Filters: Categories: Map (X) > Extensions: ArcGIS REST Service (X)
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This map shows the location of herd management areas (HMAs).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
horse management areas
This map shows Class I Federal PSD Areas using features selected from the CBI Protected Areas Database. Non-attainment areas are not mapped.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Class I PSD areas,
Colorado Plateau,
non-attainment areas
This map shows the potential current distribution of Golden Eagle, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Golden Eagle
This map shows the potential current distribution of white-tailed prairie dog, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
White-Tailed Prairie Dog
This map shows areas of high current, near-term, and long-term potential landscape development, based on factors such as urban areas, agriculture, roads, and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
change agents,
climate change,
rapid ecoregional assessment
This map shows the major terrestrial ecosystems from LANDFIRE EVT (v1.1) and NatureServe National Landcover (v2.7).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
terrestrial ecosystems
This map shows the current distribution of major invasive vegetation species (primarily cheatgrass and tamarisk), and predicted near-term future distribution of these species. Current distribution was derived from LANDFIRE EVT v1.1, NatureServe National Landcover v2.7, Early Season Invasives (USGS), Predicted Tamarisk Probability (USGS), and mapped areas of tamarisk. Predicted future distribution included these areas in addition to the invasive vegetation class from the LANDFIRE Succession Class v1.0 dataset.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
invasive species,
potential future encroachment
This map shows conservation element summaries within areas of potential near-term and long-term energy development. These summaries help highlight areas of potential conflict between conservation elements and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
potential conflicts,
potential development,
renewable energy,
transmission corridors
This map shows potential areas with high terrestrial biodiversity from TNC Ecoregional Portfolio Core dataset.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Terrestrial Biodiversity
This map shows the potential current distribution of Peregrine Falcon, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Peregrine Falcon
This map shows the location of major aquatic invasive species, compiled primarily from the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Invasives database.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
aquatic invasives
This map shows areas of high-use recreation, including recreation sites compiled from USFS and BLM, recreation areas (including OHV areas), water-based recreation areas (selected from NHD waterbodies), water-based recreation travel corridors (selected from NHD flowlines), and land-based recreation travel corridors (selected from BLM GTLF within federal / state lands and national trails).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
intensive recreation ,
recreation sites,
This map shows the location of HMAs, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Herd Management Areas,
conservation elements,
rapid ecoregional assessment,
terrestrial ecosystems
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
perrenial streams
This map shows waterbodies and flowlines from the National Hydrography Dataset.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
artificial waterbodies,
lentic waterbodies,
lotic surface waterbodies,
watering tanks
This map shows percent cover of early and late successional soil crusts.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
cryptobiotic soil crusts
This map shows average seasonal minimum and maximum flow rates at major gaging stations. The period of record varies for each gaging station; averages were for the entire period of record up to 9/30/2010.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Colorado River,
gaging stations,
major tributaries,
maxima discharge,
This map shows allotments by ownership type, compiled from datasets obtained from BLM and USFS. Also shows current and near-term status and long-term potential for change.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
This map shows the potential current distribution of Gunnison sage-grouse, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
This map shows areas that have experienced fire between 1999 and 2010, including fire severity information where available. Determination of "change" due to fire is not possible due to the lack of highly accurate pre- and post-fire maps of vegetation conditions, and the wide range of possible interpretations of what constitutes a change. Instead, the focus was placed on mapping the location of fires and severity; the overall likelihood of significant change in short term vegetation conditions increases with fire severity.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,