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This dataset is comprised of three files containing northing, easting, and elevation ("XYZ") information for light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data representing beach topography and sonar data representing near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The point data is the same as that in LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) files that were used to create a digital elevation model (DEM) of the approximately 5.9 square kilometer (2.3 square mile) surveyed area. LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and methodology similar to that described by Huizinga and Wagner (2019). Multi-beam sonar data were collected...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bathymetry and Elevation,
Great Lakes,
This dataset contains the Flow Accumulation (FA) grid for the Asian continent from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The DEM data were developed and distributed by processing units. There are 19 processing units for Asia. The distribution files have the number of the processing unit appended to the end of the zip file name (e.g. contains the DEM data for unit 3-2). The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment...
This dataset contains the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Australasia from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The data were developed and distributed by processing units. There are 11 processing units for Australasia. The distribution files have the number of the processing unit appended to the end of the zip file name (e.g. contains the DEM data for unit 3-2). The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment...
This dataset is based on U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) resource assessments for “undiscovered” natural gas liquid resources, which are resources that have not yet been extensively proven by drilling (USGS 2014). Individual resource assessments describe the amount of petroleum resources in units with similar geologic features. We quantified the density of natural gas liquid resources by adding together the amounts in spatially overlapping assessment units and dividing these totals by polygon areas. Since assessments for geologic areas used in this analysis were completed at various times, the certainty related to these values is likely to vary according to geologic unit. USGS [U.S. Geological Survey]. 2014. Energy...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Colorado headwaters-Plateau,
New Mexico,
This dataset is based on U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) resource assessments for “undiscovered” oil resources, which are resources that have not yet been extensively proven by drilling (USGS 2014). Individual resource assessments describe the amount of petroleum resources in units with similar geologic features. We focused on the amount of undiscovered continuous oil because technological advances have made exploitation of continuous resources increasingly profitable and large amounts remain undeveloped in comparison with conventional resources. We quantified the density of continuous oil resources by adding together the amounts in spatially overlapping assessment units and dividing these totals by polygon areas....
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Arizona,
Colorado headwaters-Plateau,
New Mexico,
This dataset contains the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Africa from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The DEM data were developed and distributed by processing units. There are 19 processing units for Africa. The distribution files have the number of the processing unit appended to the end of the zip file name (e.g. contains the DEM data for unit 3-2). The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment...
This data set includes WRTDS nutrient flux trend results and the values of daily streamflow trend results displayed in the Quantile-Kendall plots. For 1995-2015 nutrient trends, the method of generalized flow normalization (FNG) was used which explicitly addresses non-stationary streamflow conditions. For 2005-2015 nutrient trends, the WRTDS trend analyses used the method of stationary flow normalization (FNS) because streamflow nonstationarity is difficult to assess over this shorter duration time frame. The 1995-2015 annual nutrient trends were determined for all five nutrient parameters (TP, SRP, TN, NO23, TKN), and monthly trends were evaluated only for SRP. The 2005-2015 annual nutrient trends were determined...
Real-time kinematic global navigation satellite system equipment was used to survey the edge of bank at selected locations on the Lake Sharpe shoreline near Lower Brule South Dakota at intervals from 2010–15. This work was completed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Environmental Protection Office.
The central Platte River Valley represents a key mid-latitude stopover This dataset supports a contemporary analysis of nocturnal roost selection for sandhill cranes staging along the Platte River during 2003-2007. We explored variation in selection for previously established characteristics of roost sites, including river channel width, vegetation height along the river bank, and distance to nearest disturbance feature. This analysis also included novel environmental factors (yearly estimates of corn near roost sites, nightly temperature, wind speed, and river discharge) and how they may interact with the more established characteristics.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: animal tracking,
fUS31 = Nebraska,
This contains the Australasian portion of the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment boundaries. The coverage of the data is global (-180º, 180º, -90º, 90º) with the underlying DEM being a hybrid of three datasets: HydroSHEDS (Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales), Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) and the...
In cooperation with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) utilized various field and laboratory methods to determine the presence and concentration of cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, and taste-and-odor compounds in Texas water bodies. This data release documents the results from water-quality samples collected from 41 water bodies in Texas during 2016–19. Both qualitative and quantitative field and laboratory methods were performed. Analyses included phytoplankton taxonomy, measurements of phytoplankton biomass, and concentrations of cyanotoxins, taste-and-odor compounds, and photosynthetic pigments. Water-quality samples were also collected to provide supporting data...
