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Project Overview Rural communities near large, protected areas like National Parks often face heightened social vulnerability and environmental risks (e.g., flooding), which are expected to worsen with climate and land-use changes. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will collaborate with stakeholders and communities in the Southern Appalachians and Congaree to refine strategies for addressing these combined vulnerabilities. They will create maps and projections outlining high-risk areas that can be used by conservation managers and policymakers to prioritize management actions benefiting both the environment and human communities. Project Summary People living near large, protected areas,...
Project Overview Climate change and invasive fish species threaten the resilience and biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems in the Southeastern U.S., including the Everglades, which are vital to the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will model invasive fish distributions under changing climate conditions and refine the model predictions through targeted sampling. The resulting habitat suitability maps will guide resource managers in selecting strategies to prevent or control invasions and protect ecosystem resilience. Project Summary Invasive fish species and climate change threaten freshwater ecosystems worldwide. By altering habitat conditions, climate...
Project Overview Many insect pollinator species in the southeastern US and the US Caribbean, including bees and butterflies, face increasing threats from climate change, but few have been assessed for their vulnerability to these threats. This leaves wildlife managers without crucial information for conservation planning. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will work with partners to identify and evaluate the climate change vulnerabilities of at-risk pollinator species, and resulting species assessments will be provided to wildlife managers to use for conservation decision making. Project Summary Many insect pollinators, including bee and butterfly species, play a vital role in ecosystems but...
Project Overview Urban forest managers often lack the essential information needed to make strategic decisions about planting and maintaining trees to mitigate climate change effects in urban areas. In this project, Southeast CASC-funded researchers will provide data on the health of urban tree species in the region and conduct an ecological and economic cost-benefit analysis to help local and regional urban forest managers optimize their climate adaptation strategies. Project Summary Urban forests provide valuable ecosystem services such as mitigating air pollution, moderating temperature, and sequestering carbon. As climate change creates warmer conditions across the southeastern US, maintaining these valuable...
The southeastern U.S. is home to more than half of the animal and plant species that are being reviewed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to determine if they are threatened or endangered due to losses or changes in habitat. The longleaf pine ecosystem, which is native to the southeastern U.S., supports several animal species that are considered a priority to be reviewed, based on significant threats, how much knowledge we have about the species, and opportunities for conserving them. These include the gopher tortoise, striped newt, gopher frog, southern hognose snake, and Florida pine snake. This ecosystem also supports a large number of priority plants. State wildlife agencies in the Southeast are...
NC State University (NCSU) has largely met target objectives described in the Term Sheet (provided by NCASC) for the Phase 2 reporting period from August 1, 2017 - August 1, 2024. Over this period, NCSU has augmented the scope of work due to leveraged activity, new partnerships across the university, and new consortium members. We welcomed five new consortium members at the start of this phase. This includes four university partners – Auburn University, Duke University, University of Florida, and University of Tennessee – that have specific contractual activities associated with the new host agreement; University of South Carolina continued research and development on partner projects initiated in Phase I. This...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
We estimated the effect of microhabitat and microclimatic factors on occupancy, abundance and reproduction of four species of Eleutherodactylus frogs (E. wightmanae, E. brittoni, E. antillensis, E. coqui). Data consist of presence-non/presence data (binary), and physical (abiotic) and habitat (biotic) covariates collected at each of 48 survey stations (2017) and 35 (2018) along two altitudinal gradients in west-central Puerto Rico. First release: 2020 Revised: January 2025 (ver. 1.1)
The primary goal of the Nicholas Institute’s work under the SE CASC host award was to advance the integration of ecosystem services concepts into natural resource management practices that are relevant to SE CASC. Their activities addressed both state and federal needs, driven by two key workstreams: (1) regional ecosystem services mapping and the development of pilot ecosystem accounts for the southeastern U.S., and (2) opportunity mapping and benefits quantification for natural and working lands in North Carolina.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The challenge of selecting strategies to adapt to climate change is complicated by the presence of irreducible uncertainties regarding future conditions. Decisions regarding long-term investments in conservation actions contain significant risk of failure due to these inherent uncertainties. To address this challenge, decision makers need an arsenal of sophisticated but practical tools to help guide spatial conservation strategies. Theory asserts that managing risks can be achieved by diversifying an investment portfolio to include assets – such as stocks and bonds – that respond inversely to one another under a given set of conditions. We demonstrate an approach for formalizing the diversification of conservation...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Project Overview Climate and economic stressors are causing large numbers of people to emigrate from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, even while new development continues. To provide a tool to help managers and policymakers make informed decisions about development and conservation, researchers for this Southeast CASC-supported project will co-produce a land change model that can simulate future scenarios of development, population change, and conservation in response to climate hazards. Project Summary Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are experiencing high levels of out-migration caused by economic and climate stress, yet new homes continue to be built, often near areas of conservation concern....
Project Overview Climate change is expected to worsen the spread of invasive vines in the Southeast, where they disrupt ecosystems and damage human-built systems like agriculture and infrastructure. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will combine species distribution models and remote sensing to improve predictions of vine spread by including often-overlooked biotic factors like host plants and co-occurring vine species. The researchers will also train undergraduate and graduate students in advanced research methods and work directly with land managers to document their experiences and challenges managing impacted landscapes and infrastructure. Project Summary The Southeast is a hotspot for...
