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The karstic Edwards and Trinity aquifers are classified as major sources of water in south-central Texas by the Texas Water Development Board, and both are classified as major aquifers by the State of Texas. The purpose of this data release is to present the data that were collected and compiled to describe the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy within parts of Bandera and Kendall Counties, Texas, in order to help water managers, water purveyors, and local residents better understand and manage water resources. The scope of the larger work and this accompanying data release is focused on the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the outcrops and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers within...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bandera,
Bandera County,
Basal nodular Member,
Burrowed Member,
The Edwards and Trinity aquifers are major sources of water in south-central Texas and are both classified as major aquifers by the State of Texas. The population in Hays and Comal Counties is rapidly growing, increasing demands on the area's water resources. To help effectively manage the water resources in the area, refined maps and descriptions of the geologic structures and hydrostratigraphic units (HSUs) of the aquifers are needed. This digital map database presents the detailed 1:24,000-scale bedrock hydrostratigraphic map as well as names and descriptions of the geologic and hydrostratigraphic units of the Driftwood and Wimberley 7.5-minute quadrangles in Hays and Comal Counties, Tex. These digital data...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Balcones fault zone,
Blanco River,
Comal County,
Corbula bed,
The karstic Edwards and Trinity aquifers are classified as major sources of water in south-central Texas by the Texas Water Development Board, and both are classified as major aquifers by the State of Texas. The Edwards and Trinity aquifers developed because of the original depositional history of the carbonate limestone and dolomite rocks that contain them, and the primary and secondary porosity, diagenesis, fracturing, and faulting that modified the porosity, permeability, and transmissivity of each aquifer and of the geologic units separating the aquifers. Previous studies such as those by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) have mapped the geology, hydrostratigraphy, and...
Alluvial basin boundaries in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) were a needed dataset for the groundwater component of the URGB Focus Area Study (FAS). A literature and data search revealed not all of the alluvial fill basins existed in a digital format that could be imported and used in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Available resources such as georeferenced report figures, digital elevation models (DEMs), principal aquifer dataset, surficial geology, and structural features, such as faults, were used to aid in defining the alluvial basin boundaries. An Esri ArcGIS geodatabase was created to house the final digitized dataset of the following alluvial basins: San Luis, Espanola, Socorro, La Jencia, San Marcial,...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir,
Alamosa County,
The northern half of the Lake Walcott 30 x 60 minute quadrangle shows the geology of the southern part of the Craters of the Moon lava field, the complex geologic features of the Holocene Kings Bowl and Wapi lava fields, and the southern part of the Great Rift volcanic rift zone. The long extent and distribution of skylights in lava-tube systems of the Horse Butte and Wapi Park lava fields are depicted on this map. 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar age determinations give detail to the Holocene, late Pleistocene, and late middle Pleistocene volcanic for lava fields in this quadrangle. Most of the younger basalt eruptions (<150 ka) have occurred along the Great Rift volcanic rift zone, but two of the younger lava fields are located...
The Edwards and Trinity aquifers are major sources of water for agriculture, industry, and urban and rural communities in south-central Texas. Both the Edwards and Trinity aquifers are classified as major aquifers by the State of Texas. The dissolution of the carbonate rocks composing the Edwards and Trinity aquifers results in distinctive landforms rich in both springs and karst features (caves, sinkholes, and other visible areas of solution-enlarged porosity). Previous studies such as those by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) have mapped the geology, hydrostratigraphy, and structure in these areas at various scales. The purpose of this data release is to present...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Balcones fault zone,
Bexar County,
Blanco River,
Canyon Lake,
This 1:24,000-scale geologic map includes new geologic mapping as well as compilation and revision of previous geologic maps. Field investigations were conducted from 2009-2011, while also mapping and investigating the geology and hydrology of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, west of the map area. The Fittstown quadrangle is in the northeastern part of the Arbuckle Mountains. The Arbuckle Mountains are composed of a thick sequence of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks that overlie Early Cambrian and Precambrian igneous rocks; these latter rocks are not exposed in the quadrangle. From middle to late Pennsylvanian time, the Arbuckle Mountains region was folded, faulted, and uplifted. Periods of erosion followed these...
Types: Citation;
Tags: Arbuckle Mountains,
Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer,
Franks fault zone,
Franks graben,
This data release supports the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Map (SIM) by Clark and others (2020) by documenting the data used to create the geologic maps and describes the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers for a 442 square-mile area in northern Medina County in south Texas. The karstic Edwards and Trinity aquifers that are the subject of the SIM by Clark and others (2020) are classified as major sources of water in south-central Texas by the Texas Water Development Board (George and others, 2011). The geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers largely control groundwater flow paths and storage in northern Medina County...
The Texas Water Development Board classifies the karstic Edwards and Trinity aquifers as major sources of water in south-central Texas. To effectively manage the water resources in the area, detailed maps and descriptions of the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphic units of the aquifers outcropping in Hays County, Tex. are needed. In 2016 and 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Edwards Aquifer Authority, mapped the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers within Hays County, Tex. at 1:24,000 scale. These digital data accompany Clark, A.K., Pedraza, D.E., and Morris, R.R., 2018, Geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Austin Group,
Balcones fault zone,
Barton Creek,
Blanco River,
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