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These data represent a Global Positioning System (GPS) survey generated using a Trimble R10 Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The survey extends along the Cedar River streambed in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where a wastewater treatment diffuser pipe is installed. Cross-sectional representations were produced to depict stream depth and streambed elevation. Cross-sectional data should be interpreted from a downstream perspective.
This dataset contains absolute-gravity data collected by the USGS Southwest Gravity Program, a collaborative effort of the Arizona, California, and New Mexico Water Science Centers to monitor and model groundwater-storage change. Data were collected following the methods in "Procedures for Field Data Collection, Processing, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and Archiving of Relative and Absolute-Gravity Surveys", U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 2, chapter D4 . All data are reviewed and approved. Additional gravity data, including network-adjusted relative- and absolute-gravity data, may be available in ScienceBase Data Releases.Gravity data are provided as two files:sgp_agdb_stations_YYYY-MM-DD.csv...
Conifer removal and management is a key tool for restoring sagebrush ecosystems and Greater Sage-Grouse populations, though the response of other sagebrush-obligate birds, including Pinyon Jays, to conifer management has not been well-studied. Quantifying the response of avian species to conifer management will inform conservation delivery to ensure that agencies achieve sagebrush bird and habitat objectives while minimizing impacts on Pinyon Jays in the sagebrush/pinon-juniper woodland ecotone. The results of this project will address key science needs on Pinyon Jays and directly inform more effective conifer management throughout the eastern Great Basin. Without these data, we will be unable to provide science-based...
A laser rangefinder was used to record debris flows at Cascades volcanoes and an experimental debris flow flume. Mass movements such as large lahars and smaller seasonal debris flows can occur at volcanoes in the Cascades. A combination of seismic, infrasound, tripwires, and webcams can be used to detect and characterize these flows. A laser rangefinder can be placed on the banks of the drainages and pointed towards the channel as a low power, low bandwidth piece of equipment to confirm increases in flow past the station. This can serve as another piece of evidence for flows and may be able to be incoporated into future alarm systems to improve their accuracy and performance. A laser rangefinder was deployed for...
A laser rangefinder was used to record debris flows at Cascades volcanoes and an experimental debris flow flume. Mass movements such as large lahars and smaller seasonal debris flows can occur at volcanoes in the Cascades. A combination of seismic, infrasound, tripwires, and webcams can be used to detect and characterize these flows. A laser rangefinder can be placed on the banks of the drainages and pointed towards the channel as a low power, low bandwidth piece of equipment to confirm increases in flow past the station. This can serve as another piece of evidence for flows and may be able to be incoporated into future alarm systems to improve their accuracy and performance. A laser rangefinder was deployed for...
These data are daily summary checklists of all bird species observed at U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center (ASC) field camps in Interior Alaska. Version History: First release: May 2021 Revised: February 2022 (ver. 2.0) Revised: February 2023 (ver. 3.0)
This release of geochemical data for the northern Mojave Desert is for 330 volcanic rocks sampled over 43 years, with an emphasis on basaltic rocks. It supports a field trip road log in the 2024 Geological Society of America Field Trip Guidebook for the Annual Meeting to be held in Anaheim, CA.
This data release contains the model inputs, outputs, and source code (written in R) for a redeveloped PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model (version 2.0) that had previously been developed for the Pacific Northwest Region (PROSPER_PNW_2), and a raster data set which shows where influential predictor values were outside the range of calibration data. The PROSPER-PNW model, a random forest model, was redeveloped in the Ranger R package using all the original model inputs consistent with PROSPER_PNW_2 to produce annual streamflow permanence probabilities for calendar years 2004-2016 at a 30-meter stream grid resolution that approximately corresponds to flowlines consistent with the National Hydrography...
This data release is tree-ring data near Columbine Lake and surrounding region, Grand County, Colorado (Latitude 40.27Ëš N, Longitude -105.83Ëš E NAD83). Re-collection of four existing tree-ring sites (Hot Sulphur Springs Psuedotsuga menziessii (HSU), Lexan Creek Picea engelmannii (LCU), Monarch Lake Pinus ponderosa (MLU), and Vasquez Mountain Psuedotsuga menziessii (VMU)) was conducted to update data to the most recent years possible and to maximize data overlap with instrumental records and with historical records of fire occurrence. At the time of collection, initial climate-growth relationships were assessed in a network of previously collected tree-ring sites (collected between 1987 and 2003) to determine which...
This data release consists of 1,984 line-kilometers of airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic data and radiometric data collected from October to November 2017 in the upper East River and surrounding watersheds in central Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey contracted Geotech Ltd. to acquire these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic structure and hydrologic framework of the area. The AEM data have been inverted to produce a series of regional cross-sections that constrain the electrical properties of the subsurface to a depth of ~500m. Data were acquired using the VTEM ET time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic system along flight lines that cross important geological structures over...
Multiple subaerial landslides adjacent to Prince William Sound, Alaska (for example, Dai and others, 2020; Higman and others, 2023; Schaefer and others, 2024) pose a threat to the public because of their potential to generate ocean waves (Dai and others, 2020; Barnhart and others, 2021; Barnhart and others, 2022) that could impact towns and marine activities. One bedrock landslide on the west side of Barry Arm fjord drew international attention in 2020 because of its large size (~500 M m3) and tsunamigenic potential (Dai and others, 2020). As part of the U.S. Geological Survey response to the detection of the potentially tsunamigenic landslide at Barry Arm, as well as a broader effort to evaluate bedrock landslide...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alaska, Barry Arm, Barry Arm, Blackstone Bay, Cochrane Bay, All tags...
