 on the northern spotted owl, an imperiled species with complex relationships with late and early seral forest in the Pacific Northwest, USA. We analyzed population- and individual-level wildfire impacts across the frequent-fire portion of the owl's geographic range at two spatial...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
In 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic disrupted individual and social behaviors and norms, including outdoor activities. A recreational angling survey of 18,000 licensed anglers from 10 states (AR, CT, FL, IA, MO, NC, SC, TX, UT, WY) was conducted in summer 2020 to characterize recreational fishing trends during the first few months of the pandemic. The study presented here builds off this survey by combining the survey data with county-level human population density and spring 2020 per capita COVID-19 cases to understand how anglers responded to the pandemic along the urban-to-rural continuum. Specifically, we wanted to know if population density or COVID-19 cases per capita influenced angler-reported 1)...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Abstract (from ScienceDirect): Potential changes in wildland fire regimes due to anthropogenic climate change can be projected using data from climate models, but directly applying these meteorological variables to long-term planning and adaptive management activities may be difficult for decision makers. Analog mapping, in contrast, creates more intuitive assessments of changing fire regimes that also recognize the complex, multivariate, and multi-scalar nature of ecosystems. Here, we use data from 20 downscaled climate models under two climate forcing scenarios, Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP 4.5 and 8.5), to identify and map future climate-fire analogs for 655 protected areas in the conterminous U.S....
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation

    map background search result map search result map Linear-referenced Geomorphology and Relative Vulnerability to Erosion at the 2013 – 2014 conterminous U.S. Pacific Ocean National Hydrography Dataset Coastline Aquatic Cores and Buffers, CT River Watershed Linear-referenced Geomorphology and Relative Vulnerability to Erosion at the 2013 – 2014 conterminous U.S. Gulf of Mexico National Hydrography Dataset Coastline Linear-referenced Geomorphology and Relative Vulnerability to Erosion at the 2013 – 2014 conterminous U.S. Atlantic Ocean National Hydrography Dataset Coastline Aquatic Cores and Buffers, CT River Watershed Linear-referenced Geomorphology and Relative Vulnerability to Erosion at the 2013 – 2014 conterminous U.S. Pacific Ocean National Hydrography Dataset Coastline Linear-referenced Geomorphology and Relative Vulnerability to Erosion at the 2013 – 2014 conterminous U.S. Atlantic Ocean National Hydrography Dataset Coastline Linear-referenced Geomorphology and Relative Vulnerability to Erosion at the 2013 – 2014 conterminous U.S. Gulf of Mexico National Hydrography Dataset Coastline