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This product is new in federal fiscal year 2025 (FY25), and consists only of vector data in a series of feature classes. The product represents the 3DHP dataset and the schema in which it is contained as of September 30, 2024 Future Annual Staged Product releases will reflect the schema at the time the product is generated and include more EDH-sourced data holdings.
This dynamic data release presents an aquatic reflectance product with 20-meter spatial resolution derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for the conterminous United States using the Atmospheric Correction for OLI “lite” (ACOLITE). Aquatic reflectance, noted Rhow in ACOLITE documentation, is defined here as unitless water-leaving radiance reflectance and represents the ratio of water-leaving radiance (units of watts per square meter per steradian per nanometer) to downwelling irradiance (units of watts per square meter per nanometer) multiplied by π. This is also known as remote sensing reflectance (units of per steradian) multiplied by π. These data are intended for use in remote sensing of water color and differ...
This is a collection of 167 photos taken by Donald R. Nichols of the Klutina, Sanford, Kuskulana, Bremner and Gulkana districts in the Copper River region, the Valdez Creek district in the Cook Inlet region, and the Donnelly district in the Yukon region of Alaska, from July 1955 to September 1956. The photograph highlighted is photo number 459. Caption under photo reads: Nichols, D.R.459 Slump block of fine-grained highway fill material at Simpson Hill, near mile 113 on the Richardson Highway. Centerline of road formerly lay over exposed part of sheared culvert. Note bulldozer tracks on slump surface, which are a continuation of those at road level on right side of photograph. Klutina district, Copper River...
Rural communities near large, protected areas like National Parks often face heightened social vulnerability and environmental risks (e.g., flooding), which are expected to worsen with climate and land-use changes. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will collaborate with stakeholders and communities in the Southern Appalachians and Congaree to refine strategies for addressing these combined vulnerabilities. They will create maps and projections outlining high-risk areas that can be used by conservation managers and policymakers to prioritize management actions benefiting both the environment and human communities. People living near large, protected areas, such as National Parks, face a complex...
Album caption: Dune panorama, near view. Note: Panorama with photo number 57, sce00057. Index card: Typical sand dune on Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. Alamosa County, Colorado. 1903. Handwritten notes on album caption: Published in Water Suppy Paper 240, plate 8.
Soil data includes carbon (total, organic, mineral-associated, particulate-organic) and texture. Bulk density data includes bulk density values used to calculate carbon stocks. Plant data includes microsite coverage percents and sagebrush demographics. Data is from uninvaded and cheatgrass invaded points near Grand Junction, Colorado and Rock Springs, Wyoming in October and November 2023.
This data release contains key variables from the Weather Research and Forecasting hydrological modeling application (WRF-Hydro) forced with the CONUS404 climate forcing variable subset for hydrologic models that was downscaled to one-kilometer and bias-adjusted for precipitation and temperature from water year 2010 to water year 2021 that are summarized to a monthly time step and a twelve-digit hydrologic unit (HUC12) code for the spatial extent of the conterminous United States. This data release includes the monthly modeled data at HUC12s (, a crosswalk between HUC12s and hydrofabric catchments and flowlines in the WRF-Hydro modeling application (HUC12_Catchment_Flowline_crosswalk.csv),...
Epidemiological and toxicological studies have associated disinfection byproducts in drinking water with adverse public health outcomes. Disinfection byproducts can form when disinfectants such as chlorine combine with naturally occurring organic molecules dissolved in water. Anthropogenic factors that alter water quality, such as land use practices and wastewater production, can also influence disinfection byproduct occurrence. This project will assess and monitor the sources of disinfection byproduct precursors within the 6 primary drinking water source watersheds in the West-of-Hudson reservoir watersheds of New York City's drinking water supply. Through field observations, laboratory analysis, and data synthesis,...
This is a collection of 125 photos taken by Donald R. Nichols in the Gulkana, Klutina, Kuskulana and Sanford districts of the Copper River region, and the Valdez Creek district of the Cook Inlet region. The photographs date from September 1953 to July 1954. The photograph highlighted is photo number 205. Caption under the photo reads: Nichols, D. R. 205 Close-up view of ash beds included in varved silts and clays in 125 foot bluff on east side of road at mile 75 Richardson Highway. Ash points up high contortion of beds within undisturbed horizontal varves. Slippage, faulting, (thrust) etc, accompanied folding. Station number N-70. Glennallen area. Copper River region, Alaska. August 11, 1954. Note: handwritten...
