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Travis Courtney
ScienceBase Catalog
John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis
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__John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis
A digital crust to advance continentalāscale modeling of subsurface fluid flow in climate, crustal process, and Earth system models
Accounting for U.S. ecosystem services at national and subnational scales
Advancing understanding of ecosystem responses to climate change with warming experiments: what we have learned and what is unknown?
Animal Migration and Spatial Subsidies: Establishing a Framework for Conservation Markets
Broader view of North American climate over the past two millennia: Synthesizing paleoclimate records from diverse archives
Characterizing a link in the terrestrial carbon cycle: a global overview of individual tree mass growth
Characterizing landscape genomics and reconstructing pathways to plant ecological specialization and speciation
Circumpolar assessment of ecological mismatch between avian herbivores and plant phenology
Climate change and ecohydrology in temperate dryland ecosystems: a global assessment
Continental-scale overview of stream primary productivity, its links to water quality, and consequences for aquatic carbon biogeochemistry
Dam removal: synthesis of ecological and physical responses
Developing the next generation of USGS resource assessments
Elucidating mechanisms underlying amphibian declines in North America using hierarchical spatial models
Evidence for shifts in plant species diversity along N deposition gradients: a first synthesis for the United States
Exploiting high-resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer across landscapes: Opportunities, challenges, and needs
Forecasting forest response to N deposition: integrating data from individual plant responses to soil chemistry with a continental-scale gradient analysis
FY21 Working Groups
FY22 Working Groups
FY23 Working Groups
Global Croplands and Their Water Use for Food Security in the Twenty-first Century
Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: An Assessment of the Potential Effects of Shale Gas Development on Water Resources in the United States
Integrating ecological forecasting methods to improve applications for natural resource management: An invasive species example
Integrating modeling and empirical approaches to improve predictions of tropical forest responses to global warming
Joint USGS - GEM Group on Global Probabilistic Modeling of Earthquake Recurrence Rates and Maximum Magnitudes
Linking environmental and public health data to evaluate health effects of arsenic exposure from domestic and public supply wells
Local-scale ecosystem resilience amid global-scale ocean change: the coral reef example
Mercury cycling, bioaccumulation, and risk across western North America: a landscape scale synthesis linking long-term datasets
Modeling species response to environmental change: development of integrated, scalable Bayesian models of population persistence
NEON Workshop: Operationalizing Ecological Forecasts
Next Generation of Ecological Indicators: Defining Which Microbial Properties Matter Most to Ecosystem Function and How to Measure Them
North American Analysis and Synthesis on the Connectivity of "Geographically Isolated Wetlands" to Downstream Waters
Operational Earthquake Forecasting – Implementing a Real-Time System for California
PlioMIP (Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project) Strategy, Communications and Synthesis for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC AR5)
Potential Impacts of Prospective Climate Change on Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
Powell Center Working Group Products
Predicting the next high-impact insect invasion: Elucidating traits and factors determining the risk of introduced herbivorous insects on North American native plants
River Corridor hot spots for biogeochemical processing: a continental scale synthesis
System analysis of land use and climate effects on ecosystem services affecting C and N exchanges with the atmosphere and water cycles
Transport of dissolved organic matter by river networks from mountains to the sea: a re-examination of the role of flow across temporal and spatial scales
Understanding and managing for resilience in the face of global change
Understanding Fluid Injection Induced Seismicity
Water availability for ungauged rivers: an integrative, multi-model approach to estimate water availability at ungauged rivers across the United States
What lies below? Improving quantification and prediction of soil carbon storage, stability, and susceptibility to disturbance.
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