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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Alaska Science Center (ASC) > _Water Ice & Landscapes ( Show direct descendants )

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This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: This dataset contains aerial oblique digital photos taken of the arctic landscape during low altitude photo survey transects in northwest Alaska, July 2013. Three flight transects were conducted from small aircraft over the National Park Service's Arctic Network (ARCN; Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Selawik National Wildlife Refuge. Version History: First release: May 2014 Revised:August 2021 (ver. 1.01) Revised:August 2023 (ver. 1.1)
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Tags: Aerial Photography, Alaska, Arctic Network, Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Biota, All tags...
This dataset contains observations of the distribution of end-of-summer snow cover on approximately 3000 glaciers across Alaska and Northwest Canada. The data are provided as: (1) GeoTIFF rasters indicating the spatial extent of end-of-summer snow cover on each glacier's surface in each year (one raster per glacier per year), and (2) yearly tables with the equilibrium line altitude and the accumulation area ratio of the glaciers derived from the snow cover extent geotiffs. Snow cover was identified in Sentinel-2 imagery using a random forest algorithm trained with a manually-created validation dataset. A series of post-processing steps were used to infill missing data from terrain shadowing and cloud cover, and...
This dataset contains drainage basin boundaries for 253 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages in Alaska that had at least 5 years of daily streamflow through September 30, 2017, three of which were delineated for alternate basin conditions. This compilation includes selected boundaries produced in 2014 ( Additional basin boundaries were delineated from the streamgage location to the nearest USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) HUC boundary and along HUC boundaries from that intersection to the basin headwaters. Streamgages selected for drainage basin delineation included streamgages in Alaska that met selection criteria for a statewide study of seasonal flow regimes (Curran...
This dataset provides estimated Remote Sensing Streamflow (RSQ) data at selected river reaches in Alaska. Reach-specific relations between satellite-derived water-surface elevation data and dynamic surface water extent data were used with a modified form of the Manning's streamflow equation to estimate streamflows. The streamflow estimates were used to create rating tables that define the relation between discharge and satellite-observed water-surface elevation. The streamflow estimates in the gage_data.csv files are derived from these rating tables, interpolated using a polynomial regression equation. Data are organized in child items named for each river reach. Reach-specific details are provided in a README file...
This study focuses on a 67 attribute lake cover classification scheme covering the Bering Land Bridge area of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. The GIS dataset consists of 5170 lakes (which were extracted from a 5m resolution ifSAR/orthophoto image) and provides information on lake morphometry, hydrologic connectivity, surface area dynamics, surrounding terrestrial ecotypes, bedfast percentage, and other important conditions. The Seward Peninsula lake habitat study classification system provides lake specific information for a coastal peninsula area that will guide research and aid in the management of the natural environment.
This data package documents selected special conditions affecting the magnitude of peak flows at streamgages in Alaska. The data consist of a table of special conditions for selected peak flows and a table of data sources. This dataset resolves ambiguity introduced by historical variations in USGS National Water Information System (NWIS; peak-flow code assignment practices or inherent in defining multiple possible conditions for a single code. For peak flows assigned a code 3 or 9 in the NWIS peak-flow database, the special conditions forming the basis for code assignment were (1) snowmelt or (2) a sudden release of water. Sudden releases of water included glacier dammed lake outburst,...
This study focuses on the development of a 20 attribute lake cover classification scheme for the Fish Creek Watershed (FCW), which is located in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). The GIS dataset consists of 4,362 lakes (which were extracted from a 5m resolution IfSAR/orthophoto image) covering 18% of the 4,900 km2 FCW and provides information on lake morphometry, hydrologic connectivity, surface area dynamics, surrounding terrestrial ecotypes, and other important aquatic conditions. The FCW lake cover classification scheme provides lake specific information for an arctic watershed that will guide research and aid in the management of the natural and human-modified environment.
This dataset is comprised of 11 geo-referenced aerial images of two study areas (Teshekpuk Lake Special Area and the Chipp River) in the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPRA) on Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain. The images are from aerial photo survey flown by NASA in 1974, 1977, 1979 and obtained from the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center using the USGS EarthExplorer website in 2013. The images represent a historical snapshot of the landscape from that time. Version History: First release: March 2015 Revised September 2022 (ver. 1.1)
This dataset is comprised of one geo-referenced aerial image from the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPRA) on Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain taken on 21 June 1955 by the U.S. Air Force and obtained from the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center using the USGS EarthExplorer website in 2013. The image represents a historical snapshot of the landscape from that time. Version History: First release: March 2015 Revised September 2022 (ver. 1.1)
This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: This dataset contains aerial nadir digital photos and ecotype classification data determined from the photos. Aerial nadir photos were taken at 5 second intervals of the arctic landscape during low altitude photo survey transects in northwest Alaska, July 2013. Three flight transects were conducted from small aircraft over the National Park Service's Arctic Network (ARCN; Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Selawik National Wildlife Refuge. Version History:...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Tags: Aerial Photography, Alaska, Arctic Network, Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Biota, All tags...
This dataset provides estimated Remote Sensing Streamflow (RSQ) data on a reach along the Yukon River 5 miles downstream of Koyukuk, Alaska. Reach-specific relations between satellite-derived water-surface elevation data and dynamic surface water extent data were used with a modified form of the Manning's streamflow equation to estimate streamflows. Reach-specific details are provided in a README PDF document included with this data release.
This dataset provides computed remotely-sensed streamflows (RSQ) at river reaches of selected rivers in Alaska. We used the relation between water-surface elevation data derived from satellite altimetry and dynamic surface water extent data derived from LANDSAT and Sentinel imagery data with the Modified Optimized Manning Method Algorithm (MOMMA) to compute remotely sensed streamflows. Data are organized in ZIP packages named for each river reach. Reach-specific details are provided in a README file included in each river reach ZIP package. Depending on the input data available for specific reaches, we used different workflows to estimate river reach width and process the data from river reaches. Each workflow...
