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This project identifies priority areas in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion to implement conservation strategies for riverine and riparian habitat. This is tailored towards the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) conservation goals and objectives, and provides the foundation for adaptation to a changing climate. This project adopts a “zoned” approach to identifying focal areas, connectivity management zones and zones for riparian habitat and ecological representation. Through a series of workshops and webinars, the ALI articulated its freshwater conservation goals and targets. Key aspects of these goals included: a focus on non-anadromous salmonid (salmon and steelhead) species, include riparian birds and waterfowl as key...
The SRLCC provided funds to the states of Arizona and New Mexico to support development of the states Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHATs) which provide a decision support system to better incorporate wildlife values, sensitive animals and plants, and important ecosystem features into land use decision-making to reduce conflicts and surprises.Several states have released wildlife mapping tools that are the foundation for displaying crucial wildlife and corridor information. The state and regional CHATs are non-regulatory, and give project planners and the general public access to credible scientific data on a broad scale for use in project analysis, siting and planning. This includes large-scale development...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, AZ-05, All tags...
This dataset represents a species distribution model for least tern (Sternula antillarum) on New Jersey’s Atlantic coast and was created as part of the Protection of Critical Beach Habitat project. In addition to least tern, this project includes species distribution models for piping plover (Charadrius melodus), least tern (Sternula antillarum), and American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus). All species models can be found in the Data Basin gallery Protection of Critical Beach-nesting Bird Habitats in the Wake of Severe Coastal Storms.Species distribution modeling was conducted to examine the influence of landscape scale variables and beach management strategies on bird breeding habitat suitability. The probability...
Collection of 4 assessments for Upland Streams and Rivers. The Condition Index ranks stream segments according to how well they meet the Desired State described qualitatively and quantitatively in the draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). From the Condition Index, 3 assessments are derived that rank opportunities for management and restoration of conditions included in the Condition Index – Watershed Land Use, Riparian Cover, and Stream Meander. Watershed Land Use management opportunities are based on the proportion of undisturbed land in the contributing (i.e. cumulative) watershed such that stream segments meeting the Desired State are considered Maintenance opportunities (values 5-6). Those that do not meet the...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Protection Opportunity action map for the Upland Hardwood (Woodland) habitat system ranks pixels (250-m) based primarily on the Upland Hardwood (Woodland) Condition Index such that unprotected sites within healthy landscapes are ranked higher than those in very fragmented landscapes. Ranks are increased by information on existing partner interest (i.e. stated priority areas), elevated risk of change by 2060, and predicted occupancy of a majority of species identified in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4)....
Systematic conservation planning is well suited to address the many large-scale biodiversity conservation challenges facing the Appalachian region. However, broad, well-connected landscapes will be required to sustain many of the natural resources important to this area into the future. If these landscapes are to be resilient to impending change, it will likely require an orchestrated and collaborative effort reaching across jurisdictional and political boundaries. The first step in realizing this vision is prioritizing discrete places and actions that hold the greatest promise for the protection of biodiversity. Five conservation design elements covering many critical ecological processes and patterns across the...
This data represents an assessment of forest composition used in the ecological assessment of upland hardwood systems by the GCPO LCC. We used a combination of remote sensing products including 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) forest classes and the 2011 MAV forest classification layer produced by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture to delineate patches of all forest types in the GCPO LCC. We used NLCD as the primary data source when assessing forests outside the GCPO LCC MAV subgeography, and the LMVJV forest classification as the primary data source for forest assessment within the MAV. NLCD was developed using 2011 Landsat TM imagery, with forest classes including only areas with trees exceeding...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Conservation planning, Data, EARTH SCIENCE, All tags...
This layer represents 5-year relative counts of wildlife carcasses collected by Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) maintenance personnel or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Grizzly Bear Recovery Team personnel on or adjacent to on-system (major) routes from 2008 to 2012. To obtain relative counts, the 5-year total counts per mile, which included all wildlife species observed, were divided by the maximum observed calue (98) to give a relative 0-1 risk score. Total counts, which include all wildlife species observed, along with carnivore counts, which include only black bears, grizzly bears, mountain lions, and wolves, are provided. Counts were derived by identifying the nearest mile marker to each carcass point...
The Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative Land Cover Map shows land cover at a regional scale (1:2,500,000). The files provided are graphic design files that can be used to plot a publication-quality, poster-size map.Scale: 1:2,500,000 Map poster dimensions: 34 x 44 inches Data sources:Land cover from North American Environmental Atlas by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, 2010. Physiographic regions from Natural Earth 1:10 million scale Physical Labels (3.0.0) derived from Patterson’s Physical Map of the World, 2008. Hydrography, populated places, and political boundaries from National Atlas of the United States, 2004. File descriptions: is an Adobe Illustrator file. DLCC_LandCover.pdf...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, Conservation NGOs, DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION, Data, Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative, All tags...
This dataset describes Native American Ceded Tribal lands in Washington State. Boundary lines have been digitized from a variety of digital data sources including 1:100,000 streams for boundaries described in treaties as following a stream or river, 1:24k Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA), Watershed Administrative Unit (WAU) and Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) boundaries for boundaries referred to in treaties as 'divide', 'summit' or 'between the waters of', 1:100,000 Major Public Lands (for current reservation areas), 10 meter DEM and 7.5 minute USGS digital Quad maps (to define ridgelines and 'divide' where WRIA, WAU or HUC boundaries don't exist) and NAIP orthophoto imagery (to get a feel for what a questionable...
