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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Conservation Planning along the Colorado River in Utah > Spatial data sets to support conservation planning along the Colorado River in Utah ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__Conservation Planning along the Colorado River in Utah
___Spatial data sets to support conservation planning along the Colorado River in Utah
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Models for Relative Cost of Restoration, Recovery Potential, and Risk of Fire. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
Layers related to the fluvial geomorphology of the Colorado River in Utah, including channel boundaries during a low flow (2010) and during a high flow (2011), as well as the bottomland boundary for the study area, with divisions both at river reach boundaries or every 1-km along the channel. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
Final models and component layers for seven different habitats of conservation interest to resource managers along the Colorado River in Utah. These include different habitat conditions for bats, snakes, and different groups of terrestrial wildlife that prefer different riparian habitats. For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at
Cover types on the Colorado River Bottomland, 2010 For more detailed information, please visit this project's ScienceBase landing page at, or the final report for this project at