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This dataset describes irrigation water use in Kansas in 2015. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average irrigation application depths are provided for three sets of subareas: (1) Irrigation water use analysis regions that include Groundwater Management Districts (GMDs) with the areas outside of GMDs divided into eastern, central, and western Kansas; (2) Regional Planning Areas (RPAs), which are 14 areas determined by the Kansas Water Office based on hydrologic and administrative boundaries, each with a set of goals outlined in the Kansas Water Vision (; and (3) the 105 Kansas counties. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average application depths are also...
This data release contains dissolved cyanotoxin concentrations for microcystins (MC), cylindrospermopsins (CYL), anatoxins (ATX), and saxitoxins (STX) assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry or tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS and LC-MS/MS, respectively) in extracts from SPATT (n=95) and DGT samplers (n=10) deployed on three Finger Lakes (Owasco, Seneca, and Skaneateles) between June and November 2019. Relative percent contributions of microcystin congeners are also provided for samples analyzed by LC-MS and LC-MS/MS. Solid phase adsorption toxin tracking (SPATT) and diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) are types of passive environmental samplers containing...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Contaminants, HABS,
Finger Lakes,
New York,
Owasco Lake,
Owasco Lake Platform (Site ID: 425327076313601),
Digital datasets were used to develop basin characteristics values that are used in multiple regression equations and tested for the use in predicting flow-duration curves (FDCs) in ungaged areas of Indiana. Several basin characteristics are easily derived from StreamStats basin delineations, such as basin area ( Other basin characteristics require ancillary datasets as input. The data provided through this data release are those data that have been collected, tested, and ultimately selected as a basis for FDC development. These include PRISM 3-Month Average Precipitation, Thickness and Coarseness of Quaternary Sediments, and Soil Available Water Capacity. There are 6 continuous...
Guy Atlee lived and worked in the Kingman area working the Turquoise mine (Mineral Park) and other mines near Chloride (IXL, Wrigley), Cerbat, and Kingman. He is known to have worked and traveled in the Victorville, Topock and other areas of California. Guy’s wife was Rose Atlee and they had a large family. The collection includes images of mines and workings as well as many images depicting daily life in Mohave County. The photos appear to cover a period from about the turn of the century through the 1920s.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
Kelsey Boltz has been a registered mining engineer and geologist in Arizona since the mid 1960s. A 1953 graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, he founded Colamer Corporation and Nuclear Dynamics, both companies active in the uranium industry in the Grants Uranium Region of New Mexico in the '50s, '60s and '70s. In 1981 he co-founded Century Capital, Inc., an investment banking and retail brokerage firm which provided several hundred million dollars financing for various industries including natural resource companies. In 1990 he started his exploration consulting company, Boltz Group International, which initiated and managed several mining projects in Mexico, Chile and Bolivia. The collection consists of geologic...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
This collection consists of economic geologic information on Anderson Mine and Date Creek area collected from the late 1960s to the late 1970s. It contains geologic reports, maps, assays, drill logs and related materials.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
This collection primarily contains economic geologic information on mines in Mohave County, but also includes more general files on other states and mineral commodities. William Crutchfield, Jr. earned his master's degree from The University of California in 1953. He began working for Santa Fe Mining, Inc. in California in the 1960s as a Mining Engineer and later as Exploration Manager. He stayed with the company until the 1980s.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
The Arizona Bureau of Mines (and later the Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology and the Arizona Geological Survey) maintained a significant collection of primary data on mining districts, deposits, and prospects across Arizona. Some of this data has previously been utilized to contribute to earlier efforts by the U.S. Geological Survey to develop the Computerized Resources Information Bank (CRIB) as a centralized repository of organizing and summarizing data on mineral resources in the 1970’s. However, the primary data sources have previously only been available in person at the Arizona Geological Survey offices. Following the transfer of the Arizona Geological Survey to the University of Arizona in...
The dataset folder entitled “SabLa” holds data structures consisting of statistical predictions of daily salinity time series for the Sabine Lake (SabLa) group, generated from the makESTUSAL software repository described by Asquith and others (2023b). The statistical methods included multiple methods of machine learning, which produced the daily salinity prediction and attendant credible uncertainties included in the data release. The geographic scope of the SabLa group includes the predictions for two locations defined using agency code and salinity site abbreviations.
