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This raster depicts the percentage of lithological the hydraulic conductivity (in micrometers per second) of surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average conductivity for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater...
In order to allow for a comparison across years we visually digitized landcover of Poplar Island from a single image per year at a 1:1000 spatial extent with a minimum mapping unit of 300 square meters (no minimum dimensions aside from area). Images used to assign landcover were provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and were captured between July and October of their respective years. All images were 1 foot resolution.
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological aluminum oxide (Al2O3) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent Al2O3 content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological the compressive strength, measured as uniaxial compressive strength (in megaPascals, MPa) of surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average strength for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological magnesium oxide (MgO) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent MgO content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological nitrogen (N) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent N content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from Soller et...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological sulfur (S) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent S content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from Soller et al....
NOTE: A more current version of the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is available: PAD-US 2.1 The USGS Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is the nation's inventory of protected areas, including public land and voluntarily provided private protected areas, identified as an A-16 National Geospatial Data Asset in the Cadastre Theme ( The PAD-US is an ongoing project with several published versions of a spatial database including areas dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity, and other natural (including extraction), recreational, or cultural uses, managed for these purposes...
Categories: Data, Map; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Agricultural Research Service, Alabama (AL), Alaska (AK), American Samoa (AS), Arizona (AZ), All tags...
Values for predicted probabilities of avian species occupancy were determined using colonization-extinction models (MacKenzie and others, 2003) as implemented in R (Version 3.4.4; via the ‘colext’ function of the Unmarked package (Version 0.12-0; Fiske and Chandler 2011). Performance of a null model (without covariates) and 153 additional models that assessed the effects of geographic coordinates and habitat context covariates were evaluated using Akaike information criteria (AIC; Burnham and Anderson, 2002). When more than one model had substantial support, their respective model weights were used to spatially predict occupancy relative to covariate influence. Predictive model covariates...
The Energy Release Component (ERC) is a calculated output of the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS). The ERC is a number related to the available energy (BTU) per unit area (square foot) within the flaming front at the head of a fire. The ERC is considered a composite fuel moisture index as it reflects the contribution of all live and dead fuels to potential fire intensity. As live fuels cure and dead fuels dry, the ERC will increase and can be described as a build-up index. The ERC has memory. Each daily calculation considers the past 7 days in calculating the new number. Daily variations of the ERC are relatively small as wind is not part of the calculation. The ERC is projected to the 2050s using three...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent P2O5 content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological silicon dioxide (SiO2) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent SiO2 content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological sodium oxide (Na2O) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent Na2O content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent CaO content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological ferric oxide (Fe2O3) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent Fe2O3 content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...
This raster depicts the percentage of lithological potassium oxide (K2O) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent K2O content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from...

    map background search result map search result map Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % CaO Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % MgO Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % P2O5 Geophysical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) Geophysical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: Hydraulic Conductivity (µm/s) Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Sulfur Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % SiO2 Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Na2O Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % K2O Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Al2O3 Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Fe2O3 Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Nitrogen Change from Historical in Number of Days with High Fire Risk (Energy Release Component > 95th percentile), RCP8.5, 2050s Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.0 Predicted Avian Species Occupancy, Area of Sustainable Forest Habitat, and Area of Occupied Habitat within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Bird Conservation Region Poplar Island Digitizing Poplar Island Digitizing Change from Historical in Number of Days with High Fire Risk (Energy Release Component > 95th percentile), RCP8.5, 2050s Predicted Avian Species Occupancy, Area of Sustainable Forest Habitat, and Area of Occupied Habitat within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Bird Conservation Region Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % CaO Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % MgO Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % P2O5 Geophysical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) Geophysical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: Hydraulic Conductivity (µm/s) Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Sulfur Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % SiO2 Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Na2O Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % K2O Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Al2O3 Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Fe2O3 Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % Nitrogen Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.0