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From above mouth of Cascade Creek, looking down Spring Creek at broad alluvial valley of glacial origin. East of Uncompahgre quadrangle. Colorado. August 3, 1912. F-stop 8, 3/100 seconds.
Along Spring Creek trail, showing recent wide wash in an alluvial fan of an east side-gulch. East of Uncompahgre quadrangle. Colorado. August 3, 1912. F-stop 16, 1/30 seconds.
Horse Gulch from CHC Hill. Dolores County, Colorado. 1900.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Dolores County, Colorado,
Ransome, F.L. Collection,
photo print
Album Caption: Calochortus nuttalli Torr. & Gr. Family : Lily, Liliaceae. Flowers: Three large white petals marked yellow and purple at base. Gland with hairs at base of petal. One to five flowers on stalk. Blooms in April and May. Leaves : Several alternate grasslike leaves about 6 inches long, trough-shaped in cross section. Onionlike bulb. Fruit : Three-angled capsule. Plant : Spring ephemeral. Grasslike leaves arising from bulb. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1030-M, figure 98. 1957.
Album Caption: Cryptantha flava A. Nels. and related species. Family : Borage, Boraginaceae. Flowers: Pale-yellow, tubular flowers one-fourth inch long in small congested, densely hairy heads. Blooms in spring and summer. Leaves : Rough, simple, linear, and mostly basal. Fruit : Smooth oval nutlet. Plant : Stout, pale-green, hairy perennial 4 to 12 inches high, growing from woody base. Published in U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 1030-M, figure 110. 1957.
Utah Fuel Company's Clear Creek mine. Note piles of mine-timber in foreground. Carbon County, Utah. ca 1923.
Alluvial cone of sandstone blocks, northwest slope of Short Mountain east of Belfast Mills. Abingdon quadrangle. Virginia. No date.
Album caption: Ash beds included in varved silts and clays in a 125-foot bluff on the east side of Richardson Highway at mile 75. The ash points up the high contortion of beds within the undisturbed horizontal varves. Alaska. 1954. Figure 162.1, U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 400-B.
Categories: Image;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
Nichols, D.R. Collection,
photo print
Aerial view of the village of Maatan near a small trona lake about 55 kilometers northwest of Umm Al Abyad. The lake dries up late in the summer, and sodium carbonate is deposited at the bottom of the lake. Note the saline residues already accumulating in April around the edges of the lake in the foreground. The sand dunes in the background are more than 100 meters high. Libya. Circa 1958. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 660, Figure 13. 1970.
Aerial view of Simpson Desert. Pans holding both salt (right) and water (left) but few dunes; near Oodnadatta. Australia. 1976.
Distant view of 1983 Borah Peak fault scarp at base of bedrock spurs between Willow Creek (on left) and Birch Springs (on right), Thousand Springs Valley. The two high points in background are Borah Peak (obscured in clouds) and Leatherman [Peak], to left and right, respectively. View to southeast from photo station 83 MM 13. 70 meters south, 10 meters east, NW1/4, Sec. 32, T. 10 N., R. 22 E. Borah Peak quadrangle. Custer County, Idaho. November 8, 1983.
Stereopair of 1983 Borah Peak fault scarp ub vakket-floor alluvium just south of Scratching Post Srping, Thousand Springs Valley. Scarp height is about 1.6 meters; 2.45 meter rod for scale; view to northwest from photo station 83 MM 6A. 2610 meters south, 250 meters west, NE1/4, Sec. 35, T. 11 N., R. 21 E. Dickey Peak quadrangle. Custer County, Idaho. November 7, 1983.
Wide-angle view of 1983 Borah Peak fault scarp and complex graben developed to north of Doublespring Pass Road, Thousand Springs Valley. View to southeast from photo station 83 MM 12B, just east of graben. 2.9 meter rod for scale. 510 meters north, 215 meters east, SW1/4, Sec. 28, T. 10 N., R. 22 E. Borah Peak quadrangle. Custer County, Idaho. November 8, 1983.
The data included here were used to evaluate the prospectivity for lithium in brines of playas of the western part of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province of the United States. Prospectivity is derived from the mappable criteria used in the descriptive deposit model published by Bradley and others (2013) and focused mainly from the remote sensing point of view. The playas in the study area have been ranked according to size (compared to Clayton Valley, the only area where lithium from brines is being produced in the country), the presence and abundance of source rocks, vegetation (as an indicator of water), reported prospects, and remote sensing data. The remote sensing products used are from data acquired...
Sand dunes and small lake as seen from east. Prominent point on right of picture consists of Green River beds capping Wasatch beds. All other hills are sand dune ridges. T. 23 N., R. 103 W. Rock Springs quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907.
Album caption: Blue line processes on metal mounted boards for field and color separation drafting. No index card. Album note: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Patterson, E.F. Collection,
Topography E,
Topography E Collection,
photo print
Album caption: Rear tapeman holding break of tape on tally pin. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Patterson, E.F. Collection,
Topography E,
Topography E Collection,
photo print
H&H multiplex supporting frame, U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Division. Location unknown. 1952.
Album caption: H&H multiplex supporting frame with equipment. No index card. Album note: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Patterson, E.F. Collection,
Topography E,
Topography E Collection,
photo print