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This raster represents a continuous surface of sage-grouse habitat suitability index (HSI,created using ArcGIS 10.2.2) values for Nevada during the breeding season.
Potential pollinator habitat was derived by ranking land use classifications and grassland quality based on ground truthing and remotely sensed features indicative of remnant prairie. High resolution (10m) land use data served as the basemap (Hartley et al 2017) from which most categories were identified. All known prairie remnants, prairie plantings, and clusters of mima mounds were delineated. Mima mounds were detected by deriving a slope at 1m scale with greater than 5% from high resolution LiDar data (3m). Mima mounds are indicative of areas in which the topsoil has not been significantly disturbed, and therefore have a higher potential to contain native prairie vegetation. Based on an in-depth literature review...
This dataset represents a climate-informed management alternative for maintaining whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This data was developed for use in a landscape simulation modeling study aimed at evaluating how well alternative management strategies maintain whitebark pine populations under historical climate and future climate conditions. For the study, we developed three spatial management alternatives for whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem representing no active management, current management, and climate-informed management. These management alternatives were implemented in the simulaton model FireBGCv2 under historical climate and three future climate...
We used NLCD 2011, SSURGO, and SEGAP data to map the density of desired resources for open pine ecosystems and six focal species of birds and 2 reptiles within the historic range of longleaf pine east of the Mississippi River. Binary rasters were created of sites with desired characteristics such as land form, hydrology, land use and land cover, soils, potential habitat for focal species, and putative source populations of focal species. Each raster was smoothed using a kernel density estimator. Rasters were combined and scaled to map priority locations for the management of each focal species. Species’ rasters were combined and scaled to provide maps of overall priority for birds and for birds and reptiles. For...
This dataset represents current management alternatives for maintaining whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This data was developed for use in a landscape simulation modeling study aimed at evaluating how well alternative management strategies maintain whitebark pine populations under historical climate and future climate conditions. For the study, we developed three spatial management alternatives for whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem representing no active management, current management, and climate-informed management. These management alternatives were implemented in the simulaton model FireBGCv2 under historical climate and three future climate change scenarios...

    map background search result map search result map Spring Season Habitat Suitability Index raster dataset Spatial Prioritization of White Bark Pine Management Actions based on climate-informed management under the CESM1-CAM5, RCP 8.5 scenario, 2069-2099. Spatial Prioritization of WBP Management Actions based on current management Grassland quality and pollinator habitat potential in Southwest Louisiana Prioritization of areas for open pine ecosystem restoration in the Southeastern United States: All Species Grassland quality and pollinator habitat potential in Southwest Louisiana Spatial Prioritization of White Bark Pine Management Actions based on climate-informed management under the CESM1-CAM5, RCP 8.5 scenario, 2069-2099. Spatial Prioritization of WBP Management Actions based on current management Spring Season Habitat Suitability Index raster dataset Prioritization of areas for open pine ecosystem restoration in the Southeastern United States: All Species