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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Alaska Science Center (ASC) > _Ecosystems ( Show all descendants )

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These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long-term monitoring program and contain diet data from Black-legged Kittiwakes (BLKI), Rhinoceros Auklets (RHAU), and Tufted Puffins (TUPU) located on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska. This data release consists of seabird diet sample data and prey identification and morphometrics. Version History: First release: March 2023 Revised: October 2024 (ver. 2.0) Revised: February 2025 (ver. 3.0)
This dataset consists of the complete set of aerial imagery and data from walrus haulouts collected by unoccupied aerial system (UAS) surveys near Pt. Lay, Alaska, during the autumns of 2018 and 2019. The data include: 1) georeferenced digital aerial imagery and flight logs from UAS surveys, and 2) orthoimages derived from the aerial imagery and flight logs by standardized structure from motion algorithms.
Available here are tracking data of Caribou, a terrestrial mammal that ranges between the Alaska and Canada. These data were collected from animals marked in interior and northern Alaska to understand seasonal movement patterns and the effects of fire regime on the movements. USGS Alaska Science Center scientists collect data from wildlife tracking devices to: determine locations of animals throughout their annual cycles, understand patterns of habitat use, quantify time spent on various behaviors, and identify geographic areas repeatedly used by wildlife that may indicate sites of importance to species and populations. Tracking data from other wildlife species can be found at:
This data release includes three datasets used to develop forecasts of autumn body condition for adult female Pacific walruses in the Chukchi Sea during mid and late century time periods. (1) The activity dataset contains daily telemetry records for 218 adult female walruses tracked for periods of 7 to 104 days during 2008-2014, in the Chukchi Sea. Records include the number of hours the walrus was in the water, number of hours the walrus was foraging, study area region where the walrus was located, depths of the foraging locations, and the proportion of the region covered by sea ice. (2) The movement dataset contains telemetry records for 94 of these walruses, giving the dates they moved from one region to another,...
The dataset consists of geospatial files depicting the estimated June-to-November distribution of walrus foraging and occupancy during a four year period of sparse sea ice cover above the Chukchi Sea continental shelf (2008-2011). The walrus distribution and utilization estimates are based on location data from satellite-linked radio-tracked walruses in the Chukchi Sea (2008-2011). Compared to previous years this period was marked by earlier and more extensive sea ice retreat (June - September) and delayed sea ice freeze-up (October - November). This allowed walruses to arrive earlier, occupy slightly more northern areas, and stay later in the Chukchi Sea than previously. Data are combined for all four years and...
These data were used to evaluate effects of vessel exposure on Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) behaviors. We obtained >120,000 hours of location and behavior (foraging, in-water not foraging, and hauled out) data from 218 satellite-tagged walruses and linked them to vessel locations from the marine Automated Information System. This yielded 206 vessel-exposed walrus telemetry hours for comparison to unexposed hours which we used to assess if vessel exposure altered walrus behavior.

    map background search result map search result map Data Supporting Walrus Areas of Use in the Chukchi Sea During Sparse Sea Ice Cover Pacific Walrus Behavior Data and Associated Chukchi Sea Ice Observations and Projections for use with Bioenergetics Models to Forecast Walrus Body Condition Seabird Diet Data Collected on Middleton Island, Gulf of Alaska Walrus Haulout and In-water Activity Levels Relative to Vessel Interactions in the Chukchi Sea, 2012-2015 Walrus Haulout Aerial Survey Data Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018 and 2019 Tracking Data for Caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) in Alaska Walrus Haulout Aerial Survey Data Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018 and 2019 Seabird Diet Data Collected on Middleton Island, Gulf of Alaska Data Supporting Walrus Areas of Use in the Chukchi Sea During Sparse Sea Ice Cover Pacific Walrus Behavior Data and Associated Chukchi Sea Ice Observations and Projections for use with Bioenergetics Models to Forecast Walrus Body Condition Walrus Haulout and In-water Activity Levels Relative to Vessel Interactions in the Chukchi Sea, 2012-2015 Tracking Data for Caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) in Alaska