Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Alaska Science Center (ASC) > geology ( Show direct descendants )
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This dataset comprises four tables containing channel survey cross section data, field observations including channel width and bank material, measured surface water velocity, and alluvial grain size data collected along the North Fork Fortymile River near a man-made meander cutoff called The Kink. The data release also contains eight field photos used to obtain grain size distribution; four photos annotated with measured grains linked to the grain size data table by the fields "meas" and "img."
This data set contains U-Pb isotopic data and ages of zircon and titanite from igneous and metamorphic rocks collected from the Eestern Alaska and northern Aleutian Range of south-central Alaska. The data sets also contain U-Pb isotopic data and ages of detrital zircon from sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks collected in the same region but also from the Taylor and Wood River Mountains of southwestern Alaska. The entire sample suite was collected as part of geological mapping and supporting geochemical and geochronological analysis conducted from 2004 to 2019 and funded by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Zircon and (or) titanite were obtained from igneous and metamorphic rocks...
This data set contains fission track data and associated ages of apatite from igneous and sedimentary rocks, U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of zircon from a subset of the igneous rock samples, and U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of detrital zircon from a subset of the sedimentary rock samples. All samples were collected from the region surrounding Lake Clark and Lake Iliamna in southwestern Alaska. All samples were collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted in 2008 and funded by the U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources External Research Program. Apatite and zircon grains were separated and analyzed by Apatite to Zircon, Inc. (A2Z). All analyses were conducted in 2009 using...
This dataset includes four tables with isotopic data and ages for selected igneous bedrock samples collected in 2001 through 2003 from the Western Alaska Range, southcentral Alaska: (1) the concentration of uranium (U) and thorium (Th), ratios of multiple isotopes of lead (Pb) and U, and the age of multiple analytical aliquots, or fractions, of zircon for each sample; (2) the 40Ar/39Ar analytical data and interpreted ages for each rock sample; (3) the sample location, rock characteristics, and interpreted ages for each sample; (4) a data dictionary table, provided as a reference guide for the user.
This data set contains 3 tables containing uranium-lead (U-Pb) isotopic data and crystallization ages of zircon and titanite from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks collected from the Yukon-Tanana upland of eastern interior Alaska between 2013 and 2019. Bulk samples of igneous and metamorphic rocks were processed into concentrated mineral separates of zircon and (or) titanite in USGS laboratories in Denver, Colorado, or by Apatite to Zircon, Inc. (A2Z) and analyzed by USGS research scientists at the Stanford-USGS Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe with Reverse-Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) at Stanford University. Bulk samples of sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks were processed into concentrated mineral...
This dataset is comprised of two tables with age data along the Fairweather fault in Glacier Bay Nation Park. The tables are: (1) radiocarbon dates analyzed at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS), and (2) infrared stimulated luminescence ages determined by the Utah State University (USU) Luminescence Laboratory.
This set of data files contains analyses of samples representing Triassic units (Shublik and Ivishak Formations and Karen Creek Sandstone) in Alaska. The samples were collected from 20 outcrop localities in northeastern Alaska. The data set includes total organic carbon (TOC) and geochemical data from inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy-mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES-MS) and portable X-ray fluorescence (p-XRF). The data presented here are described and interpreted in a paper titled "Facies Variation within Outcrops of the Triassic Shublik Formation, Northeastern Alaska".
This data set contains tables containing uranium-lead (U-Pb) isotopic data and the crystallization age of zircon from a metamorphic rock from the Manzano Mountains, New Mexico, collected in 2005. The bulk sample was processed into concentrated mineral separates of zircon at the University of Texas at Austin and analyzed by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research scientists at the Stanford-USGS Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe with Reverse-Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) at Stanford University. The data table (geology_SHRIMPRGData_NM_Jones.csv) accompanying this data release reports the isotopic composition of uranium (U) and thorium (Th) measured in each grain, ratios of two isotopes of lead (207Pb and 206Pb) and two...
Categories: Data
This dataset provides a detailed (1:10,000) digital map of fault and fold traces in Alaska, USA based on features identified in the freely available ArcticDEM 3.0. The fault traces represented in this dataset either revise the location and accuracy of known active faults or folds archived in the USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database, or represent the surface traces of active structures not previously recognized.