This data release (DR) is the update of the U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase data release Bera (2023), with the processed data for the period October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022. This data release describes the watershed data management (WDM) database SC22.WDM. The precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network and the hydrologic data (stage and discharge) are collected at USGS streamflow-gaging stations in and around Salt Creek watershed in DuPage County, Illinois, as described in Bera (2014). Hourly precipitation and hydrologic data for the period October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022, are processed following the guidelines described in Bera (2014) and Murphy and Ishii...
These data are daily summary checklists of all bird species observed at U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center (ASC) field camps in Western Alaska. Version History: First release: May 2021 Revised: February 2022 (ver. 2.0) Revised: February 2023 (ver. 3.0)
The Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) partner with natural and cultural resource managers, tribes and indigenous communities, and university researchers to provide science that helps fish, wildlife, ecosystems, and the communities they support adapt to climate change. The CASCs provide managers and stakeholders with information and decision-making tools to respond to the effects of climate change. While each CASC works to address specific research priorities within their respective region, CASCs also collaborate across boundaries to address issues within shared ecosystems, watersheds, and landscapes. These shapefiles represent the 9 CASC regions and the national CASC that comprise the CASC network, highlighting...
The watershed data management (WDM) database SC16.WDM is updated with the processed data for the period October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and renamed as SC17.WDM. The precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network and the hydrologic data (stage and discharge) are collected at USGS streamflow-gaging stations in and around DuPage County, Illinois. Hourly precipitation and hydrologic data for the period October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, are processed following the guidelines described in Bera (2014) and appended to SC16.WDM and renamed as SC17.WDM. Meteorological data (wind speed, solar radiation, air temperature, dewpoint temperature, and potential evapotranspiration)...
This data release contains about 60 million point cloud data points collected during 27 scans of a section of the western shoreline of the Shinnecock Peninsula in Suffolk County, New York. Data were collected during July and October of 2022. Data are provided as .las files with points classified as either bare earth (GROUND_SN_BRIC_BL_2022_v03.0 (2).las), vegetation (VEGETATION_SN_BRIC_BL_2022_v03.0.las) or unclassified (DEFAULT_SN_BRIC_BL_2022_v03.0.las). Users are encouraged to read the metadata and Noll and others (2024) to understand how the data were collected, registered, and classified.
This data release consists of multi-band 30-meter x 30-meter pixel rasters of estimated population and domestic self-supplied water withdrawals in Rhode Island between July 2014 and June 2021. Population raster data were generated using a national data product of 2010 population spatially distributed across land cover data and U.S. Census Bureau data of population growth estimates to adjust populations for each year 2014-2021. Estimates for changes in population between winter and summer months are also included to generate seasonal population estimates. The coefficients used to describe these variations in populations for each U.S. Census Bureau block group in Rhode Island are included in this data release. Estimated...
This is an update for crews heading into the field. Gives some detail on the season phenology and crew assignments. Used in conjunction with the document Field_Protocol_Distance_Sampling_20220506.pdf, which describes the distance sampling protocol, and the document YDNC_2022_map_20220419.pdf, which describes crew areas within the survey area.
This is a zip folder of geographic line data in three formats that represent the distance sampling transects. All these were produced from the Rmarkdown code found in the file YKD-sample-frame.Rmd. All coordination reference systems are in EPSG:4326. The overall survey area is define as the YKD nest plot survey area, found under the MBM project mbm7wa_002 at

map background search result map search result map Maps of the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (May 2024) Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC17.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2024) Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Southwest Gravity Program Absolute-Gravity Database (updated 2024-09-06) Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska from the summer of 2021 Effect of conifer treatments and landscape management on sagebrush obligate songbirds and Pinyon Jays in the Great Basin Monthly and Annual Population and Self-Supplied Domestic Water Withdrawal Maps of Rhode Island, 2014-2021 Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data Collected with a Scanning Total Station on the Western Shoreline of the Shinnecock Nation Tribal Lands, Suffolk County, New York, 2022 Updated Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers for the Pacific Northwest region, 2004 - 2016 Laser Rangefinder Data for Surficial Mass Movements in the Cascades: USGS Debris Flow Flume 2023 Laser Rangefinder Data for Surficial Mass Movements in the Cascades: Mount Rainier 2023 Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC22.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2022 Climate-Growth Analysis for Updated and Existing Tree-ring Network near Columbine Lake, Grand County, Colorado U.S. Geological Survey Wastewater Diffuser Survey in Cedar Falls Interior Alaska eBird Checklists Western Alaska eBird Checklists Geochemical data for volcanic rocks of the northern Mojave Desert Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Update Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Map Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Sample Design GeoData Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data Collected with a Scanning Total Station on the Western Shoreline of the Shinnecock Nation Tribal Lands, Suffolk County, New York, 2022 U.S. Geological Survey Wastewater Diffuser Survey in Cedar Falls Laser Rangefinder Data for Surficial Mass Movements in the Cascades: USGS Debris Flow Flume 2023 Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC17.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2024) Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database (SC22.WDM) for Salt Creek Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 1997, through September 30, 2022 Laser Rangefinder Data for Surficial Mass Movements in the Cascades: Mount Rainier 2023 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Update Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Map Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Sample Design GeoData Monthly and Annual Population and Self-Supplied Domestic Water Withdrawal Maps of Rhode Island, 2014-2021 Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska from the summer of 2021 Climate-Growth Analysis for Updated and Existing Tree-ring Network near Columbine Lake, Grand County, Colorado Geochemical data for volcanic rocks of the northern Mojave Desert Effect of conifer treatments and landscape management on sagebrush obligate songbirds and Pinyon Jays in the Great Basin Western Alaska eBird Checklists Southwest Gravity Program Absolute-Gravity Database (updated 2024-09-06) Updated Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers for the Pacific Northwest region, 2004 - 2016 Interior Alaska eBird Checklists Maps of the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (May 2024)