Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Alaska Science Center (ASC) > bird ( Show direct descendants )
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This data set contains information (in two tables) on nesting habitat and nest survival for American (Pluvialis dominica) and Pacific (P. fulva) Golden-Plovers monitored at seven study sites across an elevational gradient (28−416 m) on the Seward Peninsula in northwestern Alaska during the summers of 2012 and 2013. We used principal components analysis to reduce habitat measurements into two components that represented major habitat features. These data provide the basis for a study to (1) quantify habitat features important for nest-site selection for American and Pacific Golden-Plovers on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and (2) evaluate the importance of habitat characteristics and temporal factors potentially influencing...
This data set contains four tables of information regarding the sampling of plant biomass, nitrogen, cumulative thaw degree days, precipitation, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the Colville River Delta and Point Lonely area of northern Alaska.
This data set includes information on collections of fecal or cloacal samples from wild birds at the landfill in Soldotna, Alaska, USA. Samples were screened for Escherichia coli (E. coli) and tested for resistance to multiple antibiotics.
This data set includes information on collections of fecal or cloacal samples from wild birds at two locations in Alaska, USA. Samples were screened for Escherichia coli (E. coli) and tested for resistance to multiple antibiotics using a variety of methods.
This dataset includes two spreadsheets associated with a study of three genera of blood parasites (Leucocytozoon, Haemoproteus, Plasmodium) in 185 Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri) sampled in Alaska, 2008-2012. The first spreadsheet provides age, sex, location, and blood parasite (hematozoa) infection data for three different genera of blood parasites. Hematozoa DNA, from eider blood samples, was detected by amplifying a 479bp fragment of the Cytochrome-b gene using a nested PCR technique with primers specific for the three target hematozoa genera. Amplicons were sequenced and assigned to genera by the nucleotide BLAST function of the NCBI GenBank database. Infection data are provided as NCBI GenBank accession...
These data are in two tables related to surveys conducted on wintering Emperor Geese in Alaska. Surveys counting the number of wintering Emperor Geese were conducted on Shemya Island in 2003 and 2016, and on Adak Island in 2016-2017. Data on abdominal profile indices (body condition) of Emperor Geese were collected on Shemya Island in 2016, on Adak Island in 2016-2017, and on Kodiak Island in 2015-2017. These data were collected as part of a multi-year study on Emperor Geese wintering ecology. Count data were collected to compare with surveys that were conducted beginning in the 1980s to identify potential local changes in emperor goose wintering populations. Data on abdominal profile indices were collected to quantify...
This dataset contains two tables of sampling information and size and mass measurements of the Baltic Tellin (Macoma balthica) from sites in Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA, and the Baie de Somme estuary, France.
This dataset consists of shorebird chick measurements (wing, primary feather 10, diagonal tarsus, and bill length) and body mass for various shorebird species captured in Alaska and Canada during 1978-2022. Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center, and collaborators from many government agencies and research institutions have studied shorebirds at numerous sites across North America. This release includes over 2,000 observations relating to 17 shorebird species.
Categories: Data
The dataset consists of a polygon shapefile. Each polygon represents a set of molt units (interconnected lakes used as habitat by molting waterfowl) within the Goose Molting Area of the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area in northern Alaska, in addition to a half-mile or 1-mile wide buffer, that were selected for restrictions on new surface occupancy or infrastructure development by the oil and gas industry. Polygons represent the minimum area necessary to achieve a specific level of population coverage for Pacific Black Brant or Canada Geese that use the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area as molting habitat. All polygons include a 1-mile wide inland buffer along the Beaufort Sea coastline and a 3-mile wide buffer along the shore...
This data set contains information regarding the sampling of avian influenza viruses from mallard ducks at locations in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska 2012-2015. Data pertaining to wild birds (mallards) sampled includes band numbers, age and sex, location and timing of sampling. Laboratory specific data is also included and used to identify presence and absence of avian influenza viruses either during active infection or previous exposure (serostatus).
Data set containing avian influenza sampling information for late summer and early autumn waterfowl and gulls within and around the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Alaska, 2011-2016. Data contains species, age, sex, collection data and location of sampled migratory birds. Laboratory specific data used to identify presence and absence of influenza A viruses (IAVs) from collected samples are included.
Data sets containing: (1) sample collection and influenza A virus (IAV) screening information for wild ducks, (2) water temperature data for six North American wetlands, (3) water quality measurement from those wetlands, (4) laboratory-based study of viral viability using Minnesota wetland water, (5) naive mallards challenged experimentally with IAVs identified from the field experiment, and (6) genetic sequence data for IAVs recovered from the challenge study. The data were collected to investigate the extent of long term viability of avian influenza viruses maintained in North American wetlands and to understand environmental conditions that contribute to the maintenance of IAVs in abiotic systems.