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New geophysical data, including density and magnetic susceptibility measurements, were collected in the Grouse Creek and Utah part of the Jackpot 30' x 60' quadrangles in Box Elder County, Utah and Cassia County, Idaho. The release contains 324 new gravity measurements merged with a 2013 compilation. These data were inverted for basin thickness and basement density variations. The release includes grids of gravity, aeromagnetic, basin thickness, and basement gravity as well as automatically calculated density and magnetization boundaries using the maximum horizontal gravity gradient method. These datasets aid projection of geologic features into the subsurface and supports geologic and geophysical studies in the...
The Aransas-Wood Buffalo population of whooping cranes migrates through the U.S. Great Plains twice annually, moving between wintering areas along coastal Texas and summering areas in and around Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada. These data support development of resource utilization functions that were used to predict wintering use of whooping cranes outside of their historic coastal wintering areas.
The development and deployment of digital broadband seismographs provides the data required to rapidly assess earthquake size, determine source parameters and better characterize ground motions affecting earthquake hazard. The focus of regional moment tensor analysis is to estimate the moment magnitude, faulting parameters and source depth of earthquakes that are too small to be recorded teleseismically. Thus they have the potential of extending the earthquake catalog to magnitudes less than about M4-4.5.
The development and deployment of digital broadband seismographs provides the data required to rapidly assess earthquake size, determine source parameters and better characterize ground motions affecting earthquake hazard. The focus of regional moment tensor analysis is to estimate the moment magnitude, faulting parameters and source depth of earthquakes that are too small to be recorded teleseismically. Thus they have the potential of extending the earthquake catalog to magnitudes less than about M4-4.5. This data distribution provides the details required to critically review the resulting catalog, e.g., the waveforms used, processing parameters and velocity model. In addition the issue of the correct local magnitude...
Slug additions are often the most accurate method for determining discharge when traditional current meter or acoustic measurements are unreliable because of high turbulence, rocky streambed, shallow or sheet flow, or the stream is physically inaccessible (e.g., under ice or canyon walls) or unsafe to wade (Zellweger et al., 1989, Kilpatrick and Cobb 1984, Ferranti 2015). The slug addition method for determining discharge requires an injection of a known amount of a single salt and high-frequency downstream measurement of solute concentration to capture the response curve (Kilpatrick and Cobb 1984). A new slug method was developed to determine stream discharge utilizing specific conductance and ionic molal conductivities...
This dynamic data release presents an aquatic reflectance product with 20-meter spatial resolution derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for the conterminous United States using the Atmospheric Correction for OLI “lite” (ACOLITE). Aquatic reflectance, noted Rhow in ACOLITE documentation, is defined here as unitless water-leaving radiance reflectance and represents the ratio of water-leaving radiance (units of watts per square meter per steradian per nanometer) to downwelling irradiance (units of watts per square meter per nanometer) multiplied by π. This is also known as remote sensing reflectance (units of per steradian) multiplied by π. These data are intended for use in remote sensing of water color and differ...
Recent work in the Great Basin region of the western United States has made it possible to predict the depth of hydrothermal reservoirs (i.e., the depth at which heat is accumulated prior to ascent via hydrothermal upflow) identified through geochemistry and to contextualize the spatial patterns of these reservoir depths. Chemical geothermometers use the chemical and mineral constituents of hydrothermal fluids to predict the temperature at which fluids equilibrated with the host rocks at depth. Assuming that most of the Great Basin is dominated by conductive conditions until a vertically connected hydrothermal flow path is created (e.g., by faulting), geothermometers reflect the chemical and thermal conditions at...
Annual spring (May) and fall (late October through early November) gillnet assessment surveys were conducted by researchers at the USGS Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) in northern Lake Michigan, including the Northern Refuge, between 1998-2023. Total length, weight, sex, maturity, and sea lamprey wounds were recorded for each lake trout and burbot caught in the gill nets. Lake trout were aged: (1) by decoding information on an extracted coded wire tag; (2) using fin clip information; or (3) enumerating annuli on a maxilla bone. Burbot were aged by enumerating annuli on an otolith. Catch of both lake trout and burbot have been recorded for each of the gill nets that have been set. To study the dynamics of the lake...
This is a space for data releases from the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory's annual campaign GNSS measurements on the Island of Hawaii.
The attached archives are organized by event year. When unpacked the HTML structure points to processing results for each event. The event documentation provides event location, graphics of waveform fits, processing parameters, velocity model and inversion results in a tabulated and graphical form. There is sufficient detail for each event that the results can be duplicated.
The data set contains information on potential population, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census Bureau data on the number of residents, land cover estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and infrastructure data on roads and critical facilities from a variety of sources. The types of hazards include coastal flooding, groundwater inundation, and shoreline change (erosion). The documents below include the exposure data for all assets and scenarios in csv (comma-separated value) format, the metadata in xml format, a data dictionary, and...