The data document the results of several microbe bioassays performed by the USGS on Phragmites australis plants, including those performed on mature leaves, seedlings, and dead leaf tissues exploration of the literature to find accounts of microbes associated with Phragmites worldwide. For the bioassays, we prepared 162 pure cultures isolated from Phragmites plants in North America along the east coast, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes area, 125 of which were from a previous study, and 38 represent new collections. The DNA sequences used to identify the 37 new collections are included. Microbes were isolated from plants collected from 2015-2018. We performed assays using both North American plant...
Vegetation classification model (Veg) and associated metadata for basin A1.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Colorado,
Rio Blanco,
Unmanned Aerial Systems,
These data were collected as part of a field trial to test the effectiveness of a sylvatic plague vaccine (see Rocke et al., 2017 for details). Vaccine and control plots were selected randomly from the available pairs at each location. Baits containing Rhodamine B, a biomarker, were distributed at each plot. At least 1 week and no more than 2 months post-baiting each year, local collaborators captured, marked, and sampled prairie dogs. Hair and whisker samples were collected from up to 50 unique prairie dogs from each plot each year. Sex, age, weight, and the identity of all current-year and prior-year recaptures were recorded for each captured animal. In the laboratory, hair/whiskers were assessed for the presence...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Arizona,
Awapa Plateau,
Buffalo Gap National Grasslands,
Cedar City,
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge,
This Benthic Invertebrate Community Analysis dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the benthic invertebrates sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie. Per the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), the invertebrate samples were taken from sediments remaining from the sediment analysis. Identification of the invertebrates was completed by the same invertebrate taxonomist for both the 1998-2000 evaluation and 1986-87 historical evaluation (Smith et al. 1994) for increased consistency. Oligochaetes were identified to species if possible, chironomids were identified to genus, as adult specimens are needed for specific identification, and other taxa...
The “Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations” dataset delineates the spatial locations of 89 Indemnity Units, comprising 339 parcels of federal lands. These lands, currently managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), are under consideration for transfer of ownership to the State of Colorado in compensation for federal lands not available for transfer at the time of statehood. The Indemnity Units total 23,130 acres of surface and mineral estate and 6,150 acres of mineral estate only. The specific land parcels to be transferred to the State will be finalized after an environmental analysis is completed, as required by the National Environmental Policy...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Colorado,
cadastral areas
This dataset describes the hydrogeomorphic structure and lake-tributary mixing in three intermediate-sized Lake Michigan rivermouths: Ford River, Manitowoc River, and Pere Marquette River. Data were collected from May to October 2011. Water chemistry variables were measured with a multiparameter sonde along longitudinal, lateral, and vertical transects. Magnesium, boron, and stable water isotope concentrations were also determined from grab water samples at particular depths.
This dataset is a digital elevation model (DEM) of the beach topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The DEM has a 1-meter (m; 3.28084 foot [ft]) cell size and was created from a LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) dataset of terrestrial light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data with an average point spacing of 0.137 m (0.45 ft). LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and methodology similar to that described by Huizinga and Wagner (2019). References: Huizinga, R.J. and Wagner, D.M., 2019, Erosion monitoring along selected bank locations of the Coosa River in Alabama using terrestrial light detection and ranging...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bathymetry and Elevation,
Great Lakes,
A Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model was developed to estimate annual recharge and evapotranspiration (ET) for Fauquier County, Virginia, for the period 1996 through 2015. The model was developed as part of a study to assess groundwater availability in the fractured-rock aquifers underlying Fauquier County. The model is documented in the associated report, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5056. The model was calibrated by comparing annual base-flow estimates from the hydrograph separation technique PART to annual recharge estimates from the SWB model for available years of streamflow record at two sites (01643700 and 01656000) within the model area. Selected SWB model parameters were...
I. .\GrantDevine_Comb.csv: This file contains the total inflow volume to Grant Devine Reservoir for the 30 days with the largest streamflow volume between March and May and the mean of the 3- and 12-month SPEI values for each November 1st. Spring streamflow volume for a given calendar year is paired with SPEI from the previous November 1st value. Column A is an unnamed index number, column B is a year in a stochastic simulation, column C is named “simnum” and is the stochastic simulation number, column D is named “mnspei” and is the mean of the 3- and 12-month SPEI for November 1 of each year in a stochastic simulation, and column E is named “SprintgThirtyTot” and is the total inflow volume for the 30 days with...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Manitoba,
North Dakota,
Souris River,
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