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CalWeedMapper is an online tool that provides maps of 210 invasive plants from the California Invasive Plant Inventory, as well as maps of suitable range in 2010 and 2050 climate for 79 species. CalWeedMapper also provides users the ability to generate reports of recommended eradication, surveillance, and containment targets based on the user’s selected area.
From USFWS service description: "This data service identifies, in general, the areas where final critical habitat exist for species that are endangered or threatened. Special protections and/or restrictions are possible in areas where federal funding, permits, licenses, authorizations or actions occur or are required. Critical habitat are areas considered essential for the conservation of a listed species. These areas provide notice to the public and land managers the importance of these areas to the conservation of the species." The data can be downloaded in a shapefile, viewed on the Fish and Wildlife Service's map viewer, or accessed through a web service. It's also possible to view the data through the ScienceBase...
An online decision support tool for managers, planners, conservation practitioners and scientists.The models generating these maps are the first to take into account the ability of marshes to accrete, or keep up with, rising sea levels, in the San Francisco Bay Estuary.PRBO has generated a series of scenarios to provide a range of projections to address the uncertainty in future rates of sea-level rise and suspended sediment availability.Our maps cover the entire Estuary allowing for analyses at multiple spatial scales.This tool displays maps created at a high spatial resolution using the best available elevation data. The website will be continually updated as new data becomes availableThe tool is the first to...
An online decision support tool for managers, planners, conservation practitioners and scientists.The models generating these maps are the first to take into account the ability of marshes to accrete, or keep up with, rising sea levels, in the San Francisco Bay Estuary.PRBO has generated a series of scenarios to provide a range of projections to address the uncertainty in future rates of sea-level rise and suspended sediment availability.Our maps cover the entire Estuary allowing for analyses at multiple spatial scales.This tool displays maps created at a high spatial resolution using the best available elevation data. The website will be continually updated as new data becomes availableThe tool is the first to...
The Natural Resources Conservation Service ( NRCS ) - National Cartography and Geospatial Center ( NCGC ) previously archived and distributed the State Soil Geographic ( STATSGO ) Database. The STATSGO spatial and tabular data were revised and updated in 2006. STATSGO has been renamed to the U.S. General Soil Map ( STATSGO2 ). It is available for download from
Categories: Web Site; Tags: STATSGO, soil data access, soils
Online data sets describing National Parks, available for download.
Categories: Web Site; Tags: datasets
The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office's mandate is to promote the preservation of cultural resources and to explore all alternatives for their preservation. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 establishes certain SHPO responsibilities and provides the basis for our philosophy and legal responsibilities in the historic preservation process. Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office: Wyoming Cultural Resource Information System (WYCRIS) / On-line Research:
Categories: Web Site; Tags: cultural, human, social
The USGS Earth Explorer is a tool for querying and ordering satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products.
The Northwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (NWGAP) is an update of the Gap Analysis Program's mapping and assessment of biodiversity for the five-state region encompassing Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Wyoming. It is a multi-institutional cooperative effort coordinated by the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Program. The primary objective of the update is to use a coordinated mapping approach to create detailed, seamless GIS maps of land cover, all native terrestrial vertebrate species, land stewardship, and management status, and to analyze this information to identify those biotic elements that are underrepresented on lands managed for their long term conservation, in other words, "gaps". This...
This page catalogs known dust storm events that we have captured using various techniques and imaging platforms.
FEIS summarizes and synthesizes research about living organisms in the United States—their biology, ecology, and relationship to fire.
Categories: Web Site; Tags: WLCI Related Publication
Formed in 1999, the Colorado Watershed Assembly is a statewide coalition of 72 local organizations working to protect the health of their area’s unique watersheds. These citizens groups work to protect rivers and streams and the wildlife that relies on healthy habitat. Each local group addresses issues specific to their watershed, including water quality, environmental degradation, agricultural diversions, water conservation, and recreation. Our member organizations address their priority issues through advocacy, community outreach, and through restoration and enhancement projects. CWA’s role is to support watershed organizations around the state and to amplify their collective voices. To that end, CWA works...
