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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __Fort Collins Science Center (FORT) ___Fort Collins Science Center Data Release Products
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Wildfires are increasing in size and severity because of a warming climate in combination with overstocked forests. Fire increases the likelihood of debris flows, posing significant threats to life, property, and water supplies. Post-fire debris flows are a substantial, increasing hazard in the Santa Fe Municipal Watershed and other similar forested watersheds across the western United States. The Santa Fe Municipal Watershed in northern New Mexico is of vital importance to the water supply for the city of Santa Fe. We conducted a debris-flow hazard assessment for the Santa Fe Municipal Watershed (SFMW) in north-central New Mexico. We modeled post-fire debris flow probability and volume in 103 sub-basins for 2-year,...
Habitat restoration efforts to conserve wildlife species are often conducted along a range of local site conditions, with limited information available to gauge relative outcomes for habitat suitability among sites and identify those that may lead to the greatest returns on restoration investment. We leveraged existing resource selection function models to generate heatmaps of spatially varying habitat suitability improvement potential for the Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) based on a suite of habitat restoration actions deployed across crucial habitats within six remaining satellite populations. We first simulated expected change in model covariates (habitat features) from a suite of restoration actions...
Intense precipitation following the June 2011 Las Conchas Fire in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, led to widespread debris flows in the watershed of Rito de los Frijoles in Bandelier National Monument. Sediment eroded by these debris flows was transported along Rito de los Frijoles during floods in 2011 and 2013. This dataset contains two tabular files and one raster digital file. The tabular digital file Frijoles_Long_Profiles.csv contains longitudinal profiles of Rito de los Frijoles from 2010, before the fire, and 2016, after the debris flows and floods. These longitudinal profiles were derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) based on airborne lidar and present the elevation of the thalweg (deepest point...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Bandelier National Monument,
New Mexico,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This data release provides pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) counts and local-scale vegetation data associated with summertime point count surveys conducted throughout the InterMountain West under the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program, 2008 - 2020. We also provide code written in the R programming language to model pinyon jay abundance as a function of local-scale covariates.
We provide a roads dataset that includes the spatial location of roads, the estimated age of each road, and the predicted traffic volume of each road between 1986 and 2020 in Wyoming, USA. Our annual estimates of traffic volume are available for each road and include estimates for all vehicles and truck only traffic. Moreover, we provide the estimated age of each road, where a minimum value of 1986 indicates that the road existed in 1986, and any later year indicates the most likely year that road was developed. This dataset will be beneficial for any research focused on the mechanistic effects of road traffic on wildlife populations. Our roads dataset is based on a comprehensive inventory of paved and unpaved roads...
This data release contains a formatted dataset compiled from multiple databases on restoration treatments and environmental conditions from across the sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) biome. With these data, we modeled the influence of environmental conditions and restoration treatments on trends in sagebrush cover using generalized additive models. We then used these models to create maps of projected sagebrush cover 30 years following wildfire (no treatment, and aerial or drill seeding of sagebrush). We also provide maps for the probability of recovery after 30 years without treatment, with aerial seeding of sagebrush, or with drill seeding of sagebrush. Widespread degradation of ecosystem function and biodiversity...
These data provide current and future projected post-fire invasion risk by non-native short-lived grasses and forbs based on vegetation cover data from 26,729 plots in the western United States that burned prior to being sampled. Projected post-fire invasion risk was calculated using random forests with gridded climate, soil, and topographic predictor variables following Prevéy et al. (2024). Projections cover the western United States west of -100 longitude over the current time period (1981-2010), mid-century (2041–2070) and the end of the century (2071–2100) under medium (SSP245) and high (SSP585) greenhouse gas emission scenarios for non-native C3 short-lived grasses and non-native short-lived forbs. Each raster...
The U.S. Geological Survey collected low-altitude airborne natural color imagery via a fixed-wing uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) for mapping channel and vegetation change along a 2-mile reach of the Middle Green River at Grays Canyon near Green River, UT. Visual imagery was collected in jpg format and Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques were applied (Over et. al. 2021) using Agisoft Metashape Professional (v. 2.1.2 build 18358) to derive time-specific high-resolution 5 centimeter natural color orthomosaics of the study reach annually from 2021 to 2023. Ground control points (2ft x 2ft ground targets) were also surveyed in the field using Trimble RTK GPS survey units and were used in georectification...
This dataset consists of phenology observations of red brome (Bromus rubens) and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) collected at long-term monitoring sites and using daily timelapse camera imagery in the western United States. These observations include the location and day of year that flowering or senescence was observed per species. For timelapse camera images, 'flowering' observations denote the date that 75% of individual plants in the camera viewshed had open, mature flowers, and 'senescence' observations denote dates when 75% of individuals in the camera viewshed exhibited color change of leaves.