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Album Caption: Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. Looking up the canyon, from above O'Neil's point. 1903. Panorama with cmr00333.
Album Caption: Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. Looking into the canyon from Bright Angel Trail just above Red Wall. 1903.
Album Caption: Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. View of Bright Angel Hotel from the west. Panorama with cmr00334.
Album caption and index card: Two ledges of basalt spectacularly exposed in the east wall of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone at The Narrows near Tower Falls. The light-colored rocks between the basalt flows are ancient stream gravels deposited about 1.5 million years ago, when the channel of the Yellowstone River was farther east and not as deep as it is today. The hill is capped by lake sediments, sand, and gravel deposited when the Yellowstone River was blocked by a glacial dam farther downstream (to the left). The brown rocks at the base of the cliff are Absaroka andesite breccias. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 1970. Published as a portion of Figure 33 (upper photo) in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin...
The Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey was an aerial survey conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Alaska Region (MBM-AK) and partners to monitor the status of trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in Alaska. It was first conducted in 1968 and then repeated at five-year intervals from 1975 through 2015. The objectives of the survey were to estimate the abundance, distribution (1968–2005 only), and productivity of trumpeter swans in late summer, when the swans were dispersed on breeding territories and cygnets were large enough to be easily counted from the air. Estimates were obtained for the abundance of white swans (swans >1 year old), cygnets, and total swans, as well...
PI-CASC regularly interacts with a diverse and extensive network of stakeholder organizations at federal, territory, state, county, and local levels across the Pacific Region, supporting communication and iterative problem solving between researchers, managers, and decision makers. In addition to these partnerships, PI-CASC has two important ongoing collaborative initiatives. Pacific Islands-Alaska CASC collaboration The PI-AK CASC collaboration is aimed at bringing together scientist and resource managers from the Pacific and Alaska regions to share insights on related climate adaptation challenges in Ridge-to-Reef (R2R) and Icefield-to-Ocean (I2O) ecosystems. Similarities in landscapes and communities in these...
This dynamic data release presents an aquatic reflectance product with 20-meter spatial resolution derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for the conterminous United States using the Atmospheric Correction for OLI “lite” (ACOLITE). Aquatic reflectance, noted Rhow in ACOLITE documentation, is defined here as unitless water-leaving radiance reflectance and represents the ratio of water-leaving radiance (units of watts per square meter per steradian per nanometer) to downwelling irradiance (units of watts per square meter per nanometer) multiplied by π. This is also known as remote sensing reflectance (units of per steradian) multiplied by π. These data are intended for use in remote sensing of water color and differ...
Album caption: Flow failure down a hillside slope on the Nunez Ranch 4 miles (6.4 km) east of Half Moon Bay. Note the man standing at the base of the deposited debris and a second man standing on the lower edge of the cavity at the top of the slide. Additional incipient flow failures with much smaller movements also occurred on the convex hill to the left of the principal landslide. Photograph previously published in Lawson and others (1908, pl. 133B) with caption "Earth-flow 4 miles east of Half Moon Bay." San Mateo County, California. 1906. Published as figure 22 in U. S. Geological Survey Professional paper 993. 1978. (Not available in the USGS Denver Library Photographic Collection. Photograph by R. A. Anderson,...
Album caption: North Fork of American River, California, view 5 miles above Mumford Bar, taken spring of 1912 by T.P. Pendleton, Asst. Topgr., when making profile survey. Handwritten notes on album caption: Colfax quad, Calif. Placer County Index card: North Fork of American River above Mumford Bar. Placer County, California. 1912.
Album caption: North Fork of American River, California, old log dam one mile above Hamburg Bar, taken spring of 1912 by T.P. Pendleton, Asst. Topgr., while making profile survey. Handwritten notes on album caption: Colfax quad Calif., Placer County Index card: Old log dam above Hamburg Bar. Placer County, California. 1912.