Categories: Data
This is a space for data releases from the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory's tiltmeter measurements on the Island of Hawaii.
The development and deployment of digital broadband seismographs provides the data required to rapidly assess earthquake size, determine source parameters and better characterize ground motions affecting earthquake hazard. The focus of regional moment tensor analysis is to estimate the moment magnitude, faulting parameters and source depth of earthquakes that are too small to be recorded teleseismically. Thus, they have the potential of extending the earthquake catalog to magnitudes less than about M4-4.5. This collection of regional moment tensor solutions for North America (southern and eastern Alaska, conterminus US and Canada) are generally complete (M4 or larger) outside of California. These results are...
Album Caption: Hedysarum bereale Nutt. Family : Pea, Leguminosae. Flowers: Showy rose-purple irregular flowers in loose racemes which grow from the axils of leaves. Stamens 9 and 1. Blooms in June and July. Leaves : Odd-pinnate with many oblong leaflets. Finely punctate, smooth on upper surface and sparingly hairy beneath. Fruit : Compressed, several-jointed pod divided into 2 to 4 separable rounded segments. Plant: Perennial herb with 1 to 3 foot erect, leafy stems with scattered hairs. Resembles the Astragalus genus closely in general appearance except for seeds and hairy roughness. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1030-M, figure 152. 1957.
Album Caption: Scnecio longilobus Benth. Family : Sunflower, Compositae. Flowers: Yellow composite with 1/2 inch disk and long yellow ray flowers. Heads in flat-topped clusters. Blooms through summer months. Leaves : Pinnate leaves with linear, threadlike, hairy leaflets. Seeds : Small dry seeds. Plant : Ill-scented perennial 1 to 2 feet high covered with white-woolly hairs and having a long taproot. The plant is very poisonous to cattle. Poison, alkaloid. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1030-M, figure 138. 1957.
The attached archives are organized by event year. When unpacked the HTML structure points to processing results for each event. The event documentation provides event location, graphics of waveform fits, processing parameters, velocity model and inversion results in a tabulated and graphical form. There is sufficient detail for each event that the results can be duplicated.
Since 1993 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has worked with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) to provide hydraulic assessments of scour for bridges throughout Alaska. As part of this effort, repeat channel cross section surveys, or channel soundings, have been collected at either the upstream or downstream side of bridges on an annual or as needed basis. Streambed and bank elevations are measured using USGS sounding weights and reels, weighted measuring tapes, acoustic Doppler current profilers, multibeam echo sounders and light detection and ranging and are referenced to the datum of as-built plan set to provide context for the streambed elevations in relation to bridge structures....
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a sovereign Small Island State in the tropical central North Pacific Ocean. RMI is a nation of more than thirty atolls and islands, most of which are inhabited, dispersed across an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) over 2 million square kilometers. This data release contains files of daily precipitation estimates beginning in 2001 for 23 inhabited sites in the RMI derived from Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG; The files contain either "Late IMERG" data or "Final IMERG" data and are in millimeter per day. These data were compiled to support a 2022-2023 U.S. Geological Survey project to develop methods to apply Earth Observation...
The attached archives are organized by event year. When unpacked the HTML structure points to processing results for each event. The event documentation provides event location, graphics of waveform fits, processing parameters, velocity model and inversion results in a tabulated and graphical form. There is sufficient detail for each event that the results can be duplicated.

map background search result map search result map Satellite precipitation estimates for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 3.0, January 2025) Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States (updated 2025-01-13) Region 7 Specific conductance data collected during slug additions North America Regional Moment Tensor Solutions Europe Regional Moment Tensor Solutions Northern Lake Michigan Gillnet Assessment 1998-2023 Sounding Cross Section Surveys at Alaska Bridge Crossings Wintering whooping crane locations near the Texas coast Korea Regional Moment Tensor Solutions Depth predictions of chemical geothermometers estimated using a three-dimensional temperature model in the Great Basin, USA Geophysical data and grids of the Grouse Creek and Utah part of the Jackpot 30' x 60' quadrangles, Utah Tiltmeter measurements on the Island of Hawaii collected by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Wintering whooping crane locations near the Texas coast Northern Lake Michigan Gillnet Assessment 1998-2023 Specific conductance data collected during slug additions Korea Regional Moment Tensor Solutions Depth predictions of chemical geothermometers estimated using a three-dimensional temperature model in the Great Basin, USA Satellite precipitation estimates for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 3.0, January 2025) Sounding Cross Section Surveys at Alaska Bridge Crossings Europe Regional Moment Tensor Solutions Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States (updated 2025-01-13) North America Regional Moment Tensor Solutions