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Estuary,
Gulf of Mexico,
Gulf of Mexico,
Sabine Lake,
National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 Land Cover Conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, July 2024)
Disclaimer: this is an historic version of NLCD provided for research and citation purposes. Different release dates of NLCD cannot be used with other release dates for correct analysis. Each release of NLCD generates a complete set of directly comparable products. These products must be used together for correct analysis. You can find the latest suite of synced products at The National Land Cover Database 2001 land cover layer for mapping zones 01-66 was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium. The MRLC Consortium is a partnership of federal agencies (, consisting of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National...
Categories: Data Release - Revised;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Base Maps,
Coastal Zone,
Earth Cover,
Land Cover,
Flynn Creek crater is a 3.8 km diameter, 360-million-year-old impact structure located in north central Tennessee, and is an invaluable terrestrial analog for the study of impact cratering dynamics. The Flynn Creek Crater Sample Collection consists of over two thousand boxes of drill core from 18 drill holes in the crater’s central uplift, floor, and rim. Impact-induced hydrothermal systems are of considerable scientific interest because they may have played a significant role in the origin and evolution of life on early Earth and produced temporary near-surface habitable environments on Mars. Between 1967 and 1979, USGS scientist Dr. David Roddy conducted a drilling program at Flynn Creek crater. The drilling...
This shapefile summarizes the frequency characteristics of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and climatic water deficit for Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi for a set of rainfall and land-cover conditions represented in 10 water-budget scenarios. The 10 scenarios include (1) historical non-drought rainfall and 2020 land cover, (2) historical drought rainfall and 2020 land cover (3) future non-drought rainfall and 2020 land cover, (4) future drought rainfall and 2020 land cover, (5) historical drought rainfall and Conversion 1 land cover (6) future non-drought rainfall and Conversion 1 land cover, (7) a future drought rainfall and Conversion 1 land cover, (8) historical drought rainfall and Conversion 2 land cover, (9) future non-drought...
This dataset contains a thematic [classified] image derived from supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery. This data release contains a geospatial thematic (raster) image derived from a supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery obtained during 2020–21. Arundo donax (Arundo cane, giant reed, or Carrizo cane), is an invasive bamboo-like perennial grass most common to riparian areas throughout the southwestern United States. Because it displaces native riparian vegetation, Arundo cane has greatly disrupted the health of riparian ecosystems in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico during the past 50 years. Arundo cane also has created border security problems along the...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Arundo cane,
Arundo donax,
Carrizo cane,
Giant Reed,
Rio Grande,
This dataset contains a thematic [classified] image derived from supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery. This data release contains a geospatial thematic (raster) image derived from a supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery obtained during 2020–21. Arundo donax (Arundo cane, giant reed, or Carrizo cane), is an invasive bamboo-like perennial grass most common to riparian areas throughout the southwestern United States. Because it displaces native riparian vegetation, Arundo cane has greatly disrupted the health of riparian ecosystems in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico during the past 50 years. Arundo cane also has created border security problems along the...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Arundo cane,
Arundo donax,
Carrizo cane,
Giant Reed,
Rio Grande,
This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-631-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw acoustic backscatter returns were digitized by the echosounder with a vertical resolution of 1.25 cm. Depths from the echosounders were computed using sound velocity profiles measured using a YSI CastAway CTD during...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bathymetry and Elevation,
Clatsop County,
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program,
Columbia River,
The data contained in child items of this page were developed to support the Species Status Assessments conducted by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and conservation planning for State, Federal, and non-government researchers, managers, landowners, and other partners for five focal herpetofauna species: gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), southern hognose snake (Heterodon simus), Florida pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus), gopher frog (Lithobates capito), and striped newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus). These data were developed by the USGS Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Georgia in collaboration with other partners. The three child items contain the following data: (1)...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alabama (AL),
Florida (FL),
Florida Pine Snake,
Georgia (GA),
Gopher Frog,
This data release includes a polygon shapefile of grid cells attributed with values representing the simulated base-flow, evapotranspiration, and groundwater-storage depletions as a percentage of hypothetical well pumpage for the 2011-2060 time period. Depletions were simulated by the Phase-Three Elkhorn-Loup Model (ELM), constructed using MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011). Each polygon represents one model grid cell, with pumping specified from either layer one or layer two of the model. All values are estimates and approximations. The phase three ELM simulated the High Plains aquifer in north-central Nebraska from predevelopment (pre-1895) through 2060 (Flynn and Stanton, 2018). The simulation was calibrated...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
Tags: Calamus River,
Dismal River,
Elkhorn River,
Loup River,
Middle Loup RIver,