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This dataset is comprised of three files containing northing, easting, and elevation ("XYZ") information for light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data representing beach topography and sonar data representing near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The point data is the same as that in LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) files that were used to create a digital elevation model (DEM) of the approximately 5.9 square kilometer (2.3 square mile) surveyed area. LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and methodology similar to that described by Huizinga and Wagner (2019). Multi-beam sonar data were collected...
This dataset is a digital elevation model (DEM) of the beach topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The DEM has a 1-meter (m; 3.28084 foot [ft]) cell size and was created from a LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) dataset of terrestrial light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data with an average point spacing of 0.137 m (0.45 ft). LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and methodology similar to that described by Huizinga and Wagner (2019). References: Huizinga, R.J. and Wagner, D.M., 2019, Erosion monitoring along selected bank locations of the Coosa River in Alabama using terrestrial light detection and ranging...
This dataset is a digital elevation model (DEM) of the beach topography and near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The DEM has a 10-meter (m; 32.8084 feet) cell size and was created from a LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) dataset of terrestrial light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data representing the beach topography and sonar data representing the bathymetry to approximately 1.3 kilometers (0.8 miles) offshore. Average point spacing of the LAS files in the dataset are as follows: LiDAR, 0.137 m; multi-beam sonar, 1.029 m; single-beam sonar, 0.999 m. LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and...
This data release contains three 10-meter resolution GeoTIFFs representing 10-meter (35-foot), 30-meter (100-foot) and 90-meter (300-foot) riparian buffer zones along shorelines, rivers, streams, and other lotic (flowing) water features. The layers are binary, where the value of each cell represents the presence or absence of the buffer zone. In addition, the data release contains shapefile layers that document the extent of corrections that were made to the data to address errors in the stream network (see processing steps section for more details). The methodology combines various fine-scale input layers, including a 1:24k stream network and Chesapeake Bay 1-meter resolution Land Use/Land Cover to approximate...
Airborne geophysical surveys were acquired in March 2018 and May 25 through August 7, 2021 using a helicopter-based platform. These surveys were collected along 10,706 line-kilometers (line-km) within selected areas of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) and the Chicot Aquifer System in the southeastern United States. The airborne geophysical surveys include electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric sensor data collected in rivers and levees throughout the two areas to evaluate groundwater and surface-water interaction, riverine ecosystems, and infrastructure. This data release contains three child items that provide: Minimally processed (raw) data supplied by the airborne contractor (Xcalibur Multiphysics)...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: "Geomorphology"], "Hydrology", "Sedimentology", "Stratigraphy", "Water Resources", All tags...
A bathymetric survey of Blue Mountain Lake, Arkansas, was conducted in May 2017 by the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using methodologies for sonar surveys similar to those described by Wilson and Richards (2006). Point data from the bathymetric survey were merged with point data from an aerial LiDAR survey conducted in December 2010 for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Little Rock District. From the combined point data, a terrain dataset (a type of triangulated irregular network, or TIN model) was created in Esri ArcGIS for the lakebed within the extent of pool elevation 420 feet above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Products included...
For about 10 years, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has monitored water quality and streamflow in three agricultural drainage ditches in an effort to evaluate the influence of best management practices on water quality. These ditches are small tributaries to oxbow lakes located in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain of northwestern Mississippi--two sites (LWSR and LWT2) drain to Lake Washington and one site (BLT1) drains to Bee Lake. Streamflow was intermittent at these sites and the ditches were dry much of the year. When streamflow was present, flows were measured on 15-minute intervals and water-quality samples were collected over the course of the flow event using an automated sampler. These datasets were aggregated...
This dataset consists of altitudes of 18 springs located throughout the study area which were used in construction of the potentiometric-surface map. Springs were selected from the previously published report by Kresse and Hays (2009), and site reconnaissance. Surface-water features and springs represent the intersection of the groundwater-table with land surface. Spring altitudes were calculated from 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM) data (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015; U.S. Geological Survey, 2016) . Select References: Kresse, T.M., and Hays, P.D., 2009, Geochemistry, Comparative Analysis, and Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Thermal Waters East of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, 2006-09:...
