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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Astrogeology Science Center > AstroLink Archives > USGS Astrogeology Science Center Apollo Testing and Training Archives ( Show direct descendants )

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____USGS Astrogeology Science Center Apollo Testing and Training Archives
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Memo detailing the Apollo 16 field exercises at the Nevada Test Site from 19711026 to 19711028.
Geology training report for the period of 419710820 to 19711231 detailing photos and samples taken by each participant for each part of the exercise.
Geology training report from 19710820 to 19711231 detailing photos taken and samples collected by each participant for each exercise.
Guide to the Geology of Sudbury Basin, Ontario, Canada for the Apollo 17 flight crews participating in the field training exercises.
This is a collection of tables and graphs showing information on sample collection rates and types and photography rates.
This is a memo containing the proposed schedule for the Apollo 17 geology field trip including dates and locations.
One of the tasks most basic to field geological investigations is walking over terrain of varying materials and slopes. Another important task is surveying. Because of the time constraint imposed on lunar field geological exploration, it will be necessary to consider astronaut mobility in planning lunar operations. In determining the quantity and quality of observations made, rate of travel on the lunar surface will rank in importance with the efficiency of recording data .
Memo regarding Lunar Geology Investigation Requirements for the Gnomon on Apollo 16 and Subsequent Missions from 19711017
Description of remaining Apollo 17 training exercises including date, team, event and location.
Schedule for the Apollo 17 Nevada Test Site training Trip from 196720808 to 19720808.
Memo discussing past Apollo training exercises in the Nevada test Site and the support received from NV00.

map background search result map search result map Technical Letter: Astrogeology-5 Manned Lunar Exploration Investigations Lunar Field Geological Methods Time And Information Studies Part 1. Walking Speeds-Pace Length Use Of Hand-Held Surveying Instruments Inter Agency Report 40,Evaluation of the MSFC facsimile Camera System, 197110 Inter Agency Report 43, Guide to the Geology of Sudbury Basin, Ontario, Canada Annotated example of data to consider for lunar surface EVAs- 19720103 Letter concerning Apollo 17 training exercises at Nevada Test Site, 19720717 Lunar Missions Science Training Program Apollo 16 and 17- 19711001 Field Trip Evaluation of Apollo 16 Crew- 19711228 Apollo 16 Training Schedule- 19711230 Proposed Apollo 17 geology field trip schedule-19711203 Apollo 17 geologic training exercise in the Sudbury Basin, Ontario- 19720516 Apollo 17 Geology Field Training Trips - 19720420 Apollo 17 Nevada Test Site Training Trip- 19720721 Apollo 17 Exercises Remaining 19720922 MSC Personnel Going to AEC Nevada Test Site- 19711014 Apollo 16 Field Exercises 19711026 to 19711028- 19711015 Memo discussing past Apollo training exercises in the Nevada Test Site - 19720614 Geology Training Report for 19710820 to 19711231 - 19711231 Geology Training Report 19710825 to 19711231- 197201 Telefax Detailing the NV00 Support Needed for NTS Field Exercise- 197110 Apollo 17 geologic training exercise in the Sudbury Basin, Ontario- 19720516 Technical Letter: Astrogeology-5 Manned Lunar Exploration Investigations Lunar Field Geological Methods Time And Information Studies Part 1. Walking Speeds-Pace Length Use Of Hand-Held Surveying Instruments Inter Agency Report 40,Evaluation of the MSFC facsimile Camera System, 197110 Inter Agency Report 43, Guide to the Geology of Sudbury Basin, Ontario, Canada Annotated example of data to consider for lunar surface EVAs- 19720103 Letter concerning Apollo 17 training exercises at Nevada Test Site, 19720717 Lunar Missions Science Training Program Apollo 16 and 17- 19711001 Field Trip Evaluation of Apollo 16 Crew- 19711228 Apollo 16 Training Schedule- 19711230 Proposed Apollo 17 geology field trip schedule-19711203 Apollo 17 Geology Field Training Trips - 19720420 Apollo 17 Nevada Test Site Training Trip- 19720721 Apollo 17 Exercises Remaining 19720922 MSC Personnel Going to AEC Nevada Test Site- 19711014 Apollo 16 Field Exercises 19711026 to 19711028- 19711015 Memo discussing past Apollo training exercises in the Nevada Test Site - 19720614 Geology Training Report for 19710820 to 19711231 - 19711231 Geology Training Report 19710825 to 19711231- 197201 Telefax Detailing the NV00 Support Needed for NTS Field Exercise- 197110