This data set contains U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of titanite from one sample and detrital zircon grains from 33 sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks collected from the western Alaska Range in south-central Alaska. The samples were collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted between 2010 and 2014 and funded by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Titanite was separated by Apatite to Zircon, Inc. (A2Z) and analyzed by USGS research staff at the Stanford-US Geological Survey (USGS) Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe with Reverse-Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) at Stanford University. Detrital zircon grains from each of the 33 samples were separated and analyzed by...
This dataset comprises four tables containing cosmogenic beryllium-10 and aluminum-26 concentrations and related data, as well as infrared stimulated luminescence data, from samples collected at 21 sites along the Fortymile River in eastern Alaska and Yukon, Canada between 2016 to 2018, and processed between 2016 and 2019. The file “geology_siteLocations_Fortymile_bender_2020.csv” contains site locations in the NAD83 reference frame, and depositional ages or erosion rates computed from raw data contained in the other files. All files are linked by the “site_id” field.
This data release provides bathymetry data for the western part of Passage Canal, near Whittier Alaska. It was collected by the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in 2011 under Field Activity Number A0111GA. The data release consists of a 5 m grid, derived from processed and cleaned multibeam data. Depths were corrected for tidal variations and calculated using conductivity, temperature, and depth profiles collected during the survey.
This data set contains 40Ar/39Ar isotopic data and ages for rocks from the Yukon-Tanana upland of eastern Alaska and the northern Aleutian Range of south-central Alaska. The entire sample suite was collected as part of geological mapping and supporting geochemical and geochronological analysis were conducted from 2013 to 2019 by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Legacy bedrock samples archived from earlier USGS field investigations were also analyzed in some cases. Hornblende, muscovite, and (or) biotite were extracted from bedrock samples of igneous and metamorphic rocks and analyzed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geochronology Laboratory in order to determine the 40Ar/39Ar...
Categories: Data
Data for 819 pan concentrated stream-sediment samples, nonmagnetic heavy-mineral concentrate (HMC) samples, and chemical data for 93 of HMC samples is presented in data file geology_mineralogy_geochemistry_TaylorMtns_Alaska_Wang.csv. The samples were collected in 2004-2008 as part of a reconnaissance geochemical geological survey of drainage basins mostly in the Taylor Mountains 1:250,000-scale quadrangle in southwestern Alaska. Samples were collected from first- or second-order streams, as shown on USGS 1:63,360-scale maps. The data reported here are from hand lens inspection of the panned concentrate samples in the field, microscopic examination of the non-magnetic fraction of the HMC samples in the lab, and chemical...
This data release is composed of three crustal (as opposed to subduction zone) geologic input datasets for the 2023 Alaska update to the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM): 1) fault section vector line data, 2) fault zone vector polygon data, and 3) accompanying earthquake geology attributes.
This data release provides bathymetry data collected in 2015 for Skilak Lake, Alaska. The data release consists of a 7 m grid, derived from processed and cleaned multibeam data. Depths were corrected using conductivity, temperature, and depth profiles collected during the surveys, and the data were cleaned of spurious returns.
This data set contains major and trace element geochemical data and 40Ar/39Ar isotopic data and ages for rock samples collected during 2016 fieldwork in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. The plutonic rock samples were collected for radiometric age determinations to test for the presence of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (130-160 Ma) Saint Elias suite. The age analyses indicate that all the dated plutons are too young to be included in the Saint Elias suite.
This data set provides low-temperature thermochronometric data from 15 rock samples collected along the Fairweather fault in southeast Alaska. These data are from four different analyses used to estimate cooling ages: 1) apatite (U-Th)/He, 2) zircon (U-Th)/He, 3) apatite fission-track, and 4) zircon fission-track.
This data release contains the analytical results and evaluated source data files of geospatial analyses for identifying areas in Alaska that may be prospective for different types of lode gold deposits, including orogenic, reduced-intrusion-related, epithermal, and gold-bearing porphyry. The spatial analysis is based on queries of statewide source datasets of aeromagnetic surveys, Alaska Geochemical Database (AGDB3), Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF), and Alaska Geologic Map (SIM3340) within areas defined by 12-digit HUCs (subwatersheds) from the National Watershed Boundary dataset. The packages of files available for download are: 1. - The analytical results in geodatabase polygon feature...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Alaska,
Alaska lode gold geology,
Alaska lode gold geology geochemistry,
Economic Geology,
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