Of the approximately 6.6 million people living in the Mississippi embayment (MISE) region in the central United States, approximately 65 percent rely on groundwater for their drinking water (Dieter, Linsey, and others, 2017). Regional assessments of water quality in principal aquifer systems provide context for the long-term availability of these water resources for drinking-water supplies. To assess the current (2018) status of water quality in MISE in relation to drinking water supplies, groundwater withdrawal zones used for domestic and public supply were modeled using available groundwater well and hydrogeologic framework data. Three dimensional surfaces were modeled to map the depth zones at which groundwater...
This dataset is a LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) dataset containing light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and sonar data representing the beach and near-shore topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. Average point spacing of the LAS files in the dataset are as follows: LiDAR, 0.137 meters (m); multi-beam sonar, 1.029 m; single-beam sonar, 0.999 m. The LAS dataset was used to create a 10-m (32.8084 feet) digital elevation model (DEM) of the approximately 5.9 square kilometer (2.3 square mile) surveyed area using the "LAS dataset to raster" tool in Esri ArcGIS, version 10.7. LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS...
The Chesapeake Bay Land Use and Land Cover Database (LULC) facilitates characterization of the landscape and land change for and between discrete time periods. The database was developed by the University of Vermont’s Spatial Analysis Laboratory in cooperation with Chesapeake Conservancy (CC) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as part of a 6-year Cooperative Agreement between Chesapeake Conservancy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a separate Interagency Agreement between the USGS and EPA to provide geospatial support to the Chesapeake Bay Program Office. The database contains one-meter 13-class Land Cover (LC) and 54-class Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) for all counties within or adjacent to the...
Bottom altitudes of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) were compiled from interpretations of subsurface geophysical logs (log picks) at about 10,000 boreholes and wells located throughout the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) that were available from previous investigations. Five sources of the bottom altitude data are listed numerically in the Cross Reference section (below) and correspond with the Ref_code listed in the .shp dataset. Borehole geophysical data (log picks) were referenced (corrected) to the National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM; Log picks that required a DEM correction of less than 20 feet were retained for...
A bathymetric survey of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas, was conducted in late April to mid-May, 2016, by the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center (LMG WSC) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using methodologies for sonar surveys similar to those described by Wilson and Richards (2006) and Richards and Huizinga (2018). Point data from the bathymetric survey were merged with point data from an aerial LiDAR survey conducted in December, 2010, that were provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Little Rock District. From the combined point dataset, a terrain dataset (a type of triangulated irregular network, or TIN, model) was created in Esri ArcGIS, version 10.5, for the area within the approximate extent...
This data release includes data-processing scripts, data products, and associated metadata for a study to model the hydrology of several hundred vernal pools (i.e., seasonal pools or ephemeral wetlands) across the northeastern United States. More information on this study is available from the project website. This data release consists of several components: (1) an input dataset and associated metadata document ("pool_inundation_observations_and_climate_and_landscape_data"); (2) an annotated R script which processes the input dataset, performs inundation modeling, and generates model predictions ("annotated_R_script_for_pool_inundation_modeling.R"); and (3) a model prediction dataset and associated metadata document...
These data include groundwater-level data from 59 wells measured from July to August 2017. Measured groundwater data are also available from the USGS National Water Information System (U.S. Geological Survey, 2018) Well locations were selected from three sources: previously reported sites (Kresse and Hays, 2009), site reconnaissance, and driller’s logs obtained from the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission driller database. Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, 2018, USGS water data for the Nation: U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System database, accessed 1 July 2017 at
This dataset contains 50-ft contours for the Hot Springs shallowest unit of the Ouachita Mountains aquifer system potentiometric-surface map. The potentiometric-surface shows altitude at which the water level would have risen in tightly-cased wells and represents synoptic conditions during the summer of 2017. Contours were constructed from 59 water-level measurements measured in selected wells (locations in the well point dataset). Major streams and creeks were selected in the study area from the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (U.S. Geological Survey, 2017), and the spring point dataset with 18 spring altitudes calculated from 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM) data (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015; U.S. Geological...
Benthic macroinvertebrate samples to evaluate before- and after-culvert construction phases were collected at seven study sites. Samples were collected in two reaches at each site, one upstream and one downstream of the culvert installation. Biological data for all seven sites (14 sample reaches) are included in this data release. In the summer of 2011, samples were collected from upstream and downstream reaches at six stream sites. Samples from Oakmulgee Creek, Northington Branch, Lye Branch, Mill Creek, and Kanetuche Creek represented conditions before culvert construction. The samples from the Tributary to Cahaba River represented conditions during construction since the culvert was already constructed and active...
