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Data include lengths, observations on piscivory, and hatch dates for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes with predicted total length (TL) if the fish would have hatched 7 days earlier or 7 days later.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed acoustic bedload monitoring systems at four sites along the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam to record the noise generated by mobilized bed material, known as sediment generated noise (SGN) (Geay and others, 2017). The four sites are: Trinity River at Lewiston (TRAL, 11525500), Trinity River above Grass Valley Creek (TRGVC, 11525630), Trinity River at Limekiln Gulch (TRLG, 11525655) and Trinity River at Douglas City (TRDC, 11525854). These sites were selected because bedload measurements are frequently made at these locations during restoration flows as part of monitoring done by the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). Monitoring took place in the spring of 2015,...
These data include geochemical analyses of rock, mine waste, and water samples collected from the Balkhab copper deposit, Sar-e Pol Province, Afghanistan in 2020.
The California Coast Range are an area with a long-lived deformation history which includes modern, ongoing right lateral strike slip faulting. Large strike slip faults in the region include the San Andreas fault, the Maacama fault, the Bartlett Springs fault among many others. In areas where strike slip fault geometry changes, either in restraining or releasing bends, vertical motion may occur in response to dominant right-lateral deformation. Channel steepness and chi data may be used to identify areas of recent uplift where the bedrock hardness and local precipitation gradients are known. This dataset provides a map of channel steepness and chi and was generated with Land Surface Dynamics Topography Tools software...
Nest number, description of nest structure and location, longitude, latitude, dates of observations, presence of adults, eggs, nestlings, outcome of reproductive effort, number of young fledged, and osprey nest platforms occupied by Canada geese.
A multiple machine-learning model (Asquith and Killian, 2024) implementing Cubist and Random Forest regressions was used to predict monthly mean groundwater levels through time for the available years described in the metadata for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA). The MRVA is the surficial aquifer of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP), located in the south-central United States. Employing two machine-learning techniques offered the opportunity to generate model and statistical error and covariance between them to estimate total uncertainty. Potentiometric surface predictions were made at the 1-kilometer grid scale using the National Hydrogeologic Grid (Clark and others, 2018). For a full description...
In this dataset, there are eight text files that provide the raw fish behavior telemetry data and an excel sheet that provides the processed velocity data.
This data release is tree-ring data near Columbine Lake and surrounding region, Grand County, Colorado (Latitude 40.27˚ N, Longitude -105.83˚ E NAD83). Re-collection of four existing tree-ring sites (Hot Sulphur Springs Psuedotsuga menziessii (HSU), Lexan Creek Picea engelmannii (LCU), Monarch Lake Pinus ponderosa (MLU), and Vasquez Mountain Psuedotsuga menziessii (VMU)) was conducted to update data to the most recent years possible and to maximize data overlap with instrumental records and with historical records of fire occurrence. At the time of collection, initial climate-growth relationships were assessed in a network of previously collected tree-ring sites (collected between 1987 and 2003) to determine which...
The purpose of the data collection was to monitor the microclimate in the “Bonito Flow” Ice Cave located in Sunset Crater National Monument. This cave is considered a sacred spot for some southwestern tribes as it was a historical source for ice. The main purpose of the climate monitoring was to determine if the cave is still an active ice cave, i.e., a cave that contains perennial ice. The data acquired consists of temperatures, humidity, and pressures throughout the cave structure and also includes temperatures and humidity measured outside of the cave, near the entrance. Sensors were distributed throughout the cave but focus on a large ice puddle that forms on the cave floor during the winter months. Cave floors...
This USGS data release consists of six data sets and accompanying metadata for a year-long study on the seasonal distribution and relative abundance of the southern house mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus in Kīpahulu Valley, Haleakalā National Park, critical habitat for two endangered Maui endemic forest birds. Culex quinquefasciatus is the vector of the avian malaria Plasmodium relictum, a key limiting factor of endemic Hawaiian forest birds. The main components of the study included: (1) adult mosquito monitoring to document the altitudinal distribution, seasonal occurrence, relative abundance, and trapping efficacy of Culex quinquefasciatus (Kīpahulu Valley, Maui, 1 file); (2) stream surveys to determine the larval...
The Geneva Industries/Fuhrmann Energy Superfund Site (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") in southeastern Houston, Texas was historically used as a site for petroleum exploration and petrochemical production and is currently (2024) inactive. Previous remedies to clean up the contaminated site included the excavation and off-site disposal of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soils, capping the Site and surrounding it with a perimeter slurry wall to contain remaining constituents in the soil and groundwater, the recovery and treatment of trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater, and institutional controls (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2018). A conceptual site model (CSM) does not...
This data release consists of 1,984 line-kilometers of airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic data and radiometric data collected from October to November 2017 in the upper East River and surrounding watersheds in central Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey contracted Geotech Ltd. to acquire these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic structure and hydrologic framework of the area. The AEM data have been inverted to produce a series of regional cross-sections that constrain the electrical properties of the subsurface to a depth of ~500m. Data were acquired using the VTEM ET time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic system along flight lines that cross important geological structures over...
Landslide susceptibility maps are essential tools in infrastructure planning, hazard mitigation, and risk reduction. Susceptibility maps trained in one area have been found to be unreliable when applied to different areas (Woodard et al., 2023). This limitation leads to the need for a national map that is higher resolution and rigorous, but simple enough to be applied to diverse terrains and landslide types. The susceptibility maps presented here cover the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), and Puerto Rico (PR) with a resolution of 90-m. Other United States (U.S.) territories were not considered due to insufficient landslide and digital elevation data. We also provide information on the...
