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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > ReSciColl Archive > Connecticut Geological Survey > Connecticut Geological Survey Unpublished Maps > Connecticut Unpublished Bedrock Maps ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __ReSciColl Archive ___Connecticut Geological Survey ____Connecticut Geological Survey Unpublished Maps _____Connecticut Unpublished Bedrock Maps Filters
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Bedrock quadrangle 1:24,000 scale compilation sheets for the Bedrock Geological Map of Connecticut, John Rodgers, 1985, Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, Department of Environmental Protection, Hartford, Connecticut, in Cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, 1:125,000 scale, 2 sheets. [minimum 116 paper quad compilations with mylar overlays constituting the master file set for geologic lines and units compiled to the State map, some quads have multiple sheets depicting iterations of mapping]. Compilations drafted by Nancy Davis, Craig Dietsch, and Nat Gibbons under the direction of John Rodgers. Geologic unit designation table translates earlier map unit nomenclature to the units ultimately...
Tags: ndc_collection
Set of (18) 1:24,000 scale quadrangle compilation sheets delineating carbonate rocks of western Connecticut. Primary author Leo Hall, 1978, with contributions by Harwood 1971, for South Sandisfield Quad, and possibly other areas. Includes assortment of geologic data- geologic contacts, outcrops, and notes. Regional compilation at 1:125,000 scale by Leo Hall 12/1977 & 12/1978, with some linework from Gates for the Sharon Quad. This mapset contains unpublished maps, cross- sections, and related information archived by the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut as part of the Survey Library Collection. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. For many...
This map set contains unpublished maps, cross- sections, and related information archived by the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut as part of the Survey Library Collection. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. For many geographic areas, more current information exists, either in published or unpublished form. For the most part, these materials were developed under research and mapping agreements between the State Geological Survey and individual scientists, academic institutions, or graduate students. Some of these materials have been received by the State Geological Survey as donations. The veracity of the information contained within these...
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