The US Virgin Islands are vulnerable to sea level rise, intense storms, and unpredictable rainfall brought by climate change. These changes influence the health of freshwater streams (known as “ghuts”), sedimentation, erosion and water quality (“grit”), as well as aquatic communities and ecosystems (“gills”) that are unique to the islands and important for indigenous peoples’ heritage, local fishermen, tourism, and more. However, the US Virgin Islands have limited water resource data, and the data that exist are scattered across sources, creating an obstacle for adapting water management strategies. Preparing for and responding to climate change requires understanding the threats, priorities, solutions, and funding...
Managing and adapting to changing wildland fire regimes due to human-caused global warming can be facilitated through the use of analog mapping of potential climate-influenced outcomes. This dataset contains results from a simple process-based model, PC2FM, to derive projected analog fire regimes with respect to the potential fire probability concept. This concept is based on the potential energy and fuels available in the background environmental state under pre-industrial conditions for the coterminous US. To map climate-fire analog futures, three key relevant variables are used in addition to fire probability derived from PC2FM: annual temperature, annual precipitation, and precipitation seasonality. Projections...
North Carolina State University is the host institution for the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, providing organizational leadership to implement the CASC mission through capacity building, project management, communications, partnership development, and connections with scientific capabilities in the region. The mission is implemented through collaborative partnerships among USGS, natural and cultural resource management organizations, and academic institutions. SE CASC is part of a national network of nine regional CASCs along with a USGS national managing entity. NC State is the lead university for a consortium of academic and non-profit institutions across the Southeast, bringing together a breadth...
Project Overview Coastal marshes in the Gulf of Mexico host diverse ecological communities and hold Native American cultural artifacts within shell mounds (middens). However, both are vulnerable to erosion and submergence due to rising sea levels and more frequent severe storms. Researchers supported by this Southeast CASC project will develop a risk-assessment tool to evaluate the vulnerability of cultural sites and marsh habitat diversity to climate impacts. The outcomes will benefit land managers and Tribes by providing critical information to help protect these valuable heritage and ecological sites. Project Summary Coastal marshes in the Gulf of Mexico face climate change threats from sea level rise and...
Project Overview Managers in the Southeast and US Caribbean face challenges accessing, interpreting, and using climate adaptation information, especially under tight decision-making timelines. Through this Southeast CASC project, researchers will co-produce a synthesis of regional climate adaptation science, identify information gaps, and improve access to actionable climate information by creating interactive tools and multi-sector collaborations. Project Summary A wealth of climate information exists for the Southeast and US Caribbean, but managers face challenges accessing, interpreting, and using climate adaptation information effectively, especially under the rapid decision-making timelines they often encounter....

    map background search result map search result map Providing Science for the Conservation of Animals in the Southeastern Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Local Demographic Rates of Four Eleutherodactylus Frogs in Puerto Rico, 2017-2019 (ver. 1.1, January 2025) Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by North Carolina State University (2023-2028) Climate-fire analog mapping to inform adaptive management strategies for wildland fire in protected areas of the conterminous U.S. Ghuts, Grit, and Gills: Aquatic Data Synthesis for Climate Adaptation in the US Virgin Islands Urban Tree Health in Socially Vulnerable Neighborhoods in the Southeast: An Ecological and Economic Assessment Improving Land Change Models for Climate Adaptation, Urban Development, and Conservation Action Across the US Caribbean Predicting Climate-Driven Invasive Fish Spread to Support Indigenous and State Freshwater Management in Florida Synthesis and Tools for Climate Adaptation in the Southeast and US Caribbean Evaluating Insect Pollinator Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Southeast and US Caribbean Social-Ecological Vulnerability in Human Communities Surrounding Large Protected Areas in the Southeast Predicting Invasive Vine Spread in the Southeast using Remote Sensing and Species Distribution Models Evaluating the Vulnerability of Indigenous Shell Middens and Marsh Habitat Diversity to Sea Level Rise Ghuts, Grit, and Gills: Aquatic Data Synthesis for Climate Adaptation in the US Virgin Islands Improving Land Change Models for Climate Adaptation, Urban Development, and Conservation Action Across the US Caribbean Evaluating the Vulnerability of Indigenous Shell Middens and Marsh Habitat Diversity to Sea Level Rise Predicting Climate-Driven Invasive Fish Spread to Support Indigenous and State Freshwater Management in Florida Providing Science for the Conservation of Animals in the Southeastern Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Urban Tree Health in Socially Vulnerable Neighborhoods in the Southeast: An Ecological and Economic Assessment Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by North Carolina State University (2023-2028) Synthesis and Tools for Climate Adaptation in the Southeast and US Caribbean Evaluating Insect Pollinator Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Southeast and US Caribbean Social-Ecological Vulnerability in Human Communities Surrounding Large Protected Areas in the Southeast Predicting Invasive Vine Spread in the Southeast using Remote Sensing and Species Distribution Models Climate-fire analog mapping to inform adaptive management strategies for wildland fire in protected areas of the conterminous U.S.