Album caption: Dam site 1/4 mile above mouth of the north fork of the North Fork of American River, Calif, taken psring 1912 by T.P. Pendleton, Asst. Topgr., when making profile survey. Handwritten notes on album caption: Placer Cuonty, Colfax quad., Calif. Index card: American Fork above mouth of North Fork. Placer County, California. 1912.
Album caption: Upstream left bank at Rhett Creek diversion dam site (12JJ 2), sec. 35, T. 27 N., R. 1 E., mile 19.5 below Riggins. Idaho County, Idaho. August 1921. Index card: View upstream from left bank (Salmon River) Rhett Creek diversion dam site (12JJ 2), sec. 35, T. 27 N., R. 1 E., mile 19.5 below Riggins. Survey boat at near bank. Idaho County, Idaho. August 1921.
Album caption: North Fork American River, Calif., cliffs at bottom of Giant Gap, taken in spring of 1912 by T.P. Pendleton, Asst. Topogr., while making profile survey. Handwritten notes on album caption: Colfax quad Calif., Placer County No index card Note on photograph: Negative destroyed by authority of administrative geologist, July 20, 1916.
Album caption: View on North Fork of American River, California, taken spring of 1912 by T.P. Pendleton, Asst. Topgr., when making profile survey. Handwritten notes on album caption: Colfax quad Calif, Placer County. No index card Note on photograph: Negative destroyed by authority of administrative geologist
Album caption: Middle Fork American River, Calif., view at mouth of Dardanelles Canyon, picture by T.P. Pendleton, assitant topographer, when making profile survey, 1912. Handwritten notes on album caption: Colfax quad, Calif., Placer County. Index card: Gold dredge at mouth of Dardanelles Canyon. Placer County, California. 1912.
Album caption: North Fork of American River, California, view of upper portion of Cliff in Giant Gap, taken spring of 1912 by T.P. Pendleton, Asst. Topgr., while making profile survey. Handwritten notes on album caption: Colfax quad. Calif., Placer County Index card: Upper portion of cliff at Giant Gap. Placer County, California. 1912.
Album Caption: Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. Looking into the canyon from a place between Sentinel Point and Bright Angel Hotel. 1903.

map background search result map search result map Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, from O'Neil's Point. 1903. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. 1903. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. 1903. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. 1903. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. 1903. Bright Angel Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona. Circa 1946. Flow failure down a hillside slope on the Nunez Ranch, east of Half Moon Bay. San Mateo County, California. 1906. Gold dredge at the mouth of Dardanelles Canyon. Placer County, California. 1912. View of Mumford Bar, North Fork of American River. Placer County, California. 1912. View of North Fork of American River. Placer County, California. 1912. Old log dam above Hamburg Bar. Placer County, California. 1912. Upper portion of cliff in Giant Gap. Placer County, California. 1912. Cliffs at the bottom of Giant Gap. Placer County, California. 1912. Dam site above North Fork of American River. Placer County, California. 1912. Rhett Creek diversion dam site, Salmon River. Idaho County, Idaho. 1921. Two ledges of basalt spectacularly exposed in the east wall of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone at The Narrows near Tower Falls. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 1970. Regional Collaborations Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States (updated 2025-02-13) Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Gold dredge at the mouth of Dardanelles Canyon. Placer County, California. 1912. View of Mumford Bar, North Fork of American River. Placer County, California. 1912. View of North Fork of American River. Placer County, California. 1912. Old log dam above Hamburg Bar. Placer County, California. 1912. Upper portion of cliff in Giant Gap. Placer County, California. 1912. Cliffs at the bottom of Giant Gap. Placer County, California. 1912. Dam site above North Fork of American River. Placer County, California. 1912. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, from O'Neil's Point. 1903. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. 1903. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. 1903. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. 1903. Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona. 1903. Rhett Creek diversion dam site, Salmon River. Idaho County, Idaho. 1921. Bright Angel Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona. Circa 1946. Two ledges of basalt spectacularly exposed in the east wall of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone at The Narrows near Tower Falls. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 1970. Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States (updated 2025-02-13) Regional Collaborations