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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ( Show direct descendants )

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Microrefugia can play an important role in determining biological responses to climate change, but the location and characteristics of these habitats are often poorly understood. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) represent critical climatic microrefugia for species dependent on cool, moist habitats. However, knowledge of the distribution and stability of GDE microrefugia is currently lacking. This challenge is typified within moist portions of the Pacific Northwest, where poorly studied cliff-face seeps harbor exceptional biodiversity despite their diminutive size (e.g., ~1-10m width). To enable future management of these habitats as climatic microrefugia, we modeled the distribution and thermal and hydrologic...
Microrefugia can play an important role in determining biological responses to climate change, but the location and characteristics of these habitats are often poorly understood. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) represent critical climatic microrefugia for species dependent on cool, moist habitats. However, knowledge of the distribution and stability of GDE microrefugia is currently lacking. This challenge is typified within moist portions of the Pacific Northwest, where poorly studied cliff-face seeps harbor exceptional biodiversity despite their diminutive size (e.g., ~1-10m width). To enable future management of these habitats as climatic microrefugia, we modeled the distribution and thermal and hydrologic...
We estimated the effect of microhabitat and microclimatic factors on occupancy, abundance and reproduction of four species of Eleutherodactylus frogs (E. wightmanae, E. brittoni, E. antillensis, E. coqui). Data consist of presence-non/presence data (binary), and physical (abiotic) and habitat (biotic) covariates collected at each of 48 survey stations (2017) and 35 (2018) along two altitudinal gradients in west-central Puerto Rico.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages the largest area of public lands in the United States. Decision-making on BLM lands is complex because managers have to balance diverse, sometimes conflicting, resources, uses, and values. Land managers are more likely to achieve long-term land management goals and balance multiple desired uses and values across public landscapes when their decisions are informed by the best available science, including climate science. The goal of this project is to develop a group of climate-informed short science syntheses accompanied by examples of worked environmental impact analyses. Both products will include sections on climate to help land managers understand and assess the influence...
We modeled the distribution and thermal and hydrologic stability of cliff-face seeps across moist portions of the Pacific Northwest, USA. We conducted surveys for cliff-face seeps across ~1,600km of roads, trails, and watercourses in Washington and Idaho and monitored water availability and air and water temperatures at a subset of these seeps. We detected 457 total seeps through an iterative process involving surveying, modeling, ground-truthing, and then remodeling the spatial distribution of seeps using boosted regression trees. Additionally, we used linear and generalized linear models to assess environmental correlates of seep thermal and hydrologic stability. Seeps were generally most concentrated in steep...

    map background search result map search result map Local Demographic Rates of Four Eleutherodactylus Frogs in Puerto Rico, 2017-2019 (ver. 1.1, January 2025) Short Science Syntheses and NEPA Analyses for Climate-Informed Land Management Decisions in Sagebrush Rangelands Estimates of the distribution and refugial properties of cliff-face seeps across the Pacific Northwest (low-confidence predictions included) Estimates of the distribution and refugial properties of cliff-face seeps across the Pacific Northwest (high/medium confidence areas only) Estimates of the distribution and refugial properties of cliff-face seeps across the Pacific Northwest (high/medium confidence areas only) Estimates of the distribution and refugial properties of cliff-face seeps across the Pacific Northwest (low-confidence predictions included) Short Science Syntheses and NEPA Analyses for Climate-Informed Land Management Decisions in Sagebrush Rangelands