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This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides the data used to predict areas with the greatest probability of ephemeral stream channel instability on north side of the Grand Valley in western Colorado, during 2018-20. The USGS developed a method for automatically extracting channel cross-section geometry from existing remotely sensed terrain models. Based on estimated flood stage and surrogate streamflows, hydraulic characteristics were calculated. The channel geometries and hydraulic characteristics were used to estimate channel stability using a statistical model. Cross-section stabilities were determined from a stream channel stability assessment for a subset of 1,406 visited (field observed) locations...
The Leadville North 7.5' quadrangle lies at the northern end of the Upper Arkansas Valley, where the Continental Divide at Tennessee Pass creates a low drainage divide between the Colorado and Arkansas River watersheds. In the eastern half of the quadrangle, the Paleozoic sedimentary section dips generally 20–30 degrees east. At Tennessee Pass and Missouri Hill, the core of the Sawatch anticlinorium is mapped as displaying a tight hanging-wall syncline and foot-wall anticline within the basement-cored structure. High-angle, west-dipping, Neogene normal faults cut the eastern margin of the broad, Sawatch anticlinorium. Minor displacements along high-angle, east- and west-dipping Laramide reverse faults occurred in...
This digital map shows the areal extent of surficial deposits and rock stratigraphic units (formations) as compiled by Trimble and Machette from 1973 to 1977 and published in 1979 under the Front Range Urban Corridor Geology Program. Trimble and Machette compiled their geologic map from published geologic maps and unpublished geologic mapping having varied map unit schemes. A convenient feature of the compiled map is its uniform classification of geologic units that mostly matches those of companion maps to the north (USGS I-855-G) and to the south (USGS I-857-F). Published as a color paper map, the Trimble and Machette map was intended for land-use planning in the Front Range Urban Corridor. This map recently (1997-1999)...
The Homestake Reservoir 7.5' quadrangle lies at the northwestern end of the Upper Arkansas Valley, and headwaters of the Arkansas River, and the Roaring Fork, Fryingpan, and Eagle Rivers of the Colorado River system. The quadrangle lies within tectonic provinces of the 1.4 Ga Picuris Orogeny, the late Paleozoic Ancestral Rockies, Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Laramide orogeny, Oligocene to Miocene, and Pliocene?, volcanism, and Miocene to the present Rio Grande rift extensional tectonics. In the eastern half of the quadrangle, high-angle, east-dipping, Neogene normal faults displace Proterozoic rocks, and locally Mio-Pliocene? volcanic rocks. Many quartz veins and hydrothermally altered zones are exposed along the eastern...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: 10Be, 26Al,
10th Mountain Division Hut,
Bald Eagle Mountain,
Bear Lake,
Brady Lake,
This Scientific Data Release is a spatial geodatabase representation of Braun, D. D., 1996, Surficial geology of the Allentown 30x60-minute quadrangle: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report 96–48, 17 p., 1 map, scale 1:100,000. These geospatial data depict surficial geologic materials in the Pennsylvania portion of the Allentown 30 x 60-minute quadrangle in eastern Pennsylvania.The map area shows the effects of at least three Pleistocene glacial advances. The report map is a compilation and revision of published and unpublished, 1:24,000-scale, detailed-reconnaissance maps. Types of surficial geologic units include 14 anthropogenic, 8 alluvial or wetland, 16 colluvial, and 12 Wisconsinan, Illinoian,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Allentown Quadrangle,
Berks County,
Bucks County,
Carbon County,
Economic Geology,
Denali National Park and Preserve (DENA), located in central Alaska, is home to iconic and dynamic landscapes surrounding the tallest mountain range in North America, the Alaska Range. DENA preserves over 6 million acres of wild land that provides opportunities for recreation, subsistence hunting and gathering, preservation of cultural resources, and scientific research. Despite its size and popularity, DENA has only one road—the dead-end, 92-mile Denali National Park Road (hereafter referred to as the Park Road). The Park Road is mostly gravel; only the first 15 miles are paved. It is the only access for most DENA infrastructure, including visitor centers, staff facilities, campgrounds, and businesses. The Park...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alaska,
Alaska Range,
Browne glaciation,
Cantwell Basin,
Cantwell Formation,
The Weldona 7.5' quadrangle is located on the semiarid plains of northeastern Colorado, along the South Platte River corridor where the river has incised into Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale. The Pierre Shale is largely covered by surficial deposits that formed from alluvial, eolian, and hillslope processes operating in concert with environmental changes from the Pleistocene to the present. The South Platte River, originating high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, has played a major role in shaping surficial geology in the map area, which is several tens of kilometers downstream from where headwater tributaries join the river. Recurrent glaciation (and deglaciation) of basin headwaters has affected river discharge...
This release presents the GIS data (in GDB, shapefile, and e00 [coverage] formats) and metadata for a 1:24,000-scale geologic map of the Poncha Pass area in central Colorado. A cartographic version of the geologic map, including map unit descriptions, interpretative text, and accessory figures and tables, is being separately published as a U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map (SIM). The map area is irregular in shape, covering all of one 7.5' quadrangle (Poncha Pass) and parts of five others (Mount Ouray, Maysville, Salida West, Salida East, and Wellsville). The map boundaries were drawn to cover all of the "Poncha mountain block", coincident with the approximately 15-kilometer-long northwestern...
