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_____Foundational Science Area: Developing Climate Change Understanding and Resources for Adaptation in the North Central U.S.
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There is growing evidence that the rate of warming is amplified with elevation, such that high-mountain environments experience more rapid changes in temperature than environments at lower elevations. Elevation-dependent warming (EDW) can accelerate the rate of change in mountain ecosystems, cryospheric systems, hydrological regimes and biodiversity. Here we review important mechanisms that contribute towards EDW: snow albedo and surface-based feedbacks; water vapour changes and latent heat release; surface water vapour and radiative flux changes; surface heat loss and temperature change; and aerosols. All lead to enhanced warming with elevation (or at a critical elevation), and it is believed that combinations...
Climate policy developers and natural resource managers frequently desire high-resolution climate data to prepare for future effects of climate change. But they face a long-standing problem: the vast majority of climate models have been run at coarse resolutions—from hundreds of kilometers in global climate models (GCMs) down to 25–50 kilometers in regional climate models (RCMs).
Abstract (from Several studies have projected increases in drought severity, extent and duration in many parts of the world under climate change. We examine sources of uncertainty arising from the methodological choices for the assessment of future drought risk in the continental US (CONUS). One such uncertainty is in the climate models’ expression of evaporative demand (E0), which is not a direct climate model output but has been traditionally estimated using several different formulations. Here we analyze daily output from two CMIP5 GCMs to evaluate how differences in E0 formulation, treatment of meteorological driving data, choice of GCM,...
Pan evaporation is a measure of atmospheric evaporative demand (E0) for which long term and spatially distributed observations are available from the NOAA Cooperative Observer (COOP) Network. However, this data requires extensive quality control and homogenization due to documented and undocumented station moves and other factors including human errors in recording or digitization. Station-based Pan Evaporation measurements (in mm) from 247 stations across the continental United States were compiled and quality controlled for the analysis shown in Dewes et al., 2017. This dataset reports warm season (May-October; for 21 stations the data is only available for May-September) pan evaporation with at least 20 years...
This dataset provides downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for nine ecologically-relevant climate variables for the north central US region between 35.5N-49N latitude and 88W-118W longitude from the Met Office Hadley Center (UK) model, HadGEM2-ES, simulations (r1i1p1) from two emissions scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5), which are downscaled using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method. These projections are available as five different (approximately) 30-year climate normals between 1950 and 2099 as monthly values, except for Aridity Index which are annual values. The five periods for which these climate normals are provided are 1950-1979 and 1980-2005 in the historic, and 2011-2040,...
This dataset provides downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for nine ecologically-relevant climate variables for the north central US region between 35.5N-49N latitude and 88W-118W longitude from the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (USA) model, GFDL-ESM2M, simulations (r1i1p1) from two emissions scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5), which are downscaled using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method. These projections are available as five different (approximately) 30-year climate normals between 1950 and 2099 as monthly values, except for Aridity Index which are annual values. The five periods for which these climate normals are provided are 1950-1979 and 1980-2005 in the...
EDDI is a drought indicator that uses atmospheric evaporative demand (E0) anomalies across a time-window of interest relative to its climatology to indicate the spatial extent and severity of drought. This page provides access to near-real-time (with a five-day latency, i.e., the most recent information is five days old) EDDI plots with time windows integrating E0 anomalies from 1 to 12 weeks and 1 to 12 months from the most current date. E0 is calculated using the Penman Monteith FAO56 reference evapotranspiration formulation driven by temperature, humidity, wind speed, and incoming solar radiation from the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2) dataset. For a particular time-window, EDDI is estimated...
This dataset provides downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for nine ecologically-relevant climate variables for the north central US region between 35.5N-49N latitude and 88W-118W longitude from 12 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) climate model simulations (6GCMs x 2RCPs) which are downscaled using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method. These projections are available as five different (approximately) 30-year climate normals between 1950 and 2099 as monthly values, except for Aridity Index which are annual values. The five periods for which these climate normals are provided are 1950-1979 and 1980-2005 in the historic, and 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and...
Abstract (from Remotely sensed land skin temperature (LST) is increasingly being used to improve gridded interpolations of near-surface air temperature. The appeal of LST as a spatial predictor of air temperature rests in the fact that it is an observation available at spatial resolutions fine enough to capture topoclimatic and biophysical variations. However, it remains unclear if LST improves air temperature interpolations over what can already be obtained with simpler terrain-based predictor variables. Here, the relationship between LST and air temperature is evaluated across the conterminous United States (CONUS). It is found that there are significant...
The TopoWx ('Topography Weather') dataset contains historical 30-arcsec resolution (~800-m) interpolations of daily minimum and maximum topoclimatic air temperature for the conterminous U.S. Using both DEM-based variables and MODIS land skin temperature as predictors of air temperature, interpolation procedures include moving window regression kriging and geographically weighted regression. To avoid artificial climate trends, all input station data are homogenized using the GHCN/USHCN Pairwise Homogenization Algorithm ( The interpolation model is open source and information on obtaining model code can be found at The...
This dataset provides downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for nine ecologically-relevant climate variables for the north central US region between 35.5N-49N latitude and 88W-118W longitude from the National Centre of Meteorological Research (France) model, CNRM-CM5, simulations (r1i1p1) from two emissions scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5), which are downscaled using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method. These projections are available as five different (approximately) 30-year climate normals between 1950 and 2099 as monthly values, except for Aridity Index which are annual values. The five periods for which these climate normals are provided are 1950-1979 and 1980-2005 in the...
This dataset provides downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for nine ecologically-relevant climate variables for the north central US region between 35.5N-49N latitude and 88W-118W longitude from the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (France) model, IPSL-CM5A-MR, simulations (r1i1p1) from two emissions scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5), which are downscaled using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method. These projections are available as five different (approximately) 30-year climate normals between 1950 and 2099 as monthly values, except for Aridity Index which are annual values. The five periods for which these climate normals are provided are 1950-1979 and 1980-2005 in the historic,...
This project supported the activities of the Climate Foundational Science Area (FSA) at the North Central Climate Science Adaptation Center (NC CASC). These activities included foundational research into drought processes relevant to the different climatic zones and ecosystems in the NC CASC region. We examined role of the atmospheric thirst for water from the land surface (aka, Evaporative Demand), how that may change during the 21st century and affect drought related risks in the future. We developed and did outreach with a drought index called the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI), that solely looks at the Evaporative Demand parameter, for its drought early warning potential, its ability to capture flash...
This webinar was recorded as part of the Climate Change Science and Management Webinar Series (hosted in partnership by the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and FWS National Conservation Training Center). Webinar Summary: Accurate information on the atmospheric evaporative demand (i.e., thirst of the atmosphere) and the land-surface evaporative response (i.e., moisture supply on the land to meet the evaporative demand) is extremely important to assessing water stress on the land surface. In this webinar, the presenters will introduce real-time high resolution (1-10km) monitoring products of atmospheric evaporative demand and land-surface evaporative response models that are currently available...

map background search result map search result map TopoWx: Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset for the Conterminous United States Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method from selective CMIP5 models CNRM-CM5: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method GFDL-ESM2M: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method HadGEM2-ES: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method IPSL-CM5A-MR: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method from selective CMIP5 models CNRM-CM5: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method GFDL-ESM2M: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method HadGEM2-ES: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method IPSL-CM5A-MR: Downscaled climate projections at 800m spatial resolution for the north central United States based on the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) method TopoWx: Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset for the Conterminous United States