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The Gazli cluster is named for the town of Gazli in northwest Uzbekistan. The source region was nearly aseismic until April 8, 1976 when a large (Ms 7.0) earthquake initiated several years of very active seismicity, including another Ms 7.0 event in May 1976 and a third Ms 7.0 event in March 1984. Low-level activity continues currently. It is generally believed that the sequence represents an episode of induced seismicity related to large-scale gas extraction industry in the area. The cluster is formed mainly from events that have depth control from teleseismic relative depth phases, plus one event, on June 25, 1991, that was recorded by a temporary seismic network (operated by LGIT, Grenoble, France) and was well-enough...
ADMMR map collection: Gold Basin Project Soil Anomaly Fill-In Soil Geochemical Sampling; 1 in. to 50 feet; 17 x 11 in.
The Valparaiso cluster is named for the nearby city of Valparaiso, Chile. The cluster is based on a set of arrival time readings from a deployment of ocean bottom seismometers, hydrophones and a temporary land-based stations for several months in 2001 that were kindly provided by Frederik Tilmann (GeoForschungsZentrum). Most of the recorded events are fairly small, the largest having magnitude 4.8mb, but 34 events could be well located with free-depth solutions and linked to larger events in the region through readings at permanent seismograph stations. The remaining events in the cluster are ones for which depth control is available from at least one station close to the epicenter, i.e., within a distance of 1-1.5...
The Jiashi cluster is named for Jiashi County of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of NW China. It is composed mainly of events related to the earthquake sequence in early 1997, including two M5.9 events on January 21 and an M6.1 event on April 11. There were many other moderate-sized events in the sequence, which occurred near the western margin of the Tarim Basin and the border with Kyrgyzstan. As a result this cluster is very rich in arrival time data at far-regional and teleseismic distances. Number of events: 125 Calibration type: direct calibration using data to 1.2 degrees; hypocentroid calibration level = 2.7 km Epicentral calibration range: 3 - 5 km Date range: 19771218 - 20041007 Latitude range: 39.303...
The Dos Pobres open pit at the Safford Mine with a drill rig and a power shovel
Categories: Data;
Tags: 0,
digital photographs,
drilling and coring,
Gold, or possibly iron staining, showing in quartz at an unidentified mine near the superstition Mountians.
Three people standing by the remains of the Rio Vista mill.
Categories: Data;
Tags: 1990s,
Black Peak - 15 Min,
Cienega metallic mineral dist.,
Copper Top,
Dumps of the Foy Group.
Categories: Data;
Tags: 1940s,
Bradshaw Mts. physiographic area,
Columbia - 7.5 Min,
A collage of photographs of the mill and lab showing views of the cyanide tanks.
Categories: Data;
Tags: 1980s,
Acm Corp Mill,
Aguila - 15 Min,
Aguila Copper Reduction Plt.,
Aguila Valley physiographic area,
A portal is out of sight on the left; a pack is on the ground in front of it.
Categories: Data;
Tags: 1980s,
Copper Basin metallic mineral dist.,
Iron Springs - 7.5 Min,
Heavy rainfall occurred across Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi in March 2016 as a result of a slow-moving southward dip in the jetstream, funneling tropical moisture into parts of the Gulf Coastal States and the Mississippi River Valley. The storm caused major flooding in the north and southeastern parts of Louisiana and in eastern Texas. Flooding also occurred in the Mississippi River Valley in Arkansas and Mississippi. Over 26 inches of rain were reported near Monroe, Louisiana over the duration of the storm event. In March 2016, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) personnel made over 490 streamflow measurements at over 375 locations in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Many of those streamflow...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Flood,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This dataset contains watershed means of estimated percent impervious surfaces for three time periods: 1992, 2002, and 2012. Estimates are based on coefficients derived from comparing land use of the 2012 NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product to the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) imperviousness, then applying those coefficients to previous years (1974-2002) of the NWALT dataset.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Chesapeake Bay,
District of Columbia,
James River,