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This dataset contains watershed means of estimated percent impervious surfaces for three time periods: 1992, 2002, and 2012. Estimates are based on coefficients derived from comparing land use of the 2012 NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product to the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) imperviousness, then applying those coefficients to previous years (1974-2002) of the NWALT dataset.
Wildfire can significantly alter the hydrologic response of a watershed to the extent that even modest rainstorms can produce dangerous flash floods and debris flows. The USGS conducts post-fire debris-flow hazard assessments for select fires in the Western U.S. We use geospatial data related to basin morphometry, burn severity, soil properties, and rainfall characteristics to estimate the probability and volume of debris flows that may occur in response to a design storm.
High radium (Ra) concentrations in potable portions of the Cambrian-Ordovician (C-O) aquifer system were investigated using water-quality data and environmental tracers ( 3H, 3Hetrit, SF6 , 14C and 4Herad) of groundwater age from 80 public-supply wells (PSWs). Groundwater ages were estimated by calibration of tracers to lumped parameter models and ranged from modern (1 Myr) in the most downgradient, confined portions of the potable system. More than 80 and 40 percent of mean groundwater ages were older than 1000 and 50,000 yr, respectively. Anoxic, Fe-reducing conditions and increased mineralization develop with time in the aquifer system and mobilize Ra into solution resulting in the frequent occurrence of combined...
Samples were collected from Willow Creek Lake approximately monthly during May through September by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality as a part of the Ambient Lake Monitoring Program since at least 1989. Lake samples were analyzed for several constituents, including nutrients and chlorophyll. Though several different station identification numbers have been used over the course of monitoring, the general location of sampling corresponds to the deep site referenced in Rus and others (2018).
"NewEngland_pkflows.PRT" is a text file that contains results of flood-frequency analysis of annual peak flows from 186 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the New England region (Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont). Only streamgages in the region that were also in the USGS "GAGES II" database ( were considered for use in the study. The file was generated by combining PeakFQ output (.PRT) files created using version 7.0 of USGS software PeakFQ (; Veilleux and others, 2014) to conduct flood-frequency...
These data are bathymetry (river bottom elevation) in XYZ format, generated from the March 29-30, 2017 and April 13, 2017, bathymetric survey of the East Fork White River at Columbus, Indiana. The bathymetry was collected from approximately the confluence of Driftwood and Flatrock rivers, downstream to the confluence of Haw Creek. Hydrographic data were collected using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) with integrated Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). Data were collected as the surveying vessel traversed the river, approximately perpendicular to the velocity vectors at 55 cross sections which were spaced 200 feet apart along the river. Additional cross sections were collected upstream and...
These data were compiled to evaluate the reproductive ecology of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) in the Sonoran Desert of California using two populations within Joshua Tree National Park, including five reproductive seasons that spanned 20 years (1997-1999, 2015-2016). Compared to their conspecifics inhabiting the Mojave Desert, the reproductive ecology of G. agassizii in the Sonoran Desert is understudied. Climatic variation between the two deserts can affect reproductive ecology, including fecundity and clutch phenology. Mature female tortoises (straight-line carapace length ≥ 20 cm) outfitted with radiotransmitters were located and X-radiographed approximately every 10-14 days during the reproductive...
This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetry for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from Shaded-relief bathymetry of the Offshore of Point Conception map area in southern California was generated largely from acoustic-bathymetry data collected by Fugro Pelagos Inc. Acoustic mapping was completed in 2008 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounders. Bathymetric-lidar data was collected in the nearshore area by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Joint Lidar Bathymetry...
The USGS Colorado Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Colorado Water Conservation Board, collected hydraulic data for the South Platte River for areas adjacent to Fort Morgan, Colo., based on the USGS streamgage 06759500 South Platte River at Fort Morgan, CO. The hydraulic data include survey point data for 54 cross sections and 10 pressure transducers, which are used to record the river stage beginning at Morgan County Road 16 and extending downstream to Morgan County Road 20.5 near Fort Morgan, Colo. The cross-section and pressure transducer location data were collected using real-time kinematic Global Navigation Satellite Systems by USGS personnel from February 15, 2017, through April 18, 2017. These...
These data were compiled during a laboratory experiment showing the turbidity response to increasing silt and clay concentration. The sediment used for the laboratory experiment was collected in the Grand Canyon study area, from the bank of the Little Colorado River, approximately 1 kilometer upstream from its confluence with the Colorado River. The sediment was passed through a 63 µm sieve to isolate the silt-and-clay-size fraction. The silt and clay was completely dried in an oven (at 105 degrees Celsius for 12 hours), weighed, mechanically disaggregated, and added in stages to a measured volume of water to calculate concentration. The sediment was kept in suspension with an electric stirrer and turbidity was...
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 9.5-mile reach of the Meramec River at Arnold, Missouri, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District, Missouri Department of Transportation, Missouri American Water, Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 7, the City of Pacific, the City of Eureka, the City of Wildwood, and the City of Arnold. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science Web site at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgage...
This dataset provides results of a targeted bacterial community metagenomic analysis of surface water, groundwater, and sand samples at Jeorse Park on Lake Michigan in East Chicago, Indiana. Seventy-two samples were collected from 6 sites in 2017. Samples were analyzed for the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene (the S in 16S refers to the rate of sedimentation, in Svedberg units, of the RNA molecule in a centrifugal field), and one sample was excluded because it produced too few reads. The 16S rRNA gene is the most conserved of three rRNA genes (16S, 23S, and 5S) and is considered the most reliable for identification and taxonomic classification of bacterial species (Bouchet and others, 2008). Taxonomic analysis...
ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning.
The dataset consists of site identification, location, temperature and CO2 flux from diffuse emission measurement at the Tiptop fire. A total of 40 CO2 flux measurements were made at 27 locations, including five points (seven measurements) outside of the active coal fire area.
A scenario represents one realization of a potential future earthquake by assuming a particular magnitude, location, and fault-rupture geometry and estimating shaking using a variety of strategies. In planning and coordinating emergency response, utilities, local government, and other organizations are best served by conducting training exercises based on realistic earthquake situations—ones similar to those they are most likely to face. ShakeMap Scenario earthquakes can fill this role. They can also be used to examine exposure of structures, lifelines, utilities, and transportation corridors to specified potential earthquakes. A ShakeMap earthquake scenario is a predictive ShakeMap with an assumed magnitude and...
New active-source shallow seismic (shear-wave and acoustic-wave) measurements were obtained at 18 prioritized seismic monitoring station locations in the north San Francisco Bay area to measure site-specific ground motion amplification effects, soil depth, depth to bedrock (Z1.0 Vs=1 km/s), calculate site specific velocity-depth profiles and Vs30, and develop NEHRP site classifications for each location. This study was led by Principal Investigators Jamey Turner, Cooper Brossy, and Daniel O’Connell and field data were acquired by Glendon Adams and Lincoln Steele. Seismic monitoring sites that recorded high PGA values during the M6.0 Napa earthquake, proximal to higher population densities, and sites recommended...
This part of DS 781 presents data for the Seafloor character map of the Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from This raster-format seafloor-character map shows four substrate classes in the Offshore of Point Conception map area, California. The substrate classes mapped in this area have been colored to indicate which of the following California Marine Life Protection Act depth zones and slope classes they belong: Depth Zone 2 (intertidal to 30 m), Depth Zone 3 (30 to 100 m), Depth Zone 4 (100 to 200 m), Depth Zone 5 (deeper than 200 m), Slope Class 1 (0 degrees...
These plant and soil data were collected by Timothy M. Wertin and Sasha C. Reed in the spring, summer, and fall of 2011 at a climate manipulation experiment site near Moab, UT (38.521411, -109.470567). These data were collected to assess how warming affects leaf photosynthesis, soil CO 2 efflux, and soil chemistry in plots of ambient and warming treatments.
This data release contains the boundaries of assessment units and input data for the assessment of continuous oil and gas resources in the Delle Phosphatic Member of the Mississippian Woodman Formation, western Utah, eastern Nevada and southeastern Idaho. The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined within the context of the higher-level Total Petroleum System. The Assessment Unit is shown herein as a geographic boundary interpreted, defined, and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates a set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations sharing similar...
This dataset is from a restoration field study conducted at seven sites distributed across the southern Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona as part of the RestoreNet dryland restoration field trial network. The data consist of post-experimental restoration treatment (2018-2019) plant density and height measurements along with site precipitation, temperature, and soils data. Plant data were collected through plot monitoring visits distributed throughout the first year following restoration treatments and seeding.

map background search result map search result map Percent impervious surface for selected Chesapeake Bay watersheds Experimental Design Plant and Soil Measurement Data for Achnatherum hymenoides from a warming experiment, Colorado Plateau, 2011 - Data Seafloor character--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California Bathymetry hillshade--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California Cross-Section Data of the South Platte River near Fort Morgan, Colorado, 2017 Bathymetry on the East Fork White River at Columbus, Indiana, March 29-30 and April 13, 2017 Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA: Table 3. Detailed information on calculations of environmental tracer data. Laboratory experiment data—turbidity response to increasing silt and clay concentration Reproductive ecology data for female Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in Joshua Tree National Park, USA Site identification, location, temperature and CO2 flux from diffuse emission measurement at the Tiptop coal mine fire, Kentucky (2009) Monitoring Data for Willow Creek Lake, Nebraska, 2012–14—Lake Chemistry Shapefiles of the flood-inundation maps for the Meramec River at Arnold, Missouri, 2018 Metagenomics analysis of groundwater, surface water, and sand samples at Jeorse Park in East Chicago, Indiana, 2017 PeakFQ output files for selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows USGS National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project-Eastern Great Basin Province, Delle Phosphatic Member Shale Assessment Unit Boundaries and Assessment Input Data Forms RestoreNet: seedling treatment and site environmental characteristics data at restoration treatment plots in northern Arizona, USA Site identification, location, temperature and CO2 flux from diffuse emission measurement at the Tiptop coal mine fire, Kentucky (2009) Bathymetry on the East Fork White River at Columbus, Indiana, March 29-30 and April 13, 2017 Monitoring Data for Willow Creek Lake, Nebraska, 2012–14—Lake Chemistry Experimental Design Plant and Soil Measurement Data for Achnatherum hymenoides from a warming experiment, Colorado Plateau, 2011 - Data Cross-Section Data of the South Platte River near Fort Morgan, Colorado, 2017 Metagenomics analysis of groundwater, surface water, and sand samples at Jeorse Park in East Chicago, Indiana, 2017 Bathymetry hillshade--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California Seafloor character--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California RestoreNet: seedling treatment and site environmental characteristics data at restoration treatment plots in northern Arizona, USA Laboratory experiment data—turbidity response to increasing silt and clay concentration USGS National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project-Eastern Great Basin Province, Delle Phosphatic Member Shale Assessment Unit Boundaries and Assessment Input Data Forms Percent impervious surface for selected Chesapeake Bay watersheds PeakFQ output files for selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA: Table 3. Detailed information on calculations of environmental tracer data.