Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > ReSciColl Archive > Arkansas Geological Survey > Collection of Maps from Arkansas ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __ReSciColl Archive ___Arkansas Geological Survey ____Collection of Maps from Arkansas Filters
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Geologic cross-section of eastern Faulkner County and vicinity, showing many structural features as well as distribution of straitigraphy.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Map of subsurface geology in Sebastian County, on the border of Oklahoma
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Topographic map of Clarksville and surrounding areas, including portions adjacent to the Arkansas River.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Topo map of Choctaw Nation in West Central Arkansas, straddling the Havana and Danville quadrangles.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Topographic map of the area around Charlestown, AR exploring coal regions of the area.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Includes the topographic profile as well as the geologic cross-section.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Map detailing the geology and topography of the Van Buren area in regards to coal deposit locations
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
A cross-section through Grant, Jefferson, Lonoke, and Prairie Counties. Shows subsurface structure and lithologies found.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
This map spatially describes the location of several different prospecting locations for zinc, lead, and copper in northern Arkansas.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Contour line represents top of Fernvale Limestone and Cason Shale
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Topographic map of the Ft. Smith, AR area. Explores the extent of coal in the region.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps
Topographic map of the Parks, AR area. Explores the extent of coal in the region.
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Maps