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These data represent a Global Positioning System (GPS) survey generated using a Trimble R10 Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The survey extends along the Cedar River streambed in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where a wastewater treatment diffuser pipe is installed. Cross-sectional representations were produced to depict stream depth and streambed elevation. Cross-sectional data should be interpreted from a downstream perspective.
This dataset contains absolute-gravity data collected by the USGS Southwest Gravity Program, a collaborative effort of the Arizona, California, and New Mexico Water Science Centers to monitor and model groundwater-storage change. Data were collected following the methods in "Procedures for Field Data Collection, Processing, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and Archiving of Relative and Absolute-Gravity Surveys", U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 2, chapter D4 . All data are reviewed and approved. Additional gravity data, including network-adjusted relative- and absolute-gravity data, may be available in ScienceBase Data Releases.Gravity data are provided as two files:sgp_agdb_stations_YYYY-MM-DD.csv...
This release of geochemical data for the northern Mojave Desert is for 330 volcanic rocks sampled over 43 years, with an emphasis on basaltic rocks. It supports a field trip road log in the 2024 Geological Society of America Field Trip Guidebook for the Annual Meeting to be held in Anaheim, CA.
This data release contains the model inputs, outputs, and source code (written in R) for a redeveloped PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model (version 2.0) that had previously been developed for the Pacific Northwest Region (PROSPER_PNW_2), and a raster data set which shows where influential predictor values were outside the range of calibration data. The PROSPER-PNW model, a random forest model, was redeveloped in the Ranger R package using all the original model inputs consistent with PROSPER_PNW_2 to produce annual streamflow permanence probabilities for calendar years 2004-2016 at a 30-meter stream grid resolution that approximately corresponds to flowlines consistent with the National Hydrography...
This data release is tree-ring data near Columbine Lake and surrounding region, Grand County, Colorado (Latitude 40.27˚ N, Longitude -105.83˚ E NAD83). Re-collection of four existing tree-ring sites (Hot Sulphur Springs Psuedotsuga menziessii (HSU), Lexan Creek Picea engelmannii (LCU), Monarch Lake Pinus ponderosa (MLU), and Vasquez Mountain Psuedotsuga menziessii (VMU)) was conducted to update data to the most recent years possible and to maximize data overlap with instrumental records and with historical records of fire occurrence. At the time of collection, initial climate-growth relationships were assessed in a network of previously collected tree-ring sites (collected between 1987 and 2003) to determine which...
This data release consists of 1,984 line-kilometers of airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic data and radiometric data collected from October to November 2017 in the upper East River and surrounding watersheds in central Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey contracted Geotech Ltd. to acquire these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic structure and hydrologic framework of the area. The AEM data have been inverted to produce a series of regional cross-sections that constrain the electrical properties of the subsurface to a depth of ~500m. Data were acquired using the VTEM ET time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic system along flight lines that cross important geological structures over...
Multiple subaerial landslides adjacent to Prince William Sound, Alaska (for example, Dai and others, 2020; Higman and others, 2023; Schaefer and others, 2024) pose a threat to the public because of their potential to generate ocean waves (Dai and others, 2020; Barnhart and others, 2021; Barnhart and others, 2022) that could impact towns and marine activities. One bedrock landslide on the west side of Barry Arm fjord drew international attention in 2020 because of its large size (~500 M m3) and tsunamigenic potential (Dai and others, 2020). As part of the U.S. Geological Survey response to the detection of the potentially tsunamigenic landslide at Barry Arm, as well as a broader effort to evaluate bedrock landslide...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alaska, Barry Arm, Barry Arm, Blackstone Bay, Cochrane Bay, All tags...
This data release contains about 60 million point cloud data points collected during 27 scans of a section of the western shoreline of the Shinnecock Peninsula in Suffolk County, New York. Data were collected during July and October of 2022. Data are provided as .las files with points classified as either bare earth (GROUND_SN_BRIC_BL_2022_v03.0 (2).las), vegetation (VEGETATION_SN_BRIC_BL_2022_v03.0.las) or unclassified (DEFAULT_SN_BRIC_BL_2022_v03.0.las). Users are encouraged to read the metadata and Noll and others (2024) to understand how the data were collected, registered, and classified.
This is an update for crews heading into the field. Gives some detail on the season phenology and crew assignments. Used in conjunction with the document Field_Protocol_Distance_Sampling_20220506.pdf, which describes the distance sampling protocol, and the document YDNC_2022_map_20220419.pdf, which describes crew areas within the survey area.
This is a zip folder of geographic line data in three formats that represent the distance sampling transects. All these were produced from the Rmarkdown code found in the file YKD-sample-frame.Rmd. All coordination reference systems are in EPSG:4326. The overall survey area is define as the YKD nest plot survey area, found under the MBM project mbm7wa_002 at
In January 2018, a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) team collected short cores and surface samples from four islands in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, south Florida (Wingard et al. 2019). The 2018 samples were collected approximately five months after the passage of Hurricane Irma on September 10, 2017, as a category 4 storm. The four islands had also been cored in 2014. The goal of the long-term study of these four islands is to examine the impacts of climate and sea level on island formation and resilience, and to provide insights into the stability of the south Florida coastline. The passage of Hurricane Irma provided an opportunity to sample sediments deposited by the storm surge. The particle size analysis...
This is a csv file that records the full name and initials used in the nest data to identify observers. This file is used during quality control to produce the final data set.
This is a zip folder of printed emails (pdf) and Word (.docx) files that describe data issues used to during the quality control process. See the file wrangle_2022.R and comments within for actually quality control process.
This is the field protocol used to instruct crews on data collection while in the field at found nests or dead birds during the 2022 distance sampling season. Used in conjunction with the document Field_Protocol_Distance_Sampling_20220506.pdf, which describes the distance sampling protocol, and the document YDNC_2022_map_20220419.pdf, which describes crew areas within the survey area.
This is an html report produced from the Rmarkdown code found in the file YKD-sample-frame.Rmd. It presents the design of the, some background and some additional analysis based on the history of the plot survey.
Salinity levels in streams and tributaries of the Colorado River Basin have been a major concern for years. Recently, the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Next Generation Water Observing System (NGWOS) program expanded stream monitoring networks including the number of sites where continuous (15-minute) specific conductance is measured in the Colorado River Headwaters and Gunnison River subbasins located east of the Colorado-Utah state line (hereafter, UCOL). Salinity and total dissolved solids (TDS) can be estimated using specific conductance and water type as a proxy (McCleskey et al., 2023); thus, the UCOL is an ideal basin to apply the proxy. The data presented in this data release, including monitoring...
U.S. Geological Survey Northeast Region inland bathymetric survey data are compiled to create a survey inventory providing survey records including survey system and product information, and links to survey datasets when available. Dataset footprints including this information and showing the location and extent of surveys can be downloaded as a geodatabase and can be accessed through Spatial Services provided here.
This data is part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long term monitoring program, benthic monitoring component and a seasonal diet study in Kenai Fjords National Park. The dataset is a comma separated file exported from a Microsoft Access database. The data consists of observations made of foraging sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Observers used Questar field model spotting scopes and binoculars to identify prey. Date, local time, dive duration, success, prey type, prey size, prey number, handling time and surface time are all recorded. Sites are in Alaska and include locations in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound. This data in this file were collected 2012-2016.
This is the raw nest card data that was recorded from a digital device in the field. It undergoes quality control and is combined with nest data records transcribed from paper cards, and waypoint location from handheld GPSs. This is the the raw source used to produce the file Nest_Distance_QC_2022.csv. See R code in wrangle_2022.R for specific processing step and source data.

map background search result map search result map Gulf Watch Alaska, Nearshore Monitoring Component: Sea Otter Foraging Observations from Prince William Sound, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park, 2012-2016 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Southwest Gravity Program Absolute-Gravity Database (updated 2024-09-06) Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska from the summer of 2021 U.S. Geological Survey Northeast Region Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data Collected with a Scanning Total Station on the Western Shoreline of the Shinnecock Nation Tribal Lands, Suffolk County, New York, 2022 Updated Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers for the Pacific Northwest region, 2004 - 2016 Climate-Growth Analysis for Updated and Existing Tree-ring Network near Columbine Lake, Grand County, Colorado U.S. Geological Survey Wastewater Diffuser Survey in Cedar Falls Upper Colorado River Basin: Monitoring sites and water chemistry data used to develop a specific conductance - salinity proxy model Geochemical data for volcanic rocks of the northern Mojave Desert Particle size distribution data from Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida - 2024 analyses of samples collected following Hurricane Irma (2017) Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Observer Initials Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Data Notes Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Update Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Map Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Data Collection Instructions Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Sample Design GeoData Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Raw Digital Device Data Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Sample Design Report Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data Collected with a Scanning Total Station on the Western Shoreline of the Shinnecock Nation Tribal Lands, Suffolk County, New York, 2022 U.S. Geological Survey Wastewater Diffuser Survey in Cedar Falls Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, upper East River and surrounding watersheds near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017 Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Observer Initials Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Data Notes Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Update Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Crew Map Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Data Collection Instructions Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Sample Design GeoData Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Raw Digital Device Data Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Nesting Waterfowl Distance Sampling Survey 2022 Sample Design Report Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska from the summer of 2021 Climate-Growth Analysis for Updated and Existing Tree-ring Network near Columbine Lake, Grand County, Colorado Upper Colorado River Basin: Monitoring sites and water chemistry data used to develop a specific conductance - salinity proxy model Geochemical data for volcanic rocks of the northern Mojave Desert Gulf Watch Alaska, Nearshore Monitoring Component: Sea Otter Foraging Observations from Prince William Sound, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park, 2012-2016 Southwest Gravity Program Absolute-Gravity Database (updated 2024-09-06) Updated Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers for the Pacific Northwest region, 2004 - 2016 U.S. Geological Survey Northeast Region Inland to Coastal Zone Bathymetric Survey Inventory, v3 Update