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Guy Atlee lived and worked in the Kingman area working the Turquoise mine (Mineral Park) and other mines near Chloride (IXL, Wrigley), Cerbat, and Kingman. He is known to have worked and traveled in the Victorville, Topock and other areas of California. Guy’s wife was Rose Atlee and they had a large family. The collection includes images of mines and workings as well as many images depicting daily life in Mohave County. The photos appear to cover a period from about the turn of the century through the 1920s.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
Kelsey Boltz has been a registered mining engineer and geologist in Arizona since the mid 1960s. A 1953 graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, he founded Colamer Corporation and Nuclear Dynamics, both companies active in the uranium industry in the Grants Uranium Region of New Mexico in the '50s, '60s and '70s. In 1981 he co-founded Century Capital, Inc., an investment banking and retail brokerage firm which provided several hundred million dollars financing for various industries including natural resource companies. In 1990 he started his exploration consulting company, Boltz Group International, which initiated and managed several mining projects in Mexico, Chile and Bolivia. The collection consists of geologic...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
This collection consists of economic geologic information on Anderson Mine and Date Creek area collected from the late 1960s to the late 1970s. It contains geologic reports, maps, assays, drill logs and related materials.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
This collection primarily contains economic geologic information on mines in Mohave County, but also includes more general files on other states and mineral commodities. William Crutchfield, Jr. earned his master's degree from The University of California in 1953. He began working for Santa Fe Mining, Inc. in California in the 1960s as a Mining Engineer and later as Exploration Manager. He stayed with the company until the 1980s.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
Collection includes cores extracted during drilling operations including the U.S. Geological Survey for the purposes of site investigations in the Meddybemps township. Please contact the Maine Geological Survey to discuss access to the collection.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Physical Item,
This dataset describes fluorite- and manganese-bearing samples collected and compiled by USGS Commodity Specialist, Ronald G. Worl during the 1970's. The dataset corresponds to a physical collection of fluorite- and manganese-bearing samples re-established under the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program and housed at the USGS building in Spokane Valley, Washington. The collection includes samples that were used in the interpretation of results presented in Worl (1974), Worl and others (1973a), Worl and others (1973b), and Shawe and others (1976); however, these documents were of little use in re-establishing the fluorite collection, particularly sample locations. Instead, all information...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection;
Tags: Arizona,
Economic Geology,
The collection comprises the Arizona mineral exploration files (mostly for gold and copper) of Cambior Exploration USA Inc. The collection also includes information from acquired companies Westmont Mining and Nicor Mineral Ventures Inc. It contains exploration data as well as submittal information gathered during the 1980s through 1999. Data was not received for some of the company’s major projects during the period, for example Newsboy and Carlota.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
This collection includes geochronology data for samples collected in Arizona. The database includes data for samples collected for isotopic age analyses. Each sample may have one or more associated analyses.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
This collection consists of cataloged metadata for gravity base stations in Arizona, and includes data from National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
Richard (Dick) Hahman was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1936. He grew up in coal mining towns in Pennsylvania, then later in Washington, D.C. He received his master's in geology from the University of West Virginia. His career took him through the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Chile. He worked for several companies in Tucson, Arizona, before going to work for Conoco Inc. in Oklahoma City in the early 1980s. In the late '80s he started his consulting company, Hahman & Associates, in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He moved back to Tucson around 1997. The collection contains geologic reports, drill logs, maps, assays, photos and field notes from exploration in Arizona and New Mexico.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
Most projects conducted by the MWRA have attached to them a geotechnical report and accompanying environmental information. There are also eighteen marine drilling reports on work in the Boston Harbor, as well as, two hardbound copies on the Geology of the Waschusett Reservoir Area. All reports are stored in the library at the main facility in Chelsea; however, not all project managers turn over reports to the librarian for storage. Most projects conducted by the MWRA, related to the construction of water and sewer lines, have attached with them, a geotechnical report and accompanying environmental information. Other paper reports include: eighteen marine drilling reports from work in Boston Harbor; as well as two...
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Derived and Indirect Geoscience Data,
Paper reports,
Poorly-labeled boxes of rock, sediment, and fossil specimens collected by individual workers at different times. Also, numerous samples of Cenozoic volcanic ashes that may be of unrealized future value as a reference collection. Hand specimens exist in our collections, but they are completely uncataloged and are improperly stored. This collection may be discarded as additional space restrictions are imposed.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
Lithology logs from oil and gas wells and stratigraphic tests in various formats, particularly strip logs and lithologic logs of cuttings produced by stratigraphy consulting firms.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
Collection includes rock cores extracted during drilling operations for Getty - Mount Chase base metal exploration. Please contact the Maine Geological Survey to discuss access to the collection.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Physical Item,
This collection is comprised of all field samples collected by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Non-fuel solid mineral branch and the former U.S. Bureau of Mines housed at the Alaska Geologic Materials Center in Anchorage, Alaska. This collection represents the entirety of the BLM Alaska rock collection, totaling 117476 samples consisting of many sample types from core, hand, pan concentrates, stream sediments, thin sections, pulp and other miscellaneous sample types
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Geological Collection,
pan concentrate,
Collection includes rock cores extracted during drilling operations by Billiton Metals and Ores for tin exploration in Waterville, Winslow. Please contact the Maine Geological Survey to discuss access to the collection.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Physical Item,
The Florida Geological Survey (FGS) holds a collection of over 9,000 lithologic descriptions of cores and cuttings from boreholes throughout Florida. This includes legacy logs previously stored in a file format requiring a DOS program to decode. Paper copies of a majority of legacy lithologic logs are stored in 150 large, green loose-leaf binders collectively named “Greenbooks,” (see the Collection of Borehole and Sample Reference Documents from Florida). The legacy files represent 60% of the collection and are currently being prepared for import into the FGS’s database to be made publicly available. The remaining 40% of the collection exist in various formats (both coded and decoded), which the FGS is working to...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Data,
Physical Item,
Until 2007, when they transferred to the FDEP Division of Water Resource Management’s Mining and Mitigation Program, the Florida Geological Survey (FGS) had an Oil and Gas section who maintained a collection comprised of: permit application and compliance documents; well logs and well test data; monthly production data; and inspection photographs. Once stored in 54, four-drawer legal-sized file cabinets and organized by the permit number, the documents were scanned in batches and transferred back to the FGS. They are currently stored in rolling shelves organized by their scan batch numbers. Scanned documents that are not confidential are available on OCULUS (, a CMS utilized...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Physical Item,
The Florida Geological Survey (FGS) maintains a collection of geophysical logs run on water production wells, monitor wells, injection wells, oil and gas wells, and stratigraphic testing boreholes throughout the state. The collection represents approximately 5,320 boreholes, some of which are also represented in the core and well cuttings sample collection. The collection includes the following log types: Spontaneous Potential (SP), Single Point Resistance (SPR), Time, Caliper, Fluid Conductivity, Magnetic, Electrical Induction, Natural Gamma, Dipmeter, Laterolog, Micro Laterolog, Neutron, Photo, Radioactivity, Sonic, Temperature, Gamma-Gamma, Resistivity, and Fluid Velocity. The collection contains logs run by...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Data,
Physical Item,
This collection is composed of whole-rock and EPMA tephra glass averages geochemical analyses of rocks from Alaskan volcanoes. Most of the data is from published papers, and some of it is unpublished data from AVO. It is contain analyses for approximately 13,000 samples. Nearly all of the collection is stored in a relational database; the collection is published and searchable at
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Chemistry,
Geochemical Data,
Geological Collection,
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