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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > North Central CASC ( Show direct descendants )

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The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center’s (NC CASC) Sagebrush and Climate Change Workshop occurred on August 20 and 21, 2024 at the University of Colorado Boulder, the NC CASC’s university host. The workshop convened experts and partners from a range of agencies, institutions, and geographies to discuss research and synthesis needs in the eastern sagebrush biome in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. The workshop was organized to promote discussion and gather input from experts, practitioners and stakeholders/rights holders to inform NC CASC’s science synthesis and research efforts on social-ecological transformation in the eastern sagebrush biome (WY, CO, MT) driven by climate change and other anthropogenic...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Climate change is expected to influence aquatic habitats and associated fish populations, yet we know little about the impact on recreational anglers. Our goal was to explore whether interannual fluctuations in waterbody surface area and other explanatory variables could be used as indicators of changes in angler fishing effort. Our approach leveraged a combination of remotely sensed waterbody surface area, environmental and fish population data, and onsite angler survey monitoring data for Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA during the open-water fishing period (May 1st to August 31st) for 9 years (1992–2021). The information was used to develop a dynamic waterbody size-angler effort model. Changes in waterbody surface...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The purpose of our project was to identify needs and provide support for states in the North Central region and Idaho to integrate climate science and adaptation into their State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs). Our objectives were to: 1) engage with state wildlife agencies in the North Central region and Idaho to identify their needs for climate-informed planning support and 2) collaboratively develop products that will help them better integrate climate adaptation strategies into SWAPs.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
From a resource management perspective, climate change is considered to be one of the main threats to high-elevation ecosystems. However, these valuable ecosystems present unique challenges to climate change adaptation (actions in response to environmental change and its effects in a way that seeks to reduce harm) due to their rugged and remote characteristics. Within this context, we summarized literature on climate change impacts and adaptation actions across U.S. Rocky Mountain high-elevation ecosystems to address the important question: What are the knowledge gaps for climate change responses within this ecosystem that limit the ability of natural resource managers to perform successful climate change adaptation?...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
From a resource management perspective, climate change is considered to be one of the main threats to high-elevation ecosystems. However, these valuable ecosystems present unique challenges to climate change adaptation (actions in response to environmental change and its effects in a way that seeks to reduce harm) due to their rugged and remote characteristics. Within this context, we summarized literature on climate change impacts and adaptation actions across U.S. Rocky Mountain high-elevation ecosystems to address the important question: What are the knowledge gaps for climate change responses within this ecosystem that limit the ability of natural resource managers to perform successful climate change adaptation?...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation