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![]() The Fisheries and Wildlife Resources Group combines the expertise of professional fisheries scientists, wildlife biologists, environmental regulatory specialists, and environmental chemists, to conduct a wide variety of multidisciplinary environmental field and laboratory studies concerning aquatic and terrestrial habitats, wildlife, water quality, and environmental impacts.
The Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is a geodatabase that illustrates and describes public land ownership, management and conservation lands nationally, including voluntarily provided privately protected areas. The lands included in PAD-US are assigned conservation measures that qualify their intent to manage lands for the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreational and cultural uses; managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. The geodatabase includes: 1) Geographic boundaries of public land ownership and voluntarily provided private conservation lands (e.g., Nature Conservancy Preserves); 2) The combination land owner, land manager, management...
Categories: Web Site
Surficial Seafloor Soundings: Seafloor characteristics are measured using side-scan sonar systems.
Categories: Web Site
Geochemical data for soils collected in the United States and analyzed by the USGS. The data were originally entered into the in-house PLUTO database.
![]() The Eagle River drains approximately 970 square miles (sq mi) west of the Continental Divide in central Colorado before flowing into the Colorado River. The Eagle River watershed (ERW) is located primarily within Eagle County and includes the towns of Vail, Minturn, Avon, Edwards, Eagle, and Gypsum. The eastern boundary of the ERW is drained by Gore Creek, located at Vail Pass. Gore Creek flows along I-70 through the town of Vail before its confluence with the main stem Eagle River near the town of Minturn. The Eagle River continues to flow along I-70 to its western boundary near Dotsero. Increased tourism and development in Eagle County is in part due to the high mountain environment and accessible location within...
The Gap Analysis Program provides a variety of web services for its data sets. Please see for a list of web services available for land cover data, species data, and protected areas data.
NOTE: A newer online map viewer for the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is available: The Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is a geodatabase that illustrates and describes public land ownership, management and conservation lands nationally, including voluntarily provided privately protected areas. The lands included in PAD-US are assigned conservation measures that qualify their intent to manage lands for the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreational and cultural uses; managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. The geodatabase includes: 1) Geographic boundaries of public...
Categories: Data,
Web Site;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service
Website: “Climate Change Refugia” website features a dynamic, interactive refugia map and all deliverables
Local Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change Portal housing all of the data and products produced from this project.
Categories: Data,
Web Site;
Tags: LCC Network Science Catalog,
Pacific Islands LCC,
Web Site,
The Colorado Division of Wildlife has created a gallery in Data Basin with 140 GIS layers showing species ranges, nesting areas, foraging areas, concentration areas etc. for species including bald eagle, albert's squirrel, gunnison sage-grouse, mule deer, and many others. Also available for public download from this link in
A website with links to the Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Integrated Data Management Network (IDMN) final report as well as individual LCC websites. The IDMN worked with over 20 organizations over two years to bring coherence to the LCC information management landscape. Specifically, the IDMN Network tried to address ways LCC partners implemented the basic building blocks of data management. Issues addressed included building and sharing science products with partners, securely storing those data for the long term, and evaluating ways to get those outputs to cooperators and eventually the public. Over the course of the IDMN project, the scope was expanded to address ways to track projects that produced...
The Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform that allows users to discover, access and integrate existing spatial data layers and maps for use in analysis and conservation planning.
Categories: Data,
Web Site;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Applications and Tools,
Conservation NGOs,
This map displays the HOTR conservation partners conservation accomplishments between 2004 and 2013.
The sagebrush ecosystem is the largest ecosystem type in the continental U.S., providing habitat for more than 350 associated fish and wildlife species. In recognition of the need to conserve a healthy sagebrush ecosystem to provide for the long-term conservation of its inhabitants, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) developed the Conservation Efforts Database version 2.0.0 (CED). The purpose of the CED is to efficiently capture the unprecedented level of conservation plans and actions being implemented throughout the sagebrush ecosystem and designed to capture actions not only for its most famous resident, the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter,...
This USGS Energy Resources Program website contains news, research and links related to energy in the Colorado Plateau region.
Categories: Web Site
The aim of this USGS program is to provide site specific sea-level rise predictions to land managers through the intensive collection of field data and innovative predictive modeling. In 2009 and 2010, thousands of elevation and vegetation survey points were collected in salt marsh at 12 sites surrounding San Francisco Bay. The elevation data was synthesized into a continuous elevation model for each site, providing land owners valuable baseline data. This site hosts the project report, pages describing each of the 12 marshes visited in this study, and maps and GIS data for all of the marshes including high-resolution digital elevation models.
GIS data in Data Basin showing relationship between major soil types and recent pinyon pine dieback in the southwest.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service awarded funding to eight projects for the Southern Rockies LCC. Attached is a PDF list of the projects.
The Sqigwts 3-D Landscape is an interactive three-dimensional experience developed to provide an opportunity to effectively learn about the important cultural significance of sqigwts, the water potato (Sagittaria latifolia), to the Schitsu’umsh or Coeur d’Alene Indian Tribe (of the Pacific Northwest USA). The goal is to provide information on the potential vulnerability of this species to climate change and of the Schitsu’umsh living relationship with it. Schitsu’umsh knowledge and practice is called hnkhwelkhwlnet, meaning “our ways of life in the world,” and is conveyed through acts of re-telling oral traditions and stories. For the Schitsu’umsh, storytelling is a living act and can only truly occur in-person...
Categories: Web Site;
Types: Application;
Tags: Coeur d'Alene Tribal Lands,
Data Visualization & Tools,
Indigenous Peoples,
National CASC,
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