Metadata specific to this state's data is not available. The MARIS Master metadata record can be accessed to help provide general data descriptions and guidance to users. MARIS is an internet-based information sharing network that allows multiple states to provide a common set of variables via a single web interface. MARIS is not a “dataset” but rather links specific content of multiple states’ datasets. MARIS does not capture all of the information from a state’s aquatic dataset – only a subset of data collected as part of aquatic species sampling surveys. The MARIS structure was developed by a consortium of state fish and wildlife agencies and implemented through contracts with various universities. In the past,...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It represents a relative ranking of HUC12 watersheds according to the quantity and quality of habitat as described in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Watersheds (HUC12) were ranked by the presence, quantity and quality of the Open Pine habitat system (includes longleaf, shortleaf and loblolly systems) within the 5 sub-geographies of the GCPO LCC region. Once ranked, watersheds were classified (e.g., “Top 10%”) based on the proportion of the total Open Pine area (current + potential) contained within the...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Management Opportunity action map for the Tidal Marsh habitat system ranks pixels (10-m) for 3 general classes of conservation actions. Maintenance pixels (values 7-9) are currently estimated to meet the site condition Endpoints in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Enhancement pixels (values 4-6) are those that are currently classified as Tidal Marsh but do not meet the site condition Endpoints in the Science Agenda. Restoration pixels (values 1-3) are those that are currently in a different land use but...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It represents a relative ranking of HUC12 watersheds according to the quantity and quality of habitat as described in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Watersheds (HUC12) were ranked by the presence, quantity and quality of the Tidal Marsh habitat system (includes brackish and saltwater marsh) within the 5 sub-geographies of the GCPO LCC region. Once ranked, watersheds were classified (e.g., “Top 10%”) based on the proportion of the total Tidal Marsh area (current + potential) contained within the watershed....
Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative Boundary delineates the spatial extent of the DLCC. The vector boundary is available as both a shapefile and KML file. This is a derivative product of the LCCs shapefile produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, accessed from http:/ in 2014.To access the KML file, click on the ScienceBase URL and then select Open in Google Earth (KML). To access the shapefile (FWS_LCC_DLCC.shp), click on linked from this product profile.
This dataset features inundated areas at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. To model river stage specific inundation for the upper section, discharge for each Landsat 8 overpass date was entered as the upstream condition and the corresponding...
This dataset features suitable habitat at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. Depth rasters were exported from HEC-RAS 5.0.0. Since the lower section had large over- and underestimates, depth values were sampled along the intersection...
Live tree species basal area from 2000 - 2009 for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata), and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) clipped to the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC geography.Data were derived from the USFS live tree species basal area of the contiguious United States (2000-2009) Wilson, Barry T.; Lister, Andrew J.; Riemann, Rachel I.; Griffith, Douglas M. 2013. Live tree species basal area of the contiguous United States (2000-2009). Newtown Square, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station. Abstract from html metadata for USFS live tree species basal area of the contiguious United States (2000-2009). This data product contains raster maps...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, GeoTIFF, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Raster; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Basal Area, Conservation planning, Data, All tags...

map background search result map search result map State Tribal Lands - Current and Historic Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) published 20131201 - Alabama fish sampling records 1953-2006 Boundary Dataset Support to Western States Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools Road-Killed Wildlife Carcass Frequency by Mile of Montana On-System Routes in the U.S. Northern Rockies (2008-2012) Land Cover Map Live Pine Tree Species Basal Area (2000 -2009) in the GCPO LCC (Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, Slash) Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design Phase 1 Local Build-outs Amount of inflow stored in upstream dams-rivers Mean Forest Composition in 10 km Landscape (GCPO LCC) Open Pine Watershed Ranks Tidal Marsh Management Opportunities Tidal Marsh Watershed Ranks Upland Hardwood Woodland Protection Opportunities Upland Streams & Rivers Grouped Assessments Selection frequency score Figure(6) Determining Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs) in the South Atlantic landscape, and assessing their efficacy for cross-taxa conservation: Geographic Dataset Species distribution model for least tern on New Jersey’s Atlantic Coast, 2007-2012 River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable habitat for Alligator Gar spawning in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain inundation in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable habitat for Alligator Gar spawning in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain inundation in the lower Trinity River of Texas Species distribution model for least tern on New Jersey’s Atlantic Coast, 2007-2012 Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) published 20131201 - Alabama fish sampling records 1953-2006 Selection frequency score Figure(6) Road-Killed Wildlife Carcass Frequency by Mile of Montana On-System Routes in the U.S. Northern Rockies (2008-2012) Determining Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs) in the South Atlantic landscape, and assessing their efficacy for cross-taxa conservation: Geographic Dataset Upland Streams & Rivers Grouped Assessments Tidal Marsh Management Opportunities Tidal Marsh Watershed Ranks Open Pine Watershed Ranks Upland Hardwood Woodland Protection Opportunities Support to Western States Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools Mean Forest Composition in 10 km Landscape (GCPO LCC) Live Pine Tree Species Basal Area (2000 -2009) in the GCPO LCC (Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, Slash) Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design Phase 1 Local Build-outs Amount of inflow stored in upstream dams-rivers Boundary Dataset Land Cover Map