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___South Central CASC
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The southern Great Plains (SGP) has recently experienced wildfires with unprecedented severity and frequency, which significantly threatened human life and property and altered terrestrial ecosystem functions. While it is expected that future climate change will affect wildfire danger levels by altering fire weather and fuel conditions, there remains a significant gap in understanding how these changes will manifest in the SGP. Therefore, our objectives were to (1) simulate the spatial and temporal dynamics of the Burning Index (BI), a widely used fire danger index in the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS), and high fire danger days based on CMIP5 climate simulations, comparing the 1986–2005 historical period...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Extreme weather events (such as floods, ice storms, tropical cyclones, and tornadoes) are increasing in frequency and causing severe consequences throughout the U.S. and particularly in Louisiana. These natural disasters are especially devastating for farmers, whose livelihoods depend on the environment. Most climate research and extension outreach focus on large-scale farmers and tend to reach White farmers who outnumber other farming communities, often failing to connect with smallholding and African American farmers. While these farmers make up less of the total agricultural population and economy, they are a critical part of the agricultural and ecological systems and a crucial component in building sustainable...
Monthly resolved coral data from submerged fossil reefs provide improved constraints on the seasonality, interannual variability and mean changes in tropical ocean temperature under glacial to deglacial boundary conditions.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Groundwater systems play a pivotal role in ensuring food and water security while maintaining vital ecosystem functions. The depletion of numerous global aquifers, however, raises concerns regarding the sustainability of groundwater withdrawals and environmental flows. Despite efforts to mitigate this decline, there remains a striking gap in proving the effectiveness of these measures. Our research focuses on the karstic Edwards Aquifer system in Texas to assess how effectively current mitigation strategies are protecting groundwater levels and spring flows, which are essential for biodiversity and water security. Using counterfactual artificial intelligence, we address the critical question: ‘What would have happened...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This study investigates the atmospheric conditions associated with major tornado outbreaks (at least seven tornadoes of magnitude EF2 or higher) in the United States during May using maximum covariance analysis (MCA). We focus on identifying the leading modes of covariability between 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies and the WMAXSHEAR parameter, a bivariate proxy of atmospheric buoyancy and vertical wind shear. By analyzing 91 significant tornado outbreaks from 1950 to 2019, we identify three primary multivariate patterns, each exhibiting distinct anomaly locations and intensities for both variables. These patterns account for 97 % of the covariability between the two fields, with the leading pattern (MCA1)...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Publication
Climate change imperils wetlands throughout the Southern Great Plains (SGP), including connections among wetlands that facilitate movements and prevent extinctions for wetland wildlife. Wetland managers and policymakers need greater access to climate-informed projections of wetland extent and inundation as they decide where to prioritize wetland and shorebird conservation efforts. This research developed predictive models to show future wetland inundation patterns and gathered shorebird habitat and movement data to better understand how climate change may affect wetland connectivity and use by migrant shorebirds in the SGP. To better inform future conservation strategies, we surveyed wetland managers about climate...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Global climate models (GCMs) are computationally intensive, physics-based research tools used to simulate the climate system. GCM can also be useful in applied research contexts with the use of statistical downscaling techniques. This collection of statistically downscaled climate projections includes 7 sets of SD-processed CMIP5 projections of daily high temperature, daily low temperature, and daily total precipitation across the Edwards Aquifer Region (EAR) in south central Texas. These sets of projections were created using four GCMs from the CMIP5 archive (CMCC-CM, HadGEM2-CC, inmcm4, MRI-ESM1), each of which simulated 21st century climate responses for multiple future emissions scenarios. The CMIP5 GCMs simulated...
Global climate models (GCMs) are computationally intensive, physics-based research tools used to simulate the climate system. GCM can also be useful in applied research contexts with the use of statistical downscaling techniques. This collection of statistically downscaled climate projections includes 12 sets of SD-processed CMIP6 projections of daily high temperature, daily low temperature, and daily total precipitation across the Edwards Aquifer Region (EAR) in south central Texas. These sets of projections were created using six GCMs from the CMIP6 archive (EC-Earth3, INM-CM-4-8, INM-CM-5-0, KACE-1-0-G, KIOST-ESM, and MPI-ESM1-2-HR), each of which simulated 21st century climate responses for multiple future emissions...
Climate projections are being used for decision-making related to climate mitigation and adaptation and as inputs for impacts modeling related to climate change. The plethora of available projections presents end users with the challenge of how to select climate projections, known as the “practitioner's dilemma.” In addition, if an end-user determines that existing projections cannot be used, then they face the additional challenge of producing climate projections for their region that are useful for their needs. We present a methodology with novel features to address the “practitioner's dilemma” for generating downscaled climate projections for specific applications. We use the Edwards Aquifer region (EAR) in south-central...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation

    map background search result map search result map Assessing the Needs and Adaptation Practices of Smallholding and African American Farmers Facing Extreme Weather Events in Louisiana Downscaled Climate Projections for the Edwards Aquifer Region (EAR) using CMIP5 for the years 2006 – 2100 Downscaled Climate Projections for the Edwards Aquifer Region (EAR) using CMIP6 for the years 2015 – 2100 Assessing the Needs and Adaptation Practices of Smallholding and African American Farmers Facing Extreme Weather Events in Louisiana Downscaled Climate Projections for the Edwards Aquifer Region (EAR) using CMIP5 for the years 2006 – 2100 Downscaled Climate Projections for the Edwards Aquifer Region (EAR) using CMIP6 for the years 2015 – 2100