Monroe County, in southeastern West Virginia, hosts world-class karst within carbonate units of Mississippian and Ordovician age. There are at least 412 known caves in the county. Location data for these caves were collected from the West Virginia Speleological Survey (WVASS) Bulletin 22 (Dasher, 2019). Point features were created in ArcGIS Pro for each cave location and were used to make a point density raster. This raster displays the number of cave points per square kilometer.
The watershed data management (WDM) database SC16.WDM is updated with the processed data for the period October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and renamed as SC17.WDM. The precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network and the hydrologic data (stage and discharge) are collected at USGS streamflow-gaging stations in and around DuPage County, Illinois. Hourly precipitation and hydrologic data for the period October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, are processed following the guidelines described in Bera (2014) and appended to SC16.WDM and renamed as SC17.WDM. Meteorological data (wind speed, solar radiation, air temperature, dewpoint temperature, and potential evapotranspiration)...
This data release (DR) is the update of the U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase data release Bera (2023), with the processed data for the period October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022. This data release describes the watershed data management (WDM) database SC22.WDM. The precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network and the hydrologic data (stage and discharge) are collected at USGS streamflow-gaging stations in and around Salt Creek watershed in DuPage County, Illinois, as described in Bera (2014). Hourly precipitation and hydrologic data for the period October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022, are processed following the guidelines described in Bera (2014) and Murphy and Ishii...
The California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program (GAMA) is a statewide assessment of groundwater quality designed to help better understand and identify risks to groundwater resources. GAMA is implemented by the California State Water Resources Control Board. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead for the Priority Basin Project (PBP), one of the components of the GAMA Program. Starting in 2012, GAMA began an assessment of water resources in domestic-supply (shallow) aquifers in California. These domestic-supply aquifers provide water for domestic and small community-supply wells, which are often drilled to shallower depths in the groundwater system than public-supply wells. Domestic-supply...
This is an antiquated version of the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) dataset that has been superseded by a more recent release. Unless visitors have a specific need for these archived data, they should return to the Main BBS Dataset Page and choose the most recent data release, as that one will include all BBS data released to date The 1966-2022 North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) dataset contains avian point count data for more than 700 North American bird taxa (species, races, and unidentified species groupings). These data are collected annually during the breeding season, primarily in June, along thousands of randomly established roadside survey routes in the United States and Canada. Routes...
Location and associated data came from whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2009–2018. We marked a sample of 68 whooping cranes with leg-mounted transmitters that acquired locations via the global positioning system (GPS) network and transmitted those data through the Argos satellite system. Cranes were captured either at their natal areas in and adjacent to Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada or at their winter terminus along the Texas Gulf Coast. Transmitters provided different quantities of data because of the variable transmitter functionality and survival of marked birds. Multiple partners administered this research project and collected these data, including the Canadian Wildlife Service,...
This data release provides flooding extent polygons and flood depth rasters (geotiffs) based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the most populated Hawaiian, Mariana, and American Samoan Islands. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to waves and storm surge at 10 square meter resolution along these islands’ coastlines for annual (1-year), 20-year, and 100-year return-interval storm events and +0.25 m, +0.50 m, +1.00 m, +1.50 m, +2.00 m, and +3.00 m sea-level...

map background search result map search result map Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC17.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2024) Location data for whooping cranes of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2009-2018 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Density raster of caves in Monroe County, West Virginia Ice cave climate data and frost imagery at Sunset Crater, AZ: 02 March 2021 to 13 December 2022 Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Balkhab copper deposit: 2020 field season Passive water-quality sampling at discrete vertical intervals to support the development of a conceptual site model at the Geneva Industries/Fuhrmann Energy Superfund Site, Houston, Texas, 2023 Sediment generated noise and bedload data from the Trinity River, California, 2015-2019. Kīpahulu Valley, Haleakalā National Park, Maui Seasonal Distribution and Relative Abundance of the Mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, 2022-2023 Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico Statistical predictions of groundwater levels and related spatial diagnostics for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer from the mmlMRVAgen1 statistical machine-learning software Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC22.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2022 Climate-Growth Analysis for Updated and Existing Tree-ring Network near Columbine Lake, Grand County, Colorado Prefabricated Zero Ascend Omnispecies (ZAO) Modular Fish Passage Modules Using Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Channel steepness and chi data for part of the northern San Francisco Bay Region including parts of the Russian River and Cache Creek watersheds, northern California Lengths, hatch dates, and piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes Osprey Reproduction in vicinity of the Choptank River 2024 Ice cave climate data and frost imagery at Sunset Crater, AZ: 02 March 2021 to 13 December 2022 Passive water-quality sampling at discrete vertical intervals to support the development of a conceptual site model at the Geneva Industries/Fuhrmann Energy Superfund Site, Houston, Texas, 2023 Prefabricated Zero Ascend Omnispecies (ZAO) Modular Fish Passage Modules Using Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Sediment generated noise and bedload data from the Trinity River, California, 2015-2019. Osprey Reproduction in vicinity of the Choptank River 2024 Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Balkhab copper deposit: 2020 field season Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC17.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2024) Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC22.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2022 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Climate-Growth Analysis for Updated and Existing Tree-ring Network near Columbine Lake, Grand County, Colorado Channel steepness and chi data for part of the northern San Francisco Bay Region including parts of the Russian River and Cache Creek watersheds, northern California Kīpahulu Valley, Haleakalā National Park, Maui Seasonal Distribution and Relative Abundance of the Mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, 2022-2023 Statistical predictions of groundwater levels and related spatial diagnostics for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer from the mmlMRVAgen1 statistical machine-learning software Lengths, hatch dates, and piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes Location data for whooping cranes of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2009-2018 Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico