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In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for recreational-landscape irrigation uses in Florida was estimated at 398 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Withdrawals include water used for golf course and public and commercial landscape irrigation (parks, ball fields, highway medians, cemeteries, and other large-scale grass or landscaping areas) that have a consumptive water use permit from the local water management district specifically for golf course or landscape uses. This category does not include individual household lawn irrigation withdrawals. Fresh surface water accounted for 216 Mgal/d of the fresh water withdrawn while 182 Mgal/d was withdrawn from fresh groundwater sources. Palm Beach County accounted...
File AET2RET_Ratios.csv lists the AET to RET (actual to reference evapotranspiration) ratios, or AET/RET, used to calculate actual evapotranspiration for each land cover type. The daily measured AET data collected at the ET stations were used to calculate the monthly totals for each month of the year. These monthly AET totals were then used to calculate the average AET/RET monthly ratios for the land cover of the ET station by dividing the AET rates by the RET rates obtained from the Florida ET network (; USGS, 2016). The land cover types represented in these data are forest, grass, marsh, open water, ridge, urban, and agriculture. The AET/RET ratios for these land cover types were presented...
The actual evapotranspiration (AET) annual rates provided in shapefiles AET_SJR_Basin_Cells are for 2 km by 2 km cells in basins in east-central and northeast Florida. The AET rates are presented in the shapefiles for two methods: the Simplified Surface Energy Balance operational (SSEBop) method and for the land-cover type (LC) method. The period of record is 2000 to 2016 for the LC-based method and from 2000 to 2017 for the SSEBop-based method. The SSEBop AET rates are based on a work by Senay and others (2013). The LC-based AET rates were calculated from the AET/RET ratios listed in file AET2RET_Ratios.csv and the annual reference ET rates from 2000 to 2016. A third method used to calculate annual average AET...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for public supply in Florida was estimated at 2,385 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Water withdrawals include 2,215 Mgal/d of fresh water and 170 Mgal/d of saline water. Fresh groundwater accounted for 1,909 Mgal/d of the water withdrawn and 169 Mgal/d of the saline groundwater withdrawn for public supply. Miami-Dade County accounted for the largest amount of fresh groundwater withdrawn (339 Mgal/d), Hillsborough County accounted for the largest amount of fresh surface water withdrawn (135 Mgal/d) and all of the saline surface water withdrawn (1 Mgal/d), and Lee County accounted for the largest amount of saline groundwater withdrawn (28 Mgal/d). All of the saline water...
This data release provides data for quantifying the aquatic export of total carbon in a cypress swamp within the Big Cypress National Preserve, and is part of a larger carbon budget study. The U.S. Geological Survey operated two continuous streamflow and water-quality monitoring stations within the Big Cypress National Preserve in southern Florida from September 2015 to October 2017. Site-specific regression models were developed using continuously measured specific conductance and concomitant discretely collected total carbon (dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, and particulate carbon) samples to calculate continuous concentrations of total carbon. Total carbon loads were calculated by multiplying...
Measured AET monthly rates in file AET_Monthly_Totals.csv were calculated at these ET monitoring stations in central and east-central Florida: Duda Farms, Blue Cypress, Reedy Lake, Orlando Urban, Disney Preserve, Lyonia Preserve. The monthly AET rates measured at these sites are compared side by side with the monthly AET rates calculated using the SSEBop method. The SSEBop AET rates were obtained from Gabriel Senay, one of the authors of Savoca and others, 2013, where the SSEBop methodology is explained. The measured AET monthly rates at the ET sites are presented as another way to assess the reliability of the SSEBop AET rates. The Florida ET network grid pixel numbers used for this comparison are: Duda Farms -...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn in Florida was estimated at 15,319 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). This includes 9,598 Mgal/d of saline water and 5,721 Mgal/d of fresh water. Water for public supply accounted for the majority of fresh water withdrawn (2,215 Mgal/d) followed closely by agricultural self-supplied (2,089 Mgal/d) for 2015. The remaining fresh water was withdrawn for power generation (434 Mgal/d), commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied (409 Mgal/d), recreational-landscape irrigation (397 Mgal/d), and domestic self-supplied (177 Mgal/d). Water withdrawn for power generation accounted for the majority of saline water withdrawn (9,425 Mgal/d) for 2015, followed by public supply (170...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, mapped the approximate inland extent of saltwater intrusion in eastern Miami-Dade County in 2018. This approximation required acquisition and compilation of relevant data collected by the organizations: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA), Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), MacVicar Consulting Inc., Miami-Dade County Regulatory and Economic Resources (MD-RER), the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and the USGS. Data from the selected monitoring wells were entered into a geographic information system (GIS) for analysis and mapping. The approximate saltwater interface...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for power generation uses in Florida was estimated at 9,859 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Withdrawals include water used for once-through cooling, cooling pond augmentation, boiler make-up, and domestic uses at power facilities. Saline water accounted for 9,425 Mgal/d of the water withdrawn for power generation, while fresh water accounted for 434 Mgal/d of the water withdrawn for this category. Of the saline water, 9,396 Mgal/d was withdrawn from surface water sources and 29 Mgal/d was withdrawn from groundwater sources. Of the fresh water, 406 Mgal/d was withdrawn from surface water sources and 28 Mgal/d was withdrawn from groundwater sources. Pasco County accounted...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, mapped the approximate inland extent of saltwater intrusion in eastern Miami-Dade County in 2018. This approximation required acquisition and compilation of relevant data collected by the organizations: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA), Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), MacVicar Consulting Inc., Miami-Dade County Regulatory and Economic Resources (MD-RER), the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and the USGS. Data from the selected monitoring wells were entered into a geographic information system (GIS) for analysis and mapping. The approximate saltwater interface...