Categories: Web Site; Tags: watersheds
Mission Utah Open Lands (UOL) is a non-profit land trust conservation association. Our mission is to preserve and protect open space in order to maintain Utah’s natural heritage and quality of life for present and future generations. This is achieved by assisting private landowners, government agencies and communities in the voluntary preservation of the agricultural, scenic, recreational, historic and wildlife values of open land. Goals •To permanently protect land in Utah by acquiring title or conservation easements. •To responsibly manage and monitor preserves and easements, and enforce restrictions to protect conservation values. •To educate and inform landowners, professional advisors, and the general public...
Categories: Web Site; Tags: land conservation
Link to metadata. NOAA’s radar website: The data can be viewed through NOAA's Integrated Map Application. The Next Generation RADar (NEXRAD) Level III is digital data set DSI-7000 archived at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The NEXRAD system comprises over 150 Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) sites throughout the United States and selected overseas locations. This system is a joint effort of the United States Departments of Commerce (DOC), Defense (DOD), and Transportation (DOT). The controlling agencies within those departments are, respectively, the National Weather Service (NWS), Air Weather Service (AWS) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)....
Categories: Web Site
National Park managers across the country are confronted with increasingly complex and challenging issues that require a broad-based understanding of the status and trends of each park's natural resources as a basis for making decisions, working with other agencies, and communicating with the public to protect park natural systems and native species. As part of the National Park Service's effort to "improve park management through greater reliance on scientific knowledge," a primary role of the Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Program is to collect, organize, and make available natural resource data and to contribute to the Service's institutional knowledge by facilitating the transformation of data into information...
Using multidisciplinary teams of experts in climate, water, law, and economics, the Western Water Assessment provides information about natural climate variability and human-caused climate change. This information – usually in the form of climate forecasts and regional vulnerability assessments -- is designed to assist water-resource decision makers.
Wild Utah Project provides scientific research, technical support including the development of ecological assessment methods and conservation tools, and computer mapping analyses using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to land managers, Citizen Activists and other conservation partners. Wild Utah Project fills a critical niche here in Utah and the intermountain West, by providing the scientific support needed to shape regional land use in a way that restores native wildlife, maintains ecological integrity, expands wilderness, protects biodiversity, and provides for ecosystem resilience in the face of climate change.
The Bureau of Land Management's Cadastral Survey Program is one of the oldest and most fundamental functions of the United States Government. Established by the Land Ordinance of 1785, Cadastral surveys are the foundation of our national land tenure system creating, reestablishing, marking, and defining land boundaries. In addition to conducting surveys to meet BLM land management needs, Wyoming Cadastral Survey completes surveys for all federal agencies and Indian Tribes in Wyoming and Nebraska. BLM's Cadastral Survey maintains the essential land grid known as the Rectangular Survey System or Public Land Survey System (PLSS) that is the basis for identification of legal descriptions for land parcels. Growing...
Categories: Web Site; Tags: political
The Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit was authorized by the United States Congress in 1977. There are five cooperators: (1) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), (2) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), (3) University of Wyoming (UW), (4) Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD), and (5) Wildlife Management Institute. The primary Department of Interior cooperator was changed from USFWS to the USGS in 1996. The Units are now housed in the Biological Resources Division of USGS. Under the cooperative agreement, the Unit is charged to provide research and technical assistance to the WGFD, other Federal and state agencies, and private institutions, and to train graduate students in fisheries and wildlife...
Categories: Web Site; Tags: animal, biotic, fisheries, natural
Glen Canyon Institute (GCI) was founded in 1996 as a charitable 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the mission of restoring a healthy Colorado River through Glen Canyon. Leading the movement to restore this uniquely beautiful place, Glen Canyon Institute immediately began work to conduct scientific studies on the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam, and compiled the results in the Citizen's Environmental Assessment (CEA), which was released in 2001. Around that same time, a series of low-runoff years began dropping reservoir levels at Lake Powell significantly, reaching elevation 3555, down 145 feet and only 33% of full, on April 8, 2005. The shrinking reservoir exposed more than 40 miles of the mainstem Colorado and San...
Categories: Web Site; Tags: Colorado River, Glen Canyon

map background search result map search result map Wild Utah Project Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Wild Utah Project