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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __Eastern Ecological Science Center Filters
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This data set was generated from a study investigating potential effects of hexabromocyclododiene (HBCD) exposure across multiple generations of Japanese quail, (Coturnix japonica, JQ). Exposures ranged from dietary for the initial generation (F0), to dietary and possible maternal deposition) for the second generation (F1), and possible maternal deposition only for the third generation (F2) fed untreated, control feed. The current apical data include embryonic survival and hatching success, and morphometrics for F1 day 14 of embryonic development and F1 adult male and female, end of exposure..
Categories: Data;
Tags: Ecotoxicology,
Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel Maryland,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
These data describe avian influenza sampling efforts for eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) across the Maryland portion of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA in the winter of 2023-2024
Categories: Data;
Tags: Chesapeake Bay,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wildlife Disease,
avian influenza,
These data describe the demographic composition of Common Terns at a newly identified staging area on the Patuxent River Naval Air Station and evaluates the importance of this location to the local breeding population. Specifically, we sought to identify the number of individuals using this potential staging area, the origins of those individuals, and the relative importance of this location to locally hatched juveniles.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Chesapeake Bay,
Common Tern,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
staging area
Our data include detailed information about 12 species of Anatidae broods encountered on four study areas in Maine during 1977–1994 as one dataset. The second dataset provides the characteristics of the wetlands which were monitored during the studies. The third dataset enumerates the effort (such as numbers of visits to each wetland) to determine numbers of broods and the number of young that reached Class IIC-III to fledge. Each wetland is described by size, pH, specific conductivity, and class according to the system of Cowardin and others (1979, Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States, USFWS publication, 131 p.). More details of the datasets are included in the companion USGS Data...
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