This data release provides data for dissolved organic carbon concentrations calculated for USGS station number 02292900, Caloosahatchee River at S-79, NR. Olga, FLA. A site-specific regression model was developed using continuously measured specific conductance and fluorescence of chromophoric dissolved organic matter and concomitant discretely collected dissolved organic carbon samples to calculate continuous concentrations of dissolved organic carbon.
Florida’s water resources have been managed by five water management districts since 1972. These five regional water management districts are the Northwest Florida, St Johns River, South Florida, Southwest Florida, and the Suwannee River. In 2015, the Southwest Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of saline water withdrawn (5,135 Mgal/d) and the South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of fresh water withdrawn (2,792 Mgal/d). The South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water withdrawn for public supply (1,118 Mgal/d), agricultural irrigation (1,380 Mgal/d), and recreation-landscape irrigation (263 Mgal/d), while the...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for agricultural irrigation uses in Florida was estimated at 2,089 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Withdrawals include water used for crop irrigation, freeze protection, livestock needs, and fish farming (aquaculture). Fresh surface water accounted for 1,078 Mgal/d of the fresh water withdrawn and1,011 Mgal/d was withdrawn from fresh groundwater sources. Palm Beach County accounted for the largest amount of fresh surface water withdrawn (513 Mgal/d), followed by Hendry County (257 Mgal/d), while Hendry County accounted for the largest amount of fresh groundwater withdrawn (123 Mgal/d) followed by Collier County (97 Mgal/d). No saline water was withdrawn for this category...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn in Florida was estimated at 15,319 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). This includes 9,598 Mgal/d of saline water and 5,721 Mgal/d of fresh water. The counties of Hillsborough (1,867 Mgal/d), Pasco (1,852 Mgal/d), St Lucie (1,559 Mgal/d), Palm Beach (1,341 Mgal/d), and Citrus (1,288 Mgal/d) accounted for most of the total water withdrawn in 2015. Pasco County withdrew the largest amount of saline water (1,775 Mgal/d) and Palm Beach withdrew the largest amount of freshwater (820 Mgal/d) in 2015.
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for self-supplied commercial-industrial-mining uses in Florida was estimated at 412 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Water withdrawals include 409 Mgal/d of fresh water and 3 Mgal/d of saline water. Fresh groundwater accounted for 298 Mgal/d of the fresh water withdrawn while the remaining 111 Mgal/d was withdrawn from fresh surface water sources. All of the saline water (3 Mgal/d) was withdrawn from surface water. Polk County accounted for the largest amount of fresh groundwater withdrawn (41 Mgal/d) followed by Taylor County (40 Mgal/d), while Putnam County accounted for the largest amount of fresh surface water withdrawn (24 Mgal/d) followed by Escambia County (23...
This data release contains the shapefiles and data associated with the assessment of the principal mechanisms affecting the hydrology and water-quality characteristics at Caño Boquerón in Cabo Rojo and at Puerto Mosquito on Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (PREQB), conducted a limnological study of these coastal waters to provide baseline information to the regulatory agencies responsible for the management and conservation of these coastal waters and the preservation of their aquatic life. Field measurements and water samples were collected and processed during July 2015–July 2016 for analysis of physical, chemical, biological,...
