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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > ReSciColl Archive > Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ( Show direct descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __ReSciColl Archive ___Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Filters
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This collection is comprised of digital, slide and print photographs taken during engineering geology, energy and minerals resource related field projects from 1970-2020. These photos document field sites, geologic features, landscapes and landforms from the various areas of Alaska. There are collections specific to each of the Division's sections that document the effort needed to complete the culling and documentation of exisiting photos. As of 2020, DGGS has cataloged 19,724 photos, with 12,813 available to the public. Only those photos with location information are available within the National Digital Catalog
Categories: Collection,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
This collection includes field notes, interpretive geologic field maps, field station location maps, and other project materials, many of which are unpublished and archived by the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. The collection may contain data and documents pertaining to all related fields of geology, including oil and gas, geologic engineering, minerals industry, scientific data, and agency archives.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Geological Collection,
This collection currently contains approximately 24,000 oil- and gas- related surface samples, which is a subset of the 507,000 surface samples housed at the Alaska Geologic Materials Center. The Amoco Heritage Collection was donated by Amoco-BP in 2002 and contains samples from fieldwork conducted from 1960-1990 in high energy-resource-potential areas of Alaska.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
Geological Collection,
hand sample,
This collection is comprised of legacy DGGS geologic maps that have been converted to the single-map USGS Geologic Map Schema (GeMS; formerly known as NCGMP09). Initial conversions will be conducted on maps in areas with critical mineral potential, benefiting DGGS and USGS critical mineral studies in Alaska. Future additions to this collection will include both converted geologic maps, and new geologic maps created using the GeMS schema.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection;
Tags: Alaska,
Bedrock Geology,
Geologic Map,
Geological Collection,
The Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) surface sample collection consists mostly of hand samples collected during projects involving DGGS geologists, but also includes pulps and residues. The accuracy of the sample metadata differs based on the time frame of the project that originated the samples. The DGGS projects fall in two categories: (1) legacy projects where sample locality information was not recorded systematically in either a physical or digital format and (2) recent and current projects where sample locality information has been recorded in digital databases. This collection consists of 123,808 rock samples as of 2020, though not all are accessible to the public or have location...
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
This collection is comprised of digital, slide and print photographs taken during energy resource related field projects from 1970-2020. The majority of the individual items associated with this collection are field photos taken by Charles (Gil) Mull and Rocky Reifenstuhl. These photos document field sites, geologic features, landscapes and landforms from the various areas of Alaska. There are approximately 43,000 photos and slides that still need to be culled, documented and archived. 98% of the photos are in digital format and need to be manually matched with their locations from geologists' field notes. The remaining 2% are slide and print format that need the same attention but are in fair to good condition.
This collection represents field station locations digitized from legacy field station maps, geologic interpretive maps, analytical reports and field notes. The points were on-screen digitized from scanned, georegistered station location maps using georegistration best practices and ESRI ArcMap software or digitized via data entry from field notes and reports. Most records indicate the geologist, field project and year collected based on the information available about the archived item or from interviews with current and former DGGS geologists and database research.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
This collection consists of raw sample analyses of whole rock major oxide with minor element analyses on rock, soil, or stream sediments samples, as well as trace metal analyses. In general, the analyses include only those samples collected from projects involving Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) geologists or that appear in DGGS publications. However, many U.S. Bureau Mines and Bureau of Land Management publications and a small percentage of U.S. Geological Survey publications are also included. The database is continually updated as more data is collected and formatted for loading.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
This collection is comprised of petrographic thin sections, paleontological glass slides and various other processed samples including palynology slides, nannoplankton and other micropaleo slides, clay, kerogen and vitronite reflection sections, grain mounts, as well as residues and off-cuts, and pulps. These samples are derived from rock materials that have been donated to the Alaska Geological Materials Center.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection
This collection is comprised of digital, slide and print photographs, as well as a small percentage of videos taken during engineering geology related field projects from 1975-2020. Many of these photos document field work related to major geologic hazards such as earthquakes, active faults, climate change, coastal erosion, landslides, and frozen debris lobes. It also includes field work photos related to surficial geologic mapping. There are approximately 133,000 photos, slides and videos that need to be culled, documented and archived. Approximately 40% are images of vegetation and landscapes from video stills and time lapse photos that can be easily correlated to location information. The remaining 60% of the...
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ndc_collection