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This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy versions (ver. 1.0 - ver. X.X) of the United States Wind Turbines database. Each release, typically done quarterly, updates the database with newly installed wind turbines, removes wind turbines that have been identified as dismantled, and applies other verifications based on updated imagery and ongoing quality-control. Turbine data were gathered from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF) and Obstruction Evaluation Airport Airspace Analysis (OE-AAA), the American Clean Power Association (ACP), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and were merged and collapsed...
U.S. Geological Survey Rocky Mountain Region inland bathymetric survey data are compiled to create a survey inventory providing survey records including survey system and product information, and links to survey datasets when available. Dataset footprints including this information and showing the location and extent of surveys can be downloaded as a shapefile or geodatabase and can be accessed through Spatial Services provided here.
U.S. Geological Survey Northwest and Pacific Islands Region inland bathymetric survey data are compiled to create a survey inventory providing survey records including survey system and product information, and links to survey datasets when available. Dataset footprints including this information and showing the location and extent of surveys can be downloaded as a shapefile or geodatabase, and can be accessed through Spatial Services provided here.
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
In the next 100 years, accelerated sea-level rise (SLR) and urbanization will greatly modify coastal landscapes across the globe. More than one-half of coastal wetlands in the contiguous United States are located along the Gulf of Mexico coast. In addition to supporting fish and wildlife habitat, these highly productive wetlands support many ecosystem goods and services including storm protection, recreation, clean water, and carbon sequestration. Historically, tidal saline wetlands (TSWs) have adapted to sea-level fluctuations through lateral and vertical movement on the landscape. As sea levels rise in the future, some TSWs will adapt and migrate landward in undeveloped low-lying areas where migration corridors...
This release contains geospatial data digitized from the Map Showing Geology, Structure, and Oil and Gas Fields in the Sterling 1x2 Degree Quadrangle, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas (Scott, 1978) and was compiled as part of the National Geologic Synthesis project. The geospatial data depicts the geology of this quadrangle, which is dominated by Quaternary alluvial and aeolian deposits overlying Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rock, including the Ogallala formation, the Fox Hills sandstone, and the Pierre shale. The included database includes spatial data depicting the locations of mapped geologic contacts and faults, polygons denoting the mapped surficial extent of geologic formations, and structural contours...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
A highly permeable landscape promotes resilience by facilitating range shifts and the reorganization of communities. Roads, development, dams, and other structures create resistance that interrupts or redirects movement and, therefore, lowers the permeability. Maintaining a connected landscape is the most widely cited strategy in the scientific literature for building resilience and has been suggested as an explanation for why there were few extinctions during the last period of comparable rapid climate change. This metric is an important component of resilience because it indicates whether a process is likely to be disrupted or how much access a species has to the micro-climates within its given neighborhood. ...
U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Region inland bathymetric survey data are compiled to create a survey inventory providing survey records including survey system and product information, and links to survey datasets when available. Dataset footprints including this information and showing the location and extent of surveys can be downloaded as a shapefile or geodatabase, and can be accessed through Spatial Services provided here.
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority develop restoration plans in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the ponding area of Davis Pond Freshwater Diversion (BA-0001) project for 1998. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss within their project boundary. To better evaluate...
This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database. Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business. Each release, typically done quarterly, updates the database with newly installed wind turbines, removes wind turbines that have been identified as dismantled, and applies other verifications based on updated imagery and ongoing quality-control. Turbine data were gathered from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF)...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
This data release contains phytoplankton data and vertical profile measurements of water quality and light in oligotrophic (low nutrient) lakes within the Adirondack Park, New York State. Data were collected between June and October 2021 at five lakes. Four lake locations (Nearshore, Open Water, Layer, Bloom) were sampled representing one of four sample types (Bottom Sediment, Surface Water, Bloom Material, Layer). Water-quality field parameters (water temperature, dissolved-oxygen concentration and percent saturation, pH, specific conductance, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, phycocyanin fluorescence, and fluorescent dissolved organic material) were measured at each sampling location from the surface to the...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Adirondack Park, Algal concentration, Blue Mountain Lake, Blue-green algae, Brant Lake, All tags...
This data provides locations and technical specifications of the current version of the United States Wind Turbines database. Each release, typically done quarterly, updates the database with newly installed wind turbines, removes wind turbines that have been identified as dismantled, and applies other verifications based on updated imagery and ongoing quality-control. Turbine data were gathered from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF) and Obstruction Evaluation Airport Airspace Analysis (OE-AAA), the American Clean Power Association (ACP), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and were merged and collapsed into a single...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Northeast Region Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric and Topobathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update includes a survey records inventory and dataset footprints (when available) for inland bathymetric and topobathymetric surveys published by the USGS for the conterminous US. Survey records include water feature, state, publication title, data vintage, mission, online linkage to reports and datasets, collection methods, survey and survey product resolution, datums, geoid, and accuracy information if known. This database, identified as the USGS Inland Bathymetric and Topobathymetric Survey Inventory, v.3, Update, has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. These datasets represent aquatic core areas and aquatic buffers, in combination with terrestrial cores and connectors they spatially represent the ecological network derived from the CTR LCD project. Lotic cores: This set of lotic (river and stream) core areas, in combination with the lotic cores...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Region inland bathymetric survey data are compiled to create a survey inventory providing survey records including survey system and product information, and links to survey datasets when available. Dataset footprints including this information and showing the location and extent of surveys can be downloaded as a geodatabase and can be accessed through Spatial Services provided here.

map background search result map search result map Aquatic Cores and Buffers, CT River Watershed Local Connectedness Stratified by Setting and Ecoregion with Regional Override, 2016 Eastern U.S. and Canada United States Wind Turbine Database - Legacy Versions (ver. 1.0 - ver. 7.0) United States Wind Turbine Database - Current Version (ver. 7.1, August 2024) Digital database of the previously published map showing geology, structure, and oil and gas fields in the Sterling 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Region Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update U.S. Geological Survey Rocky Mountain Region Inland Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update Vertical Profiles of Water Quality and Phytoplankton Data from Five Lakes in the Adirondack Park, New York State, 2021 Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2023 Caryville, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Cowan, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing - Water Year 2023 Lafayette, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Morristown, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Woodbury, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Davis Pond Freshwater Diversion (BA-0001): 1998 pre-construction land-water classification of the BA-0001 Ponding Area U.S. Geological Survey Northwest and Pacific Islands Region Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Region Inland Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update U.S. Geological Survey Southwest Region  Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update Caryville, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Davis Pond Freshwater Diversion (BA-0001): 1998 pre-construction land-water classification of the BA-0001 Ponding Area Lafayette, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Cowan, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing - Water Year 2023 Woodbury, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Morristown, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing, Water Year 2023 Digital database of the previously published map showing geology, structure, and oil and gas fields in the Sterling 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2023 Aquatic Cores and Buffers, CT River Watershed Vertical Profiles of Water Quality and Phytoplankton Data from Five Lakes in the Adirondack Park, New York State, 2021 U.S. Geological Survey Rocky Mountain Region Inland Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update U.S. Geological Survey Southwest Region  Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update U.S. Geological Survey Northwest and Pacific Islands Region Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update Local Connectedness Stratified by Setting and Ecoregion with Regional Override, 2016 Eastern U.S. and Canada U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Region Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Region Inland Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update United States Wind Turbine Database - Current Version (ver. 7.1, August 2024) United States Wind Turbine Database - Legacy Versions (ver. 1.0 - ver. 7.0)