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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > North Central CASC ( Show direct descendants )

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__National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
___North Central CASC
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Forests in the western US are increasingly impacted by climate change. Warm, dry conditions associated with climate change both increases fire activity in western forests and make it more difficult for forests to recover after wildfires. If forests fail to recover, they may shift to non-forest ecosystems like grasslands or shrublands. It is important to understand where fires may result in the loss of forests because forests provide a variety of ecosystem services, including carbon storage, water regulation and supply, and biodiversity. Western forests are also integral for the timber industry and valued for their recreation opportunities, which can also support local economies. The goal of this project is to identify...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The goal of this project was to support efforts by the Blackfeet Nation in Montana to manage their lands in ways that promote climate and cultural resilience and improve grassland and soil health. One strategy for building such resilience is to utilize strategic management of grasslands and grazing activities as a “natural climate solution”. This includes the restoration of free-ranging bison to grassland landscapes and the management of livestock in ways that approximate wild bison grazing behavior, as well as other practices that can support revitalized and resilient grassland ecosystems. To support strategic grassland and grazing management decisions on Blackfeet lands, we synthesized information on bison and...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Report
In ecosystems characterized by flowing water, such as rivers and streams, the dynamics of how the water moves - how deep it is, how fast it flows, how often it floods - have direct effects on the health, diversity, and sustainability of underlying communities. Yet increasingly, climate extremes like droughts and floods are disrupting fragile stream ecosystems by specifically changing their internal aquatic flows. Human infrastructure, such as irrigation and dams, further disrupt these dynamics. These changes in climate and land use are leading to teh fragmentation of aquatic habtiat, degraded water quality, altered sediment transport processes, variation in the timing and duration of floodplain inundation, shifts...
Native American tribes are interested in managing their homelands for future generations, using both Indigenous and western science to make decisions in culturally appropriate ways. In particular, there is interest in strategic grazing management as a natural climate solution to strengthen the resilience of grasslands to a changing climate. This includes the restoration of free-ranging bison as well as the management of cattle (and domestic bison) in ways that approximate wild bison grazing behavior, to capture similar ecological and climate change benefits. Despite the growing interest in grazing management as a tool for grassland resilience and soil health, there has not been a systematic synthesis that directly...

    map background search result map search result map Promoting Climate Resilience and Soil Health in Northern Rockies Grasslands Through Bison and Cattle Grazing Management: Weaving Together Indigenous and Western Science Future of Aquatic Flows: Towards a National Synthesis of Streamflow Regimes Under a Changing Climate Promoting Climate Resilience and Soil Health in Northern Rockies Grasslands Through Bison and Cattle Grazing Management: Weaving Together Indigenous and Western Science Future of Aquatic Flows: Towards a National Synthesis of Streamflow Regimes Under a Changing Climate