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The 2002 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Maps display earthquake ground motions for various probability levels across the United States and are applied in seismic provisions of building codes, insurance rate structures, risk assessments, and other public policy. This update of the maps incorporates new findings on earthquake ground shaking, faults, seismicity, and geodesy. The resulting maps are derived from seismic hazard curves calculated on a grid of sites across the United States that describe the frequency of exceeding a set of ground motions.
Types: Citation;
Tags: B/C site class boundary,
Earthquake Hazards Program,
Geologic Hazards Science Center,
Sagebrush ecosystems in North America have experienced extensive degradation since European settlement, and continue to further degrade from exotic invasive plants, greater fire frequency, intensive grazing practices, increased oil and gas development, climate change, and other factors. Remote sensing is often identified as a key information source to facilitate broad-area ecosystem-wide characterization, monitoring and analysis, however, approaches that characterize sagebrush with sufficient and accurate local detail across large areas to support ecosystem research and analysis are unavailable. We have developed a new remote sensing sagebrush ecosystem characterization approach for the state of Wyoming, U.S.A....
From May of 2015 through September of 2018, velocity data were collected along 7 transects from select tributaries, embayments, and nearshore lake locations along New York's Lake Ontario waterfront in support of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the Lakewide Action Management Plan. These data include: depth, velocity magnitude, velocity direction, navigational data, ADCP temperature, and channel profile.
Data set contains depth and velocity grids centerpoints generated from hydrodynamic model (SRH-2D) simulations run for a range of discharges. Date range corresponds to month(s) that bathymetric survey was performed. Three study reaches were considered in this analysis: the Fairview reach of the Yellowstone River, MT, the Miami and Lisbon-Jameson reaches of the Lower Missouir River. Data and application are described in detail in accompanying journal article (Erwin et al., 2017).
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Missouri River, Missouri, Missouri River Basin,
These data consist of species relative cover, percent cover of dead plant material, percent cover of soil and rock, and a variety of broad - and local- scale environmental variables. These data relate to sample sites along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon between Lees Ferry and river mile 245. The plant and ground cover data included here were originally collected as a part of annual vegetation monitoring by Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. Environmental variables were either recorded in the field or obtained through other data sources. Species and ground cover data were collected in August and September 2014 at 96 randomly selected sample sites that were approximately evenly distributed along...
Types: Citation;
Tags: American Southwest,
Colorado River,
Environmental variables,
Grand Canyon,
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed a regression model for estimating mean August baseflow per square mile of drainage area in cooperation with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to help resource managers assess relative amounts of baseflow in streams with Maine Atlantic Salmon habitat (Lombard and others, 2021). The model was applied to each reach of a stream network derived from select National Hydrography Dataset Plus High-Resolution (NHDPlusHR) data in the State of Maine south of 46º 21′55″ N latitude. The spatial coverage developed from the stream network contains model-estimated mean August baseflow per square mile of drainage area as an attribute of each NHDPlusHR reach. Please...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Atlantic,
Atlantic Salmon,
Distinct Population Segment,
This workbook summarizes geochemical data for each lithology contained within the USGS Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States (Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272). The summarized geochemical data contained in the “Lith Summary” spreadsheet (tab) is used to translate lithologies in state geologic maps into maps of continuous chemical characteristics (see Geochemical and Geophysical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States, Full details of the data are provided in the “ReadMe” spreadsheet at the beginning of the workbook.
Abstract The isotopic composition of Pb in fugitive dust suspended by a vehicle from 13 unsurfaced roads in Missouri was measured to identify the source of Pb within an established long-term mining area. A three end member model using 207Pb/206Pb and concentration as tracers resulted in fugitive dust samples plotting in the mixing field of well characterized heterogeneous end members. End members selected for this investigation include the 207Pb/206Pb for 1) a Pb-mixture representing mine tailings, 2) aerosol Pb impacted soils within close proximity to the Buick secondary recycling smelter, and 3) an average of soils, rock cores and drill cuttings representing the background characteristics. Aqua regia total concentrations...