Actual evapotranspiration (AET) annual rates, from 2000 to 2017, for the Simplified Surface Energy Balance operational (SSEBop) method and from 2000 to 2016 for the land-cover based method, provided in shapefiles AET_SJR_Basin_Cells, are explained in the metadata file AET_SJR_Basins. The calculation of the annual average AET rates using a water-budget analysis (WBA) is explained in this metadata file referring to csv files for the eight basins in east-central and northeast Florida. A comparison of the average annual SSEBop AET rates and those derived from the WBA is then possible by using the average annual AET rates for each basin. The eight basins for which the WBA analysis was completed are: 1. St. Johns near...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, mapped the approximate inland extent of saltwater intrusion in eastern Miami-Dade County in 2018. This approximation required acquisition and compilation of relevant data collected by the organizations: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA), Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), MacVicar Consulting Inc., Miami-Dade County Regulatory and Economic Resources (MD-RER), the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and the USGS. Data from the selected monitoring wells were entered into a geographic information system (GIS) for analysis and mapping. The approximate saltwater interface...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for domestic self-supplied in Florida was estimated at 177 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). All of this water is from fresh groundwater sources. Duval County accounted for the largest amount of fresh groundwater withdrawn (13 Mgal/d) followed by Marion County (12 Mgal/d) and Lee County (11 Mgal/d). This category includes water withdrawn by households with a private well for drinking water purposes, but does not include water withdrawn from private wells used solely for lawn irrigation purposes.

    map background search result map search result map Data for the Hydrologic and Water-Quality Characterization of Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico, July 2015-July 2016 Table 1. Total water withdrawals by category in Florida, 2015 Table 2. Total water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 3. Public supply water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 4. Domestic self-supplied water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 5. Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 6. Agricultural irrigation water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 7. Recreational-landscape irrigation water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 8. Power generation water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 9. Water withdrawals by water management district in Florida, 2015 Actual evapotranspiration (AET) monthly rates from ET stations in central Florida and corresponding simplified surface energy balance operational AET rates Actual evapotranspiration annual rates from 2000 to 2017 in basins in east-central and northeast Florida. Actual to reference evapotranspiration (AET/RET) ratios for several land-cover types in east-central Florida Water-budget analyses to calculate actual evapotranspiration in 8 basins in east-central and northeast Florida from 2000 to 2017 Data Pertaining to Mapping the Approximate Inland Extent of Saltwater at the Base of the Biscayne Aquifer in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2018 Table of Data Pertaining to Mapping the Approximate Inland Extent of Saltwater at the Base of the Biscayne Aquifer in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2018 Shapefile showing the approximate inland extent of saltwater interface in the Biscayne aquifer in 2018, Miami-Dade County, Florida Calculated Carbon Concentrations, Franklin Lock and Dam (S-79), south Florida, 2014-2017 Calculated carbon concentrations, loads, and export in Big Cypress National Preserve, South Florida, 2015-2017 Calculated Carbon Concentrations, Franklin Lock and Dam (S-79), south Florida, 2014-2017 Calculated carbon concentrations, loads, and export in Big Cypress National Preserve, South Florida, 2015-2017 Data Pertaining to Mapping the Approximate Inland Extent of Saltwater at the Base of the Biscayne Aquifer in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2018 Table of Data Pertaining to Mapping the Approximate Inland Extent of Saltwater at the Base of the Biscayne Aquifer in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2018 Shapefile showing the approximate inland extent of saltwater interface in the Biscayne aquifer in 2018, Miami-Dade County, Florida Data for the Hydrologic and Water-Quality Characterization of Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico, July 2015-July 2016 Actual evapotranspiration (AET) monthly rates from ET stations in central Florida and corresponding simplified surface energy balance operational AET rates Actual to reference evapotranspiration (AET/RET) ratios for several land-cover types in east-central Florida Water-budget analyses to calculate actual evapotranspiration in 8 basins in east-central and northeast Florida from 2000 to 2017 Actual evapotranspiration annual rates from 2000 to 2017 in basins in east-central and northeast Florida. Table 1. Total water withdrawals by category in Florida, 2015 Table 2. Total water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 3. Public supply water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 4. Domestic self-supplied water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 5. Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 6. Agricultural irrigation water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 7. Recreational-landscape irrigation water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 8. Power generation water withdrawals by County in Florida, 2015 Table 9. Water withdrawals by water management district in Florida, 2015