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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Northeast CASC > FY 2012 Projects > Evaluating Sea-level Rise Impacts in the Northeastern U.S. > Approved Products ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ___Northeast CASC ____FY 2012 Projects _____Evaluating Sea-level Rise Impacts in the Northeastern U.S. ______Approved Products Filters
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Abstract: We used a numerical model to investigate how a barrier island groundwater system responds to increases of up to 60 cm in sea level. We found that a sea-level rise of 20 cm leads to substantial changes in the depth of the water table and the extent and depth of saltwater intrusion, which are key determinants in the establishment, distribution and succession of vegetation assemblages and habitat suitability in barrier islands ecosystems. In our simulations, increases in water-table height in areas with a shallow depth to water (or thin vadose zone) resulted in extensive groundwater inundation of land surface and a thinning of the underlying freshwater lens. We demonstrated the interdependence of the groundwater...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Ecohydrology,
Northeast CASC,
Sea-Level Rise and Coasts,
Water, Coasts and Ice,
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Northeast CASC,
Sea-Level Rise and Coasts,
Water, Coasts and Ice,