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__National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
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Extreme weather events (such as floods, ice storms, tropical cyclones, and tornadoes) are increasing in frequency and causing severe consequences throughout the U.S. and particularly in Louisiana. These natural disasters are especially devastating for farmers, whose livelihoods depend on the environment. Most climate research and extension outreach focus on large-scale farmers and tend to reach White farmers who outnumber other farming communities, often failing to connect with smallholding and African American farmers. While these farmers make up less of the total agricultural population and economy, they are a critical part of the agricultural and ecological systems and a crucial component in building sustainable...
Changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change (and associated droughts, wildfires, extreme storms etc.) threaten important water sources, forests, wildlife habitat, and ecosystems across the Southwest and throughout the entire U.S. These threats cross political and man-made boundaries and therefore need to be addressed at larger landscape-level and regional scales. “Landscape conservation design” is one method that can be used by land and resource managers to support large scale conservation and ensure that small scale and local actions contribute to a landscape level vision. The Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is working to develop a shared vision for conservation action in the...
State Wildlife Action Plans are intended to provide proactive planning and guidance for the management of rare or imperiled species, including Species of Greatest Conservation Need. States must update their State Wildlife Action Plans every 10 years, but planners often lack the capacity or resources to integrate climate change into their planning. Revised State Wildlife Action Plans for most states in the North Central region are due by 2025. Providing support and building capacity for climate-informed State Wildlife Action Plans will be most useful now, before revisions are underway in most states. To increase the capacity for state wildlife agencies, this project identified areas expected to be resilient against...
The purpose of our project was to identify needs and provide support for states in the North Central region and Idaho to integrate climate science and adaptation into their State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs). Our objectives were to: 1) engage with state wildlife agencies in the North Central region and Idaho to identify their needs for climate-informed planning support and 2) collaboratively develop products that will help them better integrate climate adaptation strategies into SWAPs.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) groves are a fundamental part of the landscape in Yosemite Valley and the tree is a cultural keystone species for associated Tribal Nations. For centuries, tribal members have planted, tended, burned, and gathered around black oak. Before Euro-American settlers, the tribes actively maintained a sacred, reciprocal relationship with these groves that promoted seedling recruitment, acorn production, pest reduction, and longevity. After Park creation, cultural practices were largely prohibited to the detriment of black oak and tribal health. This project will reinstate tribal members as stewards of black oak through tending and knowledge transmission. Tribal members, with...
Fish that migrate between fresh and salt waters, called diadromous fishes, are integral to coastal Tribal cultures as subsistence foods. Throughout their Northeast range, diadromous fish populations have shown strong declines over recent decades due to the combined impacts of habitat loss, pollution, overfishing, and climate change. These changes have led to decreasing access to traditional subsistence foods and connection to Tribal culture. It is therefore imperative to conduct habitat, population and other studies that assess cumulative impacts and identify actions to restore, protect, and adapt Tribal Trust Resources (i.e. river herring (alewife and blueback) and American eels). This project will collaborate...
The Native Nations Climate Adaptation Program (NNCAP) was founded in 2015 with the mission to build capacity to work collaboratively with Native American tribes and indigenous populations in the western United States and Mexico. NNCAP received funds from the DOI Southwest Climate Science Center to carry out a “Tribal Adaptation Initiative.” One of the objectives of this initiative was to conduct a preliminary assessment of tribal interest and capacity for adaptation across the Southwest. Twenty-six Native Nations participated in the NNCAP tribal climate change assessment and reported a wide array of involvement in climate change initiatives. This report highlights various strengths and capacity needs for climate...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation

    map background search result map search result map Assessing Southwest Resources, Future Climate Scenarios, and Possible Adaptation Actions to Support Conservation Planning Climate Science and Adaptation Planning Support for State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) in the North Central Region Increasing Tribal Climate Adaptive Capacity for Coastal Resources in the Northeast Assessing the Needs and Adaptation Practices of Smallholding and African American Farmers Facing Extreme Weather Events in Louisiana Tribal-Led Renewal of Black Oak Traditions for Climate Adaptations (TEST-COPY) Tribal-Led Renewal of Black Oak Traditions for Climate Adaptations (TEST-COPY) Assessing the Needs and Adaptation Practices of Smallholding and African American Farmers Facing Extreme Weather Events in Louisiana Increasing Tribal Climate Adaptive Capacity for Coastal Resources in the Northeast Climate Science and Adaptation Planning Support for State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) in the North Central Region Assessing Southwest Resources, Future Climate Scenarios, and Possible Adaptation Actions to Support Conservation Planning