This data package includes 17,014 pairs of raster geotiffs. Each pair is made up of two geotiff rasters derived from historical observations from Landsat satellites (04-09) over the Yukon, Kuskokwim, and Tanana rivers in Alaska. One raster reports estimated mid-day water surface temperature (ST) in degrees Celsius (deg_Cc). The second raster reports the surface temperature quality assessment (sST_QA_c) and provides the ST product uncertainty (also in degrees). The period of observation is May through October for the years 1984-2022.
Since 1993 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has worked with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) to provide hydraulic assessments of scour for bridges throughout Alaska. As part of this effort, repeat channel cross section surveys, or channel soundings, have been collected at either the upstream or downstream side of bridges on an annual or as needed basis. Streambed and bank elevations are measured using USGS sounding weights and reels, weighted measuring tapes, acoustic Doppler current profilers, multibeam echo sounders and light detection and ranging and are referenced to the datum of as-built plan set to provide context for the streambed elevations in relation to bridge structures....
This data release includes 5 child items with photos and videos taken during low altitude photo survey transects in northwest Alaska, July 2013. Three flight transects were conducted from small aircraft over the National Park Service's Arctic Network (ARCN; Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Selawik National Wildlife Refuge. The aerial photo surveys were flown for the WildCast Project (WILDlife Potential Habitat ForeCASTing), a collaboration of the U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Tags: Aerial Photography, Alaska, Arctic Network, Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Biota, All tags...
Since the late 1950s, the USGS has maintained a long-term glacier mass-balance program at key North American glaciers. Measurements began on South Cascade Glacier, WA in 1958, expanding to Gulkana and Wolverine glaciers, AK in 1966, and later Sperry Glacier, MT in 2005. The Juneau Icefield Research Program has measured glacier mass balance on Lemon Creek since the mid-1940s, with USGS providing complimentary seasonal measurements of Lemon Creek beginning in 2014 (JIRP; McNeil et al., 2020). Direct field measurements of point glaciological data are combined with weather and geodetic data to estimate the seasonal and annual mass balance at each glacier in both a conventional and reference surface format (Cogley and...
This dataset includes locations, and water surface elevations from two submersible pressure transducers deployed in the channel of the Tanana River downstream of Fairbanks Alaska in 2016.
Since the late 1950s, the USGS has maintained a long-term glacier mass-balance program at three North American glaciers. Measurements began on South Cascade Glacier, WA in 1958, expanding to Gulkana and Wolverine glaciers, AK in 1966, and later Sperry Glacier, MT in 2005. Additional measurements have been made on Lemon Creek Glacier, AK to compliment data collected by the Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP; Pelto and others, 2013). Direct field measurements are combined with weather data and imagery analyses to estimate the seasonal and annual mass balance at each glacier in both a conventional and reference surface format (Cogley and others, 2011). High-altitude measurements of meteorological data have been...

map background search result map search result map Fish Creek Watershed Lake Classification, NPRA, Alaska, 2016 Bering Land Bridge Lake Classification; Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2012-2016 High Altitude Weather Station Data at USGS Benchmark Glaciers Low-Altitude Photographic Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 Child Item 3: Oblique Photographs Taken During Low-Altitude Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 Child Item 2: Nadir Photographs Taken During Low-Altitude Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: USGS Benchmark Glaciers Water Surfaces Elevations from Pressure Transducers on the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, 2016 Aerial Image of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain, 1955 Aerial Images of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain, 1974-1979 Computed Streamflow Using Satellite Data for Selected Rivers in Alaska Selected Peak-Flow Special Conditions for USGS Streamgages in Alaska Historical Landsat-Derived Water Surface Temperature for Three Large Alaska Rivers 1984-2022 Sounding Cross Section Surveys at Alaska Bridge Crossings Selected Basin Boundaries for USGS Streamgages in Alaska through 2019 Estimated Streamflow Using Satellite Data for Selected Rivers in Alaska Estimated Streamflow Using Satellite Data for 1556500001 YUKON RIVER, RSQ REACH, 5 MI DS OF KOYUKUK, AK Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology and Temperature, Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2022-2023 Continuous Temperature and Specific Conductance from the Yukon River and Arctic Rivers in Alaska Water Surfaces Elevations from Pressure Transducers on the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, 2016 Estimated Streamflow Using Satellite Data for 1556500001 YUKON RIVER, RSQ REACH, 5 MI DS OF KOYUKUK, AK Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology and Temperature, Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2022-2023 Fish Creek Watershed Lake Classification, NPRA, Alaska, 2016 Bering Land Bridge Lake Classification; Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2012-2016 Aerial Image of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain, 1955 Aerial Images of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain, 1974-1979 Low-Altitude Photographic Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 Child Item 3: Oblique Photographs Taken During Low-Altitude Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 Child Item 2: Nadir Photographs Taken During Low-Altitude Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 Historical Landsat-Derived Water Surface Temperature for Three Large Alaska Rivers 1984-2022 Continuous Temperature and Specific Conductance from the Yukon River and Arctic Rivers in Alaska Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: USGS Benchmark Glaciers High Altitude Weather Station Data at USGS Benchmark Glaciers Computed Streamflow Using Satellite Data for Selected Rivers in Alaska Sounding Cross Section Surveys at Alaska Bridge Crossings Estimated Streamflow Using Satellite Data for Selected Rivers in Alaska Selected Basin Boundaries for USGS Streamgages in Alaska through 2019 Selected Peak-Flow Special Conditions for USGS Streamgages in Alaska