A potentiometric surface map for spring 2016 was created for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer, which was referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), using most of the available groundwater-altitude data from wells and surface-water-altitude data from streamgages. Most of the wells were measured annually or one time, after installation, but some wells were measured more than one time in a year and a small number of wells were measured continually. Streamgages were typically operated continuously. The potentiometric surface map for 2016 was created as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Availability and Use Science Program to support investigations that characterize...
Two methods of calculating hydrologic alteration were applied to modeled daily streamflow data for 9,201 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC12) pour points draining to the Gulf of Mexico (Robinson and others, 2020). The first method is a new modified method of calculating ecosurplus and ecodeficit called hydro change. For this project, ecosurplus and ecodeficit have been combined to assess overall hydrologic regime change. The second method is the confidence interval hypothesis test (Kroll and others, 2015). The first method is a means of quantifying hydrologic alteration while the second is a hypothesis test to simply determine if statistically significant alteration has occurred. Both methods are employed to determine...
The dataset includes flood-frequency data and related files for 211 streamgages operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Louisiana and parts of the surrounding states of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas as well as assembled explanatory variables (physical, climatic, and land-use characteristics of the basins). The data in this release were used in generalized least-squares (GLS ) regression analyses (Stedinger and Tasker, 1985) to generate equations used to predict annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) at ungaged locations on streams in the study area (Ensminger and others, 2021). Flood-frequency analyses were conducted using annual peak-flow data from the 1877-2016 water years to estimate streamflows...

map background search result map search result map Bathymetry and Storage Capacity of Blue Mountain Lake, Arkansas. Bathymetry and Storage Capacity of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas Well Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Spring Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Hydrologic event-based water-quality and streamflow data for three oxbow tributaries in northwestern Mississippi, 2007-2016 (c) Surface-water altitude data, from streamgages, considered for the potentiometric surface map, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2016 Digital surfaces of the bottom altitude and thickness of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and site data within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region Groundwater withdrawal zones for drinking water from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and Mississippi embayment aquifers Contour Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Beach topography and near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Inundation observations and inundation model predictions for vernal pools of the northeastern United States LAS dataset of LiDAR and sonar data collected at Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Digital elevation model (DEM) of beach topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 XYZ files of LiDAR and sonar data collected at Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Assessment of hydrologic alteration at 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC12) pour points in the southeastern United States, 1950 - 2009 Benthic invertebrate data collected at selected new culvert installation locations in the East Gulf Coastal Plain of Alabama Flood-frequency of rural, non-tidal streams in Louisiana and parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas, 1877-2016 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric surveys of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain and Chicot Aquifer System, March 2018 and May - August 2021 Chesapeake Bay Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Database 2022 Edition Chesapeake Bay Watershed 1:24k 10, 30 and 90-meter Riparian Buffer Zones Digital elevation model (DEM) of beach topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Spring Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 LAS dataset of LiDAR and sonar data collected at Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 XYZ files of LiDAR and sonar data collected at Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Beach topography and near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, August 2019 Well Point Dataset of the Potentiometric Surface of Groundwater-Level Altitudes Near the Planned Highway 270 Bypass, East of Hot Springs, Arkansas, July-August 2017 Bathymetry and Storage Capacity of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas Hydrologic event-based water-quality and streamflow data for three oxbow tributaries in northwestern Mississippi, 2007-2016 Benthic invertebrate data collected at selected new culvert installation locations in the East Gulf Coastal Plain of Alabama Flood-frequency of rural, non-tidal streams in Louisiana and parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas, 1877-2016 Chesapeake Bay Watershed 1:24k 10, 30 and 90-meter Riparian Buffer Zones (c) Surface-water altitude data, from streamgages, considered for the potentiometric surface map, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2016 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric surveys of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain and Chicot Aquifer System, March 2018 and May - August 2021 Digital surfaces of the bottom altitude and thickness of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and site data within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain project region Groundwater withdrawal zones for drinking water from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and Mississippi embayment aquifers Chesapeake Bay Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Database 2022 Edition Inundation observations and inundation model predictions for vernal pools of the northeastern United States Assessment of hydrologic alteration at 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC12) pour points in the southeastern United States, 1950 - 2009