The development of large-scale solar energy production facilities is a priority for renewable energy production in part due to the flexibility of suitable locations and wide range of compatible land types. Understanding the factors influencing carbon stocks during and after land use conversion is important because land use change can increase or decrease carbon stocks. Carbon stored in soils typically represents a significant carbon stock for ecosystems in New York State. This project estimates soil carbon stocks present within lands currently used for utility-scale (> 1 megawatt) photovoltaic solar energy production in New York State. The primary objectives are to estimate soil carbon stock changes associated with...
Albu caption: Pisolitic ash from Tanner's Quarry. Menan Butte, NW corner sec. 22, T, 5 N., R 38 E. Specimen No. 89. Notebook No. 1, page 551. Note bedding plane is depressed by fall of quartzite pebble. Natural size. Boise meridian, Jefferson County, Idaho. 1921. Published as plate 9_A in U. S. Geological Survey. Water supply paper 818. 1939.
This data release contains 15 variables from the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS) modeling application forced with Daymet version 4 (Koczot and others, 2025) from 1980 through 2021 that are summarized to a monthly time step and a twelve-digit hydrologic unit code for the spatial extent of Alaska.The following flux and storages are included: total monthly precipitation, evapotranspiration, lateral flow, surface runoff, interflow, recharge, groundwater flow, and the average monthly snow water equivalent, interflow storage, groundwater storage, total storage, and soil moisture. These data can be found in the “”...
State and federal agencies are negotiating long-term water-supply agreements for the Colorado River basin, but current policies prioritize water supply over ecological factors due to limited knowledge about how water storage strategies impact ecosystems. Researchers supported by this Southwest CASC project will develop a tool to evaluate river ecosystem outcomes of various patterns of water consumption and reservoir operations, identifying management strategies that can help future policies balance water needs and ecological resources like native fish communities and natural flow patterns. State and federal agencies are negotiating water-supply agreements to govern the Colorado River basin’s water supply and...
This is a dataset summarizing filtering criteria and rapid risk assessments for ~25,000 species undertaken during a data-driven horizon scan of imported fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The files represented in this dataset are the following: 1) 'species_filtering_metadata_table.xlsx' is the tabular summary of all intake list species names and the reason for inclusion/exclusion. 2) 'review_scores.xlsx' is the tabular summary of taxa expert risk assessment scores for species included after filtering. These data will be relayed to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for further assessment and prioritization related to import regulation.
This data release contains 15 variables from the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS) version 1.1 modeling application forced with CONUS404-BA (Markstrom and others, 2024) from January 1980 through September 2021 that are summarized to a monthly time step and a twelve-digit hydrologic unit code for the spatial extent of the conterminous United States. The following fluxes and storages are included: total monthly precipitation, evapotranspiration, lateral flow, surface runoff, interflow, recharge, groundwater flow, and the average monthly snow water equivalent, interflow storage, groundwater storage, total storage, and soil moisture. These data can be found...
Album caption: Dune panorama, near view. Note: Panorama with photo number 56, sce00056. Index card: Typical sand dune on Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. Alamosa County, Colorado. 1903. Handwritten notes on album caption: Published in Water Suppy Paper 240, plate 8. San Luis Valley, Alamosa County, Colorado.
Many insect pollinator species in the southeastern US and the US Caribbean, including bees and butterflies, face increasing threats from climate change, but few have been assessed for their vulnerability to these threats. This leaves wildlife managers without crucial information for conservation planning. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will work with partners to identify and evaluate the climate change vulnerabilities of at-risk pollinator species, and resulting species assessments will be provided to wildlife managers to use for conservation decision making. Many insect pollinators, including bee and butterfly species, play a vital role in ecosystems but face increasing threats form climate...