Current binomial (presence/absence) model of Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) using a Boosted Regression Tree model (Hastie & Tibshirani 2000) informed by breeding season avian point count data, modeled vegetation types, and climate data from PRISM (Daly et al. 2004) averaged for the years 1971-2000.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: California,
The Humpback Shrimp catch grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Data Units harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS). The dataset has been modified to meet the sensitive nature of the data as per the Access to Information Act20(1)(b,c); which specifies that Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not disclose to a third party confidential information that may prejudice the competitive position of the fisher, in which fishing location has been identified as one of the entities to be protected. There was a 10km x 10km grid used in the desensitization process as well information was limited to total Effort (kilometre) and total Catch (lbs). The dataset is comprised of Humpback...
The Sidestripe Shrimp catch grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Data Units harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS). The dataset has been modified to meet the sensitive nature of the data as per the Access to Information Act20(1)(b,c); which specifies that Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not disclose to a third party confidential information that may prejudice the competitive position of the fisher, in which fishing location has been identified as one of the entities to be protected. There was a 10km x 10km grid used in the desensitization process as well information was limited to total Effort (kilometre) and total Catch (lbs). The dataset is comprised of Sidestripe...
This data represents the relative subsurface hydrocarbon exploration potential of sedimentary basins along the British Columbia coast.
This dataset, termed "GAGES II", an acronym for Geospatial Attributes of Gages for Evaluating Streamflow, version II, provides geospatial data and classifications for 9,322 stream gages maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). It is an update to the original GAGES, which was published as a Data Paper on the journal Ecology's website (Falcone and others, 2010b) in 2010. The GAGES II dataset consists of gages which have had either 20+ complete years (not necessarily continuous) of discharge record since 1950, or are currently active, as of water year 2009, and whose watersheds lie within the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Reference gages were identified based on indicators that they...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alabama,
All 50 states,
This set of 4 rasters shows precipitation as snow (mm) for Western North America under the B1 Emissions Scenario from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). One layer shows the historic period (1961 to 1990), and there are three layers of future climate projections representing the 2020s, the 2050s, and the 2080s. These future layers are ensemble averages across all 23 CMIP3 AOGCMs (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 3 Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models). All layers have a resolution of 1 km, and are designed to capture climate gradients, temperature inversions, and rain shadows in the mountainous landscape of western North America. These data, originally published here, were converted...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: 2020s,
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and socio-economic spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
This dataset contains a seamless 1:1,000,000 scale British Columbia, Alberta and Montana lakes layer.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: 1:1 000 000,
1:1 000 000,
British Columbia,
This data set represents the extent, approximate location and type of wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United States and its Territories. These data delineate the areal extent of wetlands and surface waters as defined by Cowardin et al. (1979). Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and near shore coastal waters. Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tuberficid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
This set of 4 rasters shows winter (Dec to Feb) mean temperature (deg C * 10) for Western North America under the A1B Emissions Scenario from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). One layer shows the historic period (1961 to 1990), and there are three layers of future climate projections representing the 2020s, the 2050s, and the 2080s. These future layers are ensemble averages across all 23 CMIP3 AOGCMs (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 3 Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models). All layers have a resolution of 1 km, and are designed to capture climate gradients, temperature inversions, and rain shadows in the mountainous landscape of western North America. These data, originally published...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: 2020s,
The Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GPLCC, is a partnership that provides applied science and decision support tools to assist natural resource managers conserve plants, fish and wildlife in the mid- and short-grass prairie of the southern Great Plains. It is part of a national network of public-private partnerships — known as Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs, — that work collaboratively across jurisdictions and political boundaries to leverage resources and share science capacity. The Great Plains LCC identifies science priorities for the region and helps foster science that addresses these priorities to support...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Colorado,
Great Plains,
Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
High Plains,
The Monthly Projected Soil Moisture at Bottom Layer (SMBT) data sets are part of the downscaled global climate models created for the 2008 California climate change assessment. These files are made from daily data and are monthly mean values in millimeters. SMBT layers have been created through a Bias Corrected Statistical Downscaling (BCSD) approach and are currently available for the cnrmcm3, gfdlcm21, ncarccsm3, and ncarpcm1 models under the A2 and B1 scenarios. The BCSD data cover 31.9375N to 43.9375N and 124.5625W to 113.0625W. The VIC grid is a 1/8th degree grid so this makes a "box" of 93 longitudes by 97 latitudes. The VIC computations are done over land only. For the 93x97 box there would be a total of...