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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Southwest CASC > FY 2013 Projects > Evaluating the Impact of Climate Science Produced by the Southwest CSC on Resource Management Agency Decisions > Approved Products ( Show direct descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ___Southwest CASC ____FY 2013 Projects _____Evaluating the Impact of Climate Science Produced by the Southwest CSC on Resource Management Agency Decisions ______Approved Products Filters
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(Abstract from Springer): There is increasing interest among scholars in producing information that is useful and usable to land and natural resource managers in a changing climate. This interest has prompted transitions from scientist- to stakeholder-driven or collaborative approaches to climate science. A common indicator of successful collaboration is whether stakeholders use the information resulting from the projects in which they are engaged. However, detailed examples of how stakeholders use climate information are relatively scarce in the literature, leading to a challenge in understanding what researchers can and should expect and plan for in terms of stakeholder use of research findings. Drawing on theoretical,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Data Visualization & Tools,
Science Tools For Managers,
Social Science,
Southwest CASC
Abstract: This review paper addresses the challenging question of “how to” design and implement co-production of knowledge in climate science and other environmental and agricultural sciences. Based on a grounded theory review of nine (9) published case studies of transdisciplinary and collaborative research projects, the paper offers a set of common themes regarding specific components and processes for the design, implementation, and achievement of co-production of knowledge work, which represent the “Modus Operandi” of knowledge co-production. The analysis focuses on practical methodological guidance based on lessons from how different research teams have approached the challenges of complex collaborative research....
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Data Visualization & Tools,
Science Tools For Managers,
Social Science,
Southwest CASC