This Data Release includes information to support the characterization of surface/near-surface infiltration rates of selected landslide source area materials following Hurricane Maria across Puerto Rico, USA. The dataset includes comma-delimited measurements of field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) collected over two field campaigns (Fall 2018 and Spring 2019) as well as laboratory-derived measurements of soil/saprolite texture. The Kfs experiments were conducted within (or in the vicinity of) landslide source areas across the three primary geologic terranes on the island (Bawiec, 1998), including intrusive, volcaniclastic, and submarine basalt/chert lithologies. Depending on site conditions and the hydrologic...
This data release includes whole rock (WR) and portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) geochemical data collected from the eastern Adirondack Mountains, NY. Whole rock geochemistry data were analyzed at Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. Laboratories in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Data were collected using a Thermo Niton portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer. Rock samples for all methods were collected by Kaitlyn Suarez, Daniel Tjapkes, and Greg Walsh. The data release contains five files, including one metadata file and four comma-delimited (CSV) files. The CSV files include the following: EasternAdirondacks_WR_data_.csv, EasternAdirondacks_WR_data_dictionary.csv, EasternAdirondacks_pXRF_data.csv,...
The water balance equivalence (WABE) method for reducing biases from remote sensing-derived evapotranspiration (RSET) products for large area applications is proposed and implemented across eight-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC8) basins in the conterminous United States (CONUS). These data support the findings of the WABE method that includes climatology (2002-2015 average) observed water balance ET (WBET), synthetic WBET, and bias adjustment factor (BAF) for SSEBop ET for HUC8 basins. The synthetic WBET filled the spatial gaps of observed WBET, constituting 44% of CONUS HUC8 basins, with estimations within 2% at the CONUS and between 1-12% across 18 regions in CONUS. After implementing HUC8-scale bias adjustment...

map background search result map search result map Infiltration data collected post-Hurricane Maria across landslide source area materials, Puerto Rico, USA Typical sand dune on Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. Alamosa County, Colorado. 1910. Typical sand dune on Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. Alamosa County, Colorado. 1903. Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States (updated 2025-01-22) Monthly twelve-digit hydrologic unit code aggregations of the National Hydrologic Model Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System modeling application for Alaska, 1980-2021 Water balance ET and bias adjustment factor for SSEBop ET across HUC8 basins in the conterminous United States using the WABE method Evaluating Insect Pollinator Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Southeast and US Caribbean Social-Ecological Vulnerability in Human Communities Surrounding Large Protected Areas in the Southeast Future of the Colorado River (Phase 2): Reservoir Operation to Balance Water Supply and River Ecosystems in the Grand Canyon Assessing Soil Carbon Stock Changes from Land Use Conversions Associated with Solar Development Continuous Monitoring and Watershed Assessment of Disinfection Byproduct Sources Under a Changing Climate in New York City’s Drinking Water Supply Soil carbon and plant cover data for uninvaded and cheatgrass invaded sites in Grand Junction, Colorado and Rock Springs, Wyoming Whole rock and portable XRF geochemistry data from Mesoproterozoic granitic rocks in the eastern Adirondack Mountains, New York Typical sand dune on Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. Alamosa County, Colorado. 1910. Typical sand dune on Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. Alamosa County, Colorado. 1903. Whole rock and portable XRF geochemistry data from Mesoproterozoic granitic rocks in the eastern Adirondack Mountains, New York Continuous Monitoring and Watershed Assessment of Disinfection Byproduct Sources Under a Changing Climate in New York City’s Drinking Water Supply Assessing Soil Carbon Stock Changes from Land Use Conversions Associated with Solar Development Future of the Colorado River (Phase 2): Reservoir Operation to Balance Water Supply and River Ecosystems in the Grand Canyon Evaluating Insect Pollinator Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Southeast and US Caribbean Social-Ecological Vulnerability in Human Communities Surrounding Large Protected Areas in the Southeast Monthly twelve-digit hydrologic unit code aggregations of the National Hydrologic Model Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System modeling application for Alaska, 1980-2021 Water balance ET and bias adjustment factor for SSEBop ET across HUC8 basins in the conterminous United States using the WABE method Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States (updated 2025-01-22) Infiltration data collected post-Hurricane Maria across landslide source area materials, Puerto Rico, USA