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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > USGS Denver Library Photographic Collection > Mesa Verde scarp, Coyote Creek Valley and decline of San Juan Mountains to south. Colorado. n.d. ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__USGS Denver Library Photographic Collection
___Mesa Verde scarp, Coyote Creek Valley and decline of San Juan Mountains to south. Colorado. n.d.
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Album caption: Laramie and Tertiary scarps, Coyote and Navajo Valleys from N. of divide between head of Montezuma and Coyote Creeks, at 8.200 ft., looking S. 20 degrees east. Colorado. n.d. No index card available.

    map background search result map search result map Laramie and Tertiary scarps, Coyote and Navajo Valleys. Colorado. n.d. Laramie and Tertiary scarps, Coyote and Navajo Valleys. Colorado. n.d.