The Fort Morgan 7.5' quadrangle is located on the semiarid plains of northeastern Colorado, along the South Platte River corridor where the river has incised into Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale. The Pierre Shale is largely covered by surficial deposits that formed from alluvial, eolian, and hillslope processes operating in concert with environmental changes from the late Pliocene to the present. The South Platte River, originating high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, has played a major role in shaping surficial geology in the map area, which is several tens of kilometers downstream from where headwater tributaries join the river. Recurrent glaciation (and deglaciation) of basin headwaters has affected river discharge...
This digital map shows the geographic extent of rock stratigraphic units (formations) as compiled by Colton in 1976 under the Front Range Urban Corridor Geology Program. Colton used his own geologic mapping and previously published geologic maps to compile one map having a single classification of geologic units. The resulting published color paper map (USGS Map I-855-G, Colton, 1978) was intended for land-use planning and to depict the regional geology. In 1997-1999, another USGS project designed to address urban growth issues was undertaken. This project, the USGS Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project, undertook to digitize Colton's map at 1:100,000 scale, making it useable in Geographical Information Systems...
This Scientific Data Release is a spatial geodatabase representation of a compilation of Cadwell, D.H., Connally, G.G., Fleisher, P.J., Muller, E.H., 1988, Surficial geologic map of New York; Niagara sheet: New York State Museum Map and Chart Series 40, scale 1:250,000, 5 sheets., Muller, E.H., Cadwell, D.H., Connally, G.G., Young, R.A., 1986, Surficial geologic map of New York; Finger Lakes sheet: New York State Museum Map and Chart Series 40, scale 1:250,000, 5 sheets., Cadwell, D.H., et al., 1991, Surficial geologic map of New York; Adirondack sheet: New York State Museum Map and Chart Series 40, scale 1:250,000, 5 sheets., Cadwell, D.H., Dineen, R.J., Connally, G.G., Fleisher, P.J., and Rich, J.L., 1987, Surficial...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Adirondack,
Energy Resources,
Finger Lakes,
In conjunction with geologic mapping of four 7.5′ quadrangles along the South Platte River corridor in northeastern Colorado (Masters, Orchard, Weldona, and Fort Morgan), geochronology samples were collected and analyzed using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), radiocarbon (14C), or U-series methods to provide age control for mapping units. This section of river corridor is largely covered by surficial deposits that formed from alluvial, eolian, and hillslope processes operating in concert with environmental changes from the Pleistocene to the present. The South Platte River originates high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and recurrent glaciation of basin headwaters has affected river discharge and sediment...
This dataset contains digital data that were used for the creation of a geologic map shown in Figure 3 in USGS SIR 2017-5150; Postglacial Eruptive History and Geochemistry of Semisopochnoi Volcano, Western Aleutian Islands, Alaska by Coombs, M.L. and others. The map shows the generalized geology of the island and the locations of stations occupied during field work conducted in the summer of 2005. The data are based on mapping completed during the field work, high-resolution digital imagery, and geochemical and radiometric analyses of rock and soil samples.
The Strawberry Butte quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, is a legacy map of the U.S. Geological Survey, made as part of the Montana Investigations Project to provide information on the stratigraphy, structure, and geologic history of the area. The quadrangle encompasses an area of about 132 km2 (51 mi2) in the southwest part of the Little Belt Mountains and is about 26 km (17 mi) north of White Sulphur Springs, county seat of Meagher County, Montana. Two contrasting geologic terranes form the area. The northern two-thirds of the quadrangle are underlain by Paleoproterozoic metagranite that contains some inclusions of metadiorite and biotite gneiss. A veneer of Middle Cambrian sedimentary rocks, including the Flathead Sandstone...
This 1:50,000-scale geologic map represents a compilation of the most recent geologic studies of the upper Arkansas River valley, between Leadville and Salida, Colorado. The valley is structurally controlled by an extensional fault system that forms part of the prominent northern Rio Grande rift, an intra-continental region of crustal extension. This work also incorporates new detailed geologic mapping of poorly understood areas within the map area and reinterprets previously studied areas, aided by lidar data that covers 59 percent of the map area. The mapped region extends into the Proterozoic metamorphic and intrusive rocks in the Sawatch Range west of the valley and the Mosquito Range to the east. Paleozoic...
Categories: Data;
Tags: 207Pb/206Pb zircon age,
40Ar/39Ar age,
Arkansas River,
Balltown placer gold mining areas,
This geologic map provides new and compiled geologic mapping at 1:100,000-scale in the Fort Collins 30' x 60' quadrangle covering the northern Front Range and adjacent areas of Colorado.
The San Luis Valley and associated underlying basin of south-central Colorado and north-central New Mexico is the largest structural and hydrologic basin of the Rio Grande Rift and fluvial system. The surrounding San Juan and Sangre de Cristo Mountains reveal evidence of widespread volcanism and transtensional tectonism beginning in the Oligocene and continuing to the present, as seen in fault displacement of Pleistocene to Holocene deposits along the eastern basin-bounding Sangre de Cristo fault system and fault zones along the western margin of the basin. The San Luis basin can generally be subdivided into northern and southern basins at the structural and physiographic high terrain of